The Red on White

When The Levee Breaks.

I waited in English for Dennis...I was going to explain to him what happened. I knew I could trust Dennis. He was the only real friend I had here...apart from Arnie. I was the first in the class; sitting at my desk and wiping my eyes.

"Dear, are you alright?" Mrs. Bateman asked me.
"...M-me? Y-yeah...I-I'm fine..." I sniffled.
"You can go see the school counselor, if you'd like...I can even send you there with Mr. Guilder if it would make you more comfortable..."

Woah...was she being nice?

"Alright, thank you ma'am. It would be nice to talk to someone." I lied, knowing fully well Dennis and I would be skipping the morning classes. Screw History and Biology, I'd talk to Arnie later...Besides, I wasn't ready to face him yet...

Dennis arrived soon after, just as Mrs. Bateman was writing us hall passes and class slips. I winked at Dennis, who seemed very confused. As soon as she handed us these, we rushed off to the office, handed in the slips and told the secretary we were going on a school field trip. The dumb bimbo believed us and we ran out.

Finally free!!!

Dennis and I both got into his car, speeding off into town.

"Will you tell me what just happened there?" He asked, giggling.
"I just got us out of class for free!...I'm sorry I ran off...let's go have a good breakfast and I promise to explain everything."
Dennis nodded and kept driving. Finally, we arrived at a small diner in the middle of nowhere and we both got out of the parked car.

Entering and getting seated in the far back, we both looked at the menus to see what was good to eat.
"Can I start y'all off with something to drink?" The Southern accented waitress asked.
"I'll have a coffee, sugar and cream on the side..." Dennis said, smiling at her.
"I'll just have some orange juice, thank you." I said and she jotted that down.
"Okay, so a coffee, sugar and cream and an orange juice. I'll be right back with that." She smiled at both of us. I figure she thinks we're a couple.

"So, did you kiss Arnie? He called me last night, gushing all about his first kiss..." Dennis was smirking at me.
"Yeah, I did...I told you, I really like him."
"And I told you, he really likes you! But of course not, no one believes Dennis sireebob!" We both chuckled.
The waitress came back, placing our drinks on the table.
"Have you figured out what y'all would like yet?"

Dennis ordered pancakes with bacon, I ordered a cheese and ham omelet with sausage on the side. As we waited for our food, I told Dennis about living Ohio, how Mark and his buddies used to pick on me all my life...they killed my fucking dog and how they fucking raped me countless times...

"...I'm sorry, I didn't know." Dennis said, placing his hand on top of mine.
I smiled through my tears; "It's alright. I'm living with you guys now, I'm much more happy..."

Little did I know...horror was about to strike soon.
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Next chapter will be in Christine's P.O.V ;D So watch out for that...