The Red on White

Somebody To Love.

The rest of the day was pretty great, besides being new at school. A lot of glances and glares, a lot of snickering and whispering. Some girl asked me why I was hanging out with the dweeb. I looked around and asked her "What dweeb?". She laughed at me and told me to go make babies with Cunningham.

I finally got to my locker before lunch and after History III. Fuck, this is hell. I mean, I have new friends...that girl, Leigh Cabot. She's really sweet. I think she likes Arnie though, so I better watch out.

I unlocked my locker, shoved my History textbook inside and looked over to see Dennis. We shared a smile and I sighed heavily.

"Are they being tough on you?" He asked, nodding his head in the direction of many students in the hall.
"You wouldn't believe it! I know I'm different, but damn, it's the 70's!" I shouted and he laughed.
"C'mon, let's go have lunch." He said and we walked to where he and Arnie would usually sit, the bleachers outside.

When Arnie didn't appear in five minutes, Dennis went looking for him. He told me to wait there, but I don't usually listen to people. Two minutes later, I followed Dennis. We were in the Auto shop garage. I stayed close to the door, but I saw about three guys around Arnie. One of the guys kind of looked like Jim Morrison. Dennis was defending Arnie and the guys were tormenting them.

"Leave him alone!" I shouted, and came out of my hiding place. Dennis looked at me shocked and Arnie was happy.
"Ohhh, you need your little girlfriend to defend you, don't you?" The Jim-Morrison look alike said.
"Fuck off, man! If you pick on him, it means you're jealous. How old are you, twenty-two?" I asked, enraged.
"Get that little bitch!" He yelled, but soon a teacher appeared.

That's when I realized, Arnie's glasses were on the floor, smashed. That guy was going to get it, whatever his name is.

Anyways, he got into trouble. Expelled, I think. Arnie thanked me and I just blushed. Gosh, he's a cutie...

I walked to Math IV with Dennis, who seemed to be proud of being in my presence.
"You really mouthed off to Buddy today." He said and I smirked.
"His name is Buddy?" I snickered.
"Yeah, he thinks he's real tough...but you proved him wrong."

Math went by quickly, then it was study hall, which I had with Leigh. My last class was Health IV. Arnie was in my class. Just my luck, they began the sexuality theme. Why do we have this theme every year? I mean, sure, some bitch is dumb enough to get pregnant 'cause she didn't listen in class, but still.

I sat by him and the teacher took note of that. Damn teachers, they're always observing me like some god damn animal.

"Hey...thanks for earlier." He said and smiled.
"No problem, Arnie. That guy is a dumb prick."
"Ms. Kulick, would you like to introduce yourself?" The teacher asked and I blushed.
"Yeah, sure...why not?" I said and got up.

"I'm Raven Kulick, I'm 17, originally from Ohio. I enjoy horror movies and good music." I sat down afterward, and the lesson went on. It was kind of embarrassing, learning about condoms and stuff, and sitting next to Arnie. My mind wandered. Was Arnie a virgin? Was he good in bed?

He looked at me, and smiled. My blush got much more darker. He chuckled silently and turned away.

I just embarrassed myself...