This Is An S.O.S.

That's Mean!

Megan and I waited for Travis. She needed help with her homework, and I didn't finish it. We three walked to the courts together. I was freaking out about how my mom let me get The Whitest Kids U' Know on my iPod.

"Get out the balls so we can play." Megan looked over." No, nevermind."

"I've got something to play with." I said.

"Don't get out the balls!" I got out my iPod. "Oh." I showed them both the Dinosaur Rap, then we talked about stuff.

"That reminds me." I said to Travis. "I haven't played Guitar Hero in a while."

"Guitar Hero is pimp." He said.

At brunch, Sam and I talked about stuff. Travis was chasing Megan to poke her. Ronald was sitting on my desk while I was sitting in it... Ew. I started to think that by the time spring break is over, Megan is going to be going out with Travis. She's all of a sudden been hugging him, even talking to him. Before, she was invisible to him. She doesn't even really talk to anyone anymore besides him. It makes me feel like crap.

"Can you hurt my cousin for me?" I asked Travis after gym.

"Yeah. Where is he?"

"Kentucky. He's about as tall as Tyler, but white." He laughed.

At lunch, Megan pretty much ignored me again. She ran to Kathy, then told me to run instead of a nice hello. Kirsten was being a bitch again. She wouldn't lept us use her ball, so we used mine. One of the balls had 'mine' on it, the other had 'yours'. We used 'yours'. I was doing the splits with Sam when Travis walked by. "Woah." He said. It was kind of funny because I wasn't even that far down. I'm not flexible at all. I can't even touch my toes. Kirsten thought it was okay to come play with my ball. I found that mean.

On the way to science, Travis started poking me again. Jake started asking about what color my eyes were, and if they were brown or green. I like to say they're bisexual. Green and brown at the same time. Jacob walked over and wiped his hand on my face. "I use that hand for jacking off."

In science, Jeneva told me that I wasn't Mr. Dougherty's only favorite to perv on. Brianna T. is another person too. He said something to her about how people who wear glasses are hot and look like secretaries gone wild. Brianna T. wears glasses. All through class, the teacher was picking on Jeneva and I. We weren't even anywhere near as loud as some other people.

After class, I was walking to History. Something just told me to turn around. I kept ignoring that little voice in my head. When I did turn around, Travis was standing there, and started tickling me. "That's mean!." I whined.

"It's one of the nicer things I've done."

After school, I had to run to catch up to Travis who was walking with Megan. Megan told me that she almost screamed during class because he poked her. Megan and I both hid by Travis because we saw Tyler. I poked Derek, making him freak out. Megan, Travis, and I laughed because he didn't know who poked him. After Megan left, Travis started poking me again.

"Apox on you. Hey, at least I didn't say bitch."

"I don't really care."

"Okay! Apox on you, bitch!" I was going to call him a bitch back, but kept it in. "Gay people are cool, except they don't buy video games. They buy shoes."

"Some lesbian people are grumpy." We talked more about lasbian and gay people.