This Is An S.O.S.


I got to school late again. I didn't know my step siblings were over last night. Hopefully Travis wouldn't be there and Megan would be waiting for me. As I got there, she started leaving to the courts. I'm guessing she saw my car.

On the way to the courts, she told me that she'd be listening to her iPod. I needed to do homework anyway. I told Megan to kick me when Travis got there. I needed him to give me my homework back.

At brunch, Jacob asked me "How do you catch a bear?"

I knew this was one of those stupid jokes, so I said "Why would it matter how you catch a bear? That would pretty much never come in handy."

"Nevermind." He went to Frank's old desk. I sat in my old desk and ate my lollipop. Jacob did the joke thing on Erin. I found out that the joke was getting her to say 'I masterbate'.

I invited Erin and Kathy to my birthday party. "I'm not coming." Travis said. "You didn't bring me any fried chicken from Kentucky."

"I couldn't get you any! My grampa ate it all!"

Erin told us about how Jessica's new boyfriend-Tyler Pearlman- is prude and she wants to break up with him. All brunch, there was about six of the regular fourteen of us.

Travis came up to me during gym. He didn't have to do anything, and neither did I. "This is kind of funny." I said, motioning to the fight between Sam and Allison over Nicole. "Allison wants her to go with her to play with the rackets. Sam wants Nicole to stay." We watched until they were done. Nicole went with Allison. Travis did that joke on Sam. She didn't fall for it.

At lunch, Travis got all of his letters. He sagged his shorts more than they were as a joke. He got nailed in the ass really hard.

In science, I gave Jessica my papers to give to the teacher. "Jessica's crazy." Travis whispered to me while she was busy giving my papers to the teacher. "She thinks she's pregnant."

The teacher found out I'm scared of him. It was really funny. I did the most horrible lie about why I couldn't give him my papers.

After school, I hurried to the front. Travis had english, which usually lets you out as soon as the bell rings. I speed walked until I was in front of Travis. "Hey, Alex." He said from behind. I turned around. "Wait up. I got your papers."

"I told Megan to kick me to remind me to remind you to give them back."

"I didn't even use them." He gave me my papers. "They're going to get more crumpled." He saw me just shove them into my backpack.

"Yup. I don't need them so..."

"Hi Alexis." Joseph said from behind.

"OH. My. GOD. Stop stalking me!"

"I haven't seen you in like... A week!"

"I've seen you around school..."

"Can I blow up that one guy who has black hair that looks brown?" Travis asked.

"But then I wouldn't have a neighbor to bug."

"You'd get some fireworks though."

"Yeah." Ronald started talking to us.

"You thought my sister was a dude." Travis said to Ronald. "I'm going to tell on you."