This Is An S.O.S.

I was sick yesterday.

Travis was wearing his Hollister-ish shirt and his tight pants. Sam was mad at me for not going to school yesterday. When you spend three days on a toilet, it's best to not go to school.

Erin had to go get the ball. "Don't catch it." Travis whispered to me. I had to catch it. I have this thing to where I feel guilty when I don't catch the ball for someone.

"Can I trust you?" she asked me. I nodded, and she threw it. The second time, I almost didn't catch it. Travis was ready to give us a letter.

At brunch, Megan and Travis were poking. I attempted poking too, but I hurt my left hand on Sunday. Using your right hand to poke is hard. Travis got a few side pokes in before the bell rang. I got on the side ledge thing behind Travis and started lightly poking Megan on the shoulder. I started poking harder to the commercial. I had the one with their possey getting laughed at. He turned around and almost side poked me. I poked Erin while my hands were in my jacket, so there was this sticking out spot where my finger was. "That's not where your erection goes." Travis said.
When the bell rang, Joseph started following me. I speed walked backwards to get away from him. "I hope you fall!" travis yelled at me.

"I probably will." I said back.

After school, he walked right past me again. I was talking to Georgina. Last time I was talking to Georgina, he waited. I ran to poke him on the back. Just as I got to him, he turned around and poked me on the shoulder. "It's funny when I poke you in the sides. You go like this." He acted like me being tickled.

"That's mean. I get that enough from my mom." Akward silence... "I might be crippled. I hurt my wrist, and my mommy's gonna take me to the doctor." Another akward silence.

"Bye." Travis got in his car.