The Red on White

"If being a kid is about learning how to live, then being a grown-up is about learning how to die."

The next day, I saw Arnie in Biology. He seemed distant and sort of angry. I just sat down beside him and pulled out my notebook. Not even two minutes later, the bell rang signaling the start of classes. I began to take notes and soon felt a note flicked onto my desk.

Hey Raven, sorry for seeming so standoffish...I had an argument with my parents last night...

I recognized Arnie's fancy penmanship. I scribbled my response on the page and passed it back. My penmanship was much more horrible...

I got a new car and they didn't like it...Wanna come with me after school to Darnell's to see it? If not, that's alright...

I looked at him and smiled. He took it as a yes, I hoped. Soon, we both just continued taking notes. The bell rang 55 minutes later, and I headed off to History. I'd talk to Leigh during the whole class, because I didn't like History one bit.

I walked to my locker with Arnie, and saw Dennis grinning. Oh, he was totally up to something. I just shrugged it off and opened my locker with ease. Arnie always had trouble with his, so I helped him. I shoved my Biology book in and grabbed my History one. This would be a long hour, I know it.

"I'll see you at lunch, alright?" I asked both boys. A smile lit up on Arnie's face and Dennis' grin got bigger.
"Guilder, just what are you up to?" I asked, and he smirked.
"I'll tell you in Math."
I rolled my eyes and turned around. I walked on towards History when I heard Dennis and Arnie talking.

"Did you ask her out?!", definitely Dennis.
"Sorta, I asked her to come see Christine with me after maybe I can make a move or something."
A sigh, from Dennis, of course.
"That will do...for now."

Dennis Guilder, you are sneaky!