This Is An S.O.S.


The guys were wearing all white today. Drew, Travis, and Ronald were all white. Travis went to prep, Ronald was being creepy, and Megan asked Drew if he was going to Erin's par-tay.

On the way to class, Kathy, Megan, and I talked about random things. Kathy wanted to sue the gym teacher for making us do gym in nintey degree weather.

Travis watched us in gym. We were playing softball. Barely anyone could play. I could catch and throw, Kathy couldn't do anything. After class, Travis poked me and stuff. We talked about Kathy's dollar coins. The machine was being a dillweed.

At brunch, Megan sat between me and Travis. He said he couldn't go to Erin's par-tay because his dad had appointments, and that he had to watch his sister. Erin said his sister could go too, but he said that his dad is just an a-hole. I gave Travis half of my rice krispy treat.

After school, Travis started talking in his irish accent. He knows it creeps me out. Then he started going all "Sac le bleu" on everyone. I know I probably spelled it wrong, but you know what I mean. I showed mt art to people. It's a kitty.