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New Hearts


Katsumi looked at his students as they waited for the second team to arrive at the gate. He leaned back on the walls of the gate, and watched his team. Miwa was getting anxious, Takeshi had his hands in his pockets like always, and Ryuu was leaning against the gate as well. Miwa was the first to talk.

“Why aren’t we heading off already?” Miwa whined.

“We’re waiting for Team Two to come.” Katsumi took out a cigarette. “They should be here any minute.”

Miwa looked at Takeshi, then at Ryuu and, sighed. Why did both of her teammates have to be so quiet? Sure Takeshi was her best friend, and she did kind of have a crush on Ryuu, but it didn’t mean she wasn’t getting bored. Where was their excitement for life?

She finally got tired of the quiet and decided to do something about it. She got up and spoke. “Sensei, I’ll be back in five minutes.” She left before her Sensei could tell her otherwise.

Takeshi watched as she left.

“Where is she going?” He heard Katsumi-Sensei ask.

“I may hang out with her a lot but that doesn’t mean I how her inner workings.” He replied and started to walk toward the direction Miwa went off in.

“Hey! Where are you going?” Katsumi called after Takeshi.

“I’m bringing her back!” He heard his star student say. He looked at Ryuu. “I thought he said he didn’t know her inner mind workings?”

Ryuu shrugged his shoulders. “I should go and make sure they come back.” Ryuu said as he started to walk off.

“Oh no you don’t.” He felt his sensei’s hand on his shoulder. He wanted to go, but of course he obeyed.

Katsumi sighed. At least he was able to control one member of his team.

“Katsumi where’s your team?” He jumped up at the sound of Hoshi’s voice.

“They went to go...” He didn’t know where they had headed off too. “They went that way.” He pointed at direction where Takeshi and Miwa had walked off too.

“Takeshi went after Miwa.” Ryuu said.

“Miwa?” Hoshi thought for a minute. “Lord Hokage’s daughter?”

Katsumi nodded his head. “She seemed bored and she left…to go do something. What I have no idea.”

“Typical Miwa.” Akane said as she walked up to the jounin. “She’ll come back…I think.”

Katsumi sighed. “I’m too old for this.” He rubbed his forehead trying to get rid of his headache, that Miwa caused. “You really think she’ll come back?”

“She’s always been like this.” Akane explained. “One minute she’s, here the next she’s gone.” She sat next to Kiyoshi.

Ryuu agreed. “And besides, Takeshi is bringing her back.”

Katsumi sighed again. Trust the Uchiha to bring the girl? He had to. “Well, let’s start going.”

“Shouldn’t we wait for Miwa and Takeshi?” Hoshi asked.

Ryuu started walking off. “They’ll find us. Eventually.”

Katsumi caught up with Ryuu. “They’ll be fine.”

Hoshi didn’t like how Katsumi taught his students. He had no control of them what so ever. He’s a good jounin and he was known through out the world as the Black Night, since he attacked at night and in the morning a town could be in ruins. Not to mention he was also her team mate when she was genin.

Akane started walking with Kiyoshi and Hayato. “Do you think they’ll find us?” Kiyoshi asked, concerned.

“At least Takeshi isn’t here.” Hayato said with a big grin on his face.
“You idiot!” Takeshi scolded Miwa as they ran toward the gate. “You know you can’t just run off just before a mission!”

Miwa stopped in the middle of the road. “I’m sorry but I was bored, and I wanted some pocky!” She held up her box of pocky sheepishly. “I was going to share with you!” She shouted after Takeshi and took off again. “Honestly, I don’t know why you’re so mad. I didn’t do anything! ” She pouted.

Takeshi stopped at the gate. “See, they left without us!” He glared at her and took off after Katsumi. “I can’t believe you can be so immature!” He looked over at her. “You just can’t do stuff like that. What if we’re on the mission? You could have cost your teammates lives.”

“Well we weren’t on a mission. What’s the big deal anyways?” She asked. “Why do you always have to be so hard on me? You’re not my father or my brother!” She said back.

Takeshi stopped. “You have no idea how much danger you are in. You know that thing you have dreams about. Well I asked Shikamaru about it. He looked nervous and then he told me that he needed to make a phone call. Do you know who he called? He called Neji-sensei and Ten-Ten-sensei.”

“So what? They’re his friends.” Miwa was getting annoyed with him.

“Miwa! They talked about nine-tails! The thing that attacked the leaf village a long time ago, and the reason why the Akasuki attacked us in the first place! The thing your grandfather was sealed with. Well its in you Miwa. You’re in danger.”

Miwa didn’t look at him. “I know that.” She took a breath. “Shikamaru told me yesterday. The alliances wanted them to be sealed in people again as a treaty of some type because the village hidden in Rain had sealed it in someone and the others found out. So as a way to stop another war from coming they put the biju inside of people again. I was one of the lucky few.” She laughed a little. “He also told me not to tell my father about knowing, though I kind of figured it out last year when the thing started talking to me.”

“This isn’t something to laugh at!” Both of them stopped. He grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her, trying to make her understand the situation she was in. “You’re going to be targeted just like your Naruto-sensei was!” Takeshi said desperately.

“I know!” Miwa shouted at him. Takeshi was shocked by the outburst. “I know Takeshi…” She said, quieter than before. “I know that they targeting me, and they want nine-tails. But I’m not going to let them have it! I’m going to be strong and do this on my own.” She didn’t say anything for a bit. “Hey, there’s Katsumi-sensei.” She pointed out.
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comment and enjoy and edited by the lovely Sheikara