This Is An S.O.S.

Complete Awesomeness

I was showing Sam the dolphin song when Travis came. He was wearing that Hollister-ish shirt again. He walked right by and put his backpack down. Megan hugged him, and they all talked about stuff.

At brunch, Megan sat between Me and Travis again. I showed Kathy the Hitler Rap. Jake laughed because he calls Kathy a nazi, then he took my Wheat Thins.

When lunch came around, Jacob was making weird noises while pulling my backpack. At the courts, we sat until Travis came, then we started playing. Megan and Kathy invited Seth back.

At one point, everyone was talking to Seth except for Megan, Travis, Ronald, and I. Travis turned around and looked at me. I was leaning against the wall that was against the bushes, and thinking about stuff. "Hi." I said.

"Alex.... Can I have a hug?" he asked. Megan laughed. I took one step up and hugged him. He smells like Axe. My heart started racing. A hug is the equivalent to a kiss if you're me. I guess I ended that with a big smile, because Megan said something about someone laughing. This Reminded me of Twilight where Edward's scent makes Bella forget.

After school, Travis talked to Connor, then this other guy who he knows. When that guy he knows left, he talke started making conversation with me. "Alex." He said.

"What." It was all gay-baby-awkward-silence until he asked me.

"Guess what." I guess he doesn't feel comfortable in awkward silences.


"I dunno." More silence. Travis got in his car. I was lucky my mom didn't give me crap about him like she usually does.