This Is An S.O.S.

I wanna see!

Today was weird. Like everyone knew something that I didn't. People were all quiet every once in a while, and looking at me funny. When Jake came, everyone ignored whatever thay thought was wrong, and started being nice.

At brunch, I showed Megan this picture that I have of me. I'm wearing a pajama top that I bought in the fourth grade. "I wanna see!" Travis whined.

"Nah." I said. "You are not ready for this embarassment."

At lunch, I showed Erin and Jessica the picture. Travis kept bugging the crapadoodles out of me. He said hed poke me until I showed him.

After school, Travis had to talk to Mr. Patterson, and I had to go to Mrs. McHorney's office to get my phone back. She's actually pretty cool. She knew who Snape was, unlike any other teacher.

I had to run to catch up to him. He left way earlier than me, and didn't wait. I pretty much ran for nothing. Travis said "hi." And we just walked next to each other.