The Red on White

"Now that we're seniors, I think it's time we get you...y'know,laid!"

I rushed to get dressed.It was the first day of senior year at high school.Dennis would be here to pick me up soon.

I finally grabbed the garbage bag that my dad told me to bring out.I rushed out to my mom, when the bag broke.I sighed gently.Why did these things happen to me?

I finally got into the car.Dennis drove off and my mom yelled something, but the music was blasting so there was no way we could have heard her.

"You guys in some kind of war or what?" Dennis asked.
"Just something that happened last night. We were playing Scrabble...neck in neck, we blew my dad away earlier in the game.I had two choices, Ratio...which gave me five lousy points, or..." I trailed off.
"Or what?" Dennis asked.
"Or fellatio.Which gave me double points.She wouldn't let me have it.She said it's the 70's and it doesn't count.I looked it up in the dictionary and it's in there!" I explained.
He laughed.

"You that we're seniors, I think it's time we get you... y'know laid!" Dennis suggested.
I looked at him bewildered.
We continued our conversation.It didn't end that well.

We got to school and I tried opening my locker, which I usually have a hard time with.Roseanne appeared and started flirting with Dennis.I mocked her and Dennis stiffled his laughter.

"Did you see the new girl?" Bemis asked Dennis.
"No.Whats her name?"
"I don't know but she looks smart but she has the body of a slut."
"Oh yeah?"I asked curiously.
"There's another girl,too. She looks depressed, but I'd bang her." Bemis continued.
Thats when I noticed the girl he was talking about...the depressed girl.She was gorgeous.
She had the locker next to mine...
♠ ♠ ♠
I now know the guy's name, it's Bemis.