Haunting Memories

Chapter one: New School

There was a loud banging on the door and Jenna's head popped up. She said, "Come in," and went back to packing her suitcase. It was her oldest and bestest friend Mark. He simply said, "So I see your not ready," Jenna smiled and said, "I'm almost done. Don't rush me boy! It might be the last thing you ever do!" She tried to look fierce but with him prettending to be scared... Well she couldn't help but laugh.
He hugged her and said, "Well you better hurry France and Terresa don't like to be late," She hugged him back and said, "Well it's a miracle they were this tolrate of me," Mark just put his head down and went to lean against the wall. "It's my fault your even here," he mumbled. Jenna is now a little annoyed and said, "No it isn't! Your a great friend. It isn't your fault my father is a good for nothing bastard," He was so determined to make her see things his way. "Well if I wan't in such a hurry, maybe, just maybe things would be better. Then you wouldn't have to bare the scars of that day," As he said this he walked over to her and began tracing the scar that ran from her nose all the way down to her jaw. Jenna knew no guy would even touch her because of the scar that reminds her of what her father did. She finally responded, "It wouldn't have mattered. You would jsut bare scars too, or be dead. Now neither of those things I would like to have happen to you. So stop blaming yourself, because..." Her voice trailed off but she soon regained the strength to speak without crying." Because I don't blame you. I never have and never will!"
Mark smiled. It was a dazzeling smile. It was a smile that at the sight of it would take your breath away. He hugged Jenna again and said, "Someday. Someday you will frind that looks at the beautiful you and instantly falls for you." She laughed and flopped on the futon couch. Still laughinh she answered him with a sarcastic look. Then she said, " That is if any guy thinks scars are beautiful. See I lost my beauty four years ago," He looked sad that she couldn't shee what she looked like through his eyes. He finally answered her by saying, " I mean your inner beauty. Who you are inside not what you look like. that is what I mean!" Jenna just laughed and said sarcastically, "Yeah sure," What she ment was yeah right that ain't gonna happen. What Mark took it as was yeah sure your right.
Mark always seem to thinnk he was right. Although 9 out of 10 times he was wrong. He just is so confident it's funny. She went back to packing while Mark sifted through her cd collection. Jenna had all types of music in her cd collection. She had Tokio hotel, Attack! attack!, Offspring, simple plan, Hinder, Nickleback, Carrie Underwood, Brad Paisley, Jamie Fox, Pit Bull, Jay Sean, and a hell of a lot more. Jenna is one of those people who don't really care what type of musicit is, just as long as there is music playing. Jenna can't live without music. It gets her through her rough times. Without music she would have died long before four years ago.
Mark grabbed cds and tossed them on the bed for Jenna to pack. Annoyed she said, "What the hell are you doing?" He laughed and said, " We need good music!" Jenna laughed and packed his so called "good music". She wasn't even paying attention to what she was packing.
When she finished she grabbed her ipod. She never goes anywhere without that thing. she also made she had her pocket knife. She made sure not to let Mark see it. If he saw she packed it he would expect the worst. He would think she was cutting again. But she stopped cutting once the nightmares stopped. All he knew was that she stopped. He never knew why she started or why she stopped. It was normal for people in her situation to feel depressed. Although what she felt wasn't deperession. It was lonelyness cause no one knew, no one understood what she was going through. She felt depressed as well but it was severly deep depression. She is lucky she could hide it fom Mark for so long.
They walked out to the car where Mr. and Mrs. Winager were waiting for them. They put their stuff in the trunk and got in the back of the suv. Mr. and Mrs. winager put the christian station on the radio. This station always bugged Jenna. It always talked about sin and what not to do and what to do. What is a model idea for a person should be. Yet Jenna is as far from a model person as you can get. Yeah, yeah I know god sent his son to wash away out sins, Jenna though. But what about those who don't deserve to be forgivin like my father? Jenna asked herself this over and over. That retched night replaying in her mind. Everytime they play this station, which is 24/7. But everytime they play this station Jenna gets to relive that night that has haunted her dreams for far too long.
The car stopped outside the school Mark and Jenna would be attending. The thing is most people in this school are bad kids. Well not most, all are bad kids. They have to do some serious damage to get put in here. Jenna and Mark's friends Joan and Lyla were sent here two months ago. Since Lyla started dating Joan well lets just say she has gotten even more troublesome. Jenna's phone was going off because she was recieving a text message. And from who? No one other then the one and only Lyla herself. It read,
When you gonna be here? I need to know. Me and Joan miss you terribly.
- Lyla
~L+J 4 life~
Lyla had always been a little weird. Jenna replyed quickly and it said
Calm down. We are here now. No getting freaky with Joan. Maybe after out reunion. Well ttyl see you soon.
*Devil child*
Lyla never replyed so Jenna prayed Lyla read the message. Ha funny prayed even though she can't stand the god stuff. Suddenly a message came in.
Who is to say we won't while your coming in? Who is to say we haven't already? LOL! See you soon.
- Lyla
~L+J 4 life~
Jenna didn'f feel the need to reply. She just laughed and Mark turned towards her with confusion written all over his face.she showed him the textes and he rolled his eyes and laughed. He whispered to her, "You know I don't want you hanging out with Joan" She looked mad. She doesn't like people telling her what to do. She kept her voice low but demanded to know. "Why not!?" He didn't like the idea of explaining to her what Joan told him in secretcy. Mark knew once Jenna knew what Joan told him she would leave him alone forever. He was debating still weither or not to tell her when she demanded again, "Why not!?" Mark finally knew what he must do.