This Is An S.O.S.


"Are you wearing a corset!?" were the first words said to me by Drew. He interrupted my talking about the Smashing Pumpkins.

"Yesss" I said like Napoleon Dynamite.

Today, we were to do a writing test. I went to my science class with Megan to take it. I found out that we were going to have to go there for STAR testing at the end of the year. That made me so mad. The teacher yells at us for no reason. Nobody was talking, and he made us stay in for brunch.

When the bell rang, people started talking. He started yelling that we weren't going to leave until it got quiet. When it did get completely quiet, he still didn't let us go.

Outside, everyone was at this giant bench thing. I guess we couldn't go to Mr. Schulman's room. I brought Josh over and asked what Kathy or Brittany thought of his hair. He got it cut, and it's all short except for his bang.

Josh left, and Brittany brought me with her to buy food. I bought a water and some Cheez Its. We went back and started to eat. The bell rang.

I walked to science slowly. The door was locked. I walked back to the big garden thing in the middle of the classes. I sat on it. "Its locked huh?" Travis said and tried to open the door. It didn't open, so he came to me and sat.

The teacher walked by and made Travis pick up these cans and wash them out. They were on the ground.

Lunch came, and I tried to eat. I felt like crap. A stuffy nose and a fever is what I had. I ate part of my pretzel and ran to Kirsten.

At the courts, Travis and Erin were sitting down. They were waiting for Megan, who had the ball. I sat and started messing with my phone when the rest came.

Every time I threw the ball from afar, someone would block it. Travis kept getting in my way, like we were playing football. He forgot that I'm stronger than the other girls there. I pushed him out of my way and got to the wall.

Kathy called out that I got both of mt t's which was a complete lie. I only got one t. Because she called it out, everyone else ganged up on me and forced me to the wall. I got hit all three times this time. It hurt more than last time, and that was through the padding of my jacket.

Travis had to go too. Every time he got hit, he'd rub wherever the ball touched.

After art, I got Josh and went to bug Frank. I then went to bug Jeneva with Josh. As soon as we showed up, Travis got all grumpy and started talking about how he hates Josh because he changes his hair a lot. All Josh did was dye his hair, then cut it funny. I think Travis was jealous, he got all grumpy when I hugged Josh too.