The Red on White

Foxy Lady.

I walked to my locker, where Arnie was casually leaning against it. God, he looked so handsome…no, he looked sexy. My mind was overlapped with thoughts of Arnie in bed. His low groans and moans of pleasure, as he entered me…

Oh my gosh, I did not think that.

I opened my locker, shoved my books inside and took out my bag. I looked at Arnie, who was smirking.

“Ready to go?” He asked and I almost melted at the sound of his voice.
“Yeah, sure.” I smiled. Inside I was freaking out, outside, I was calm as ever. I tried not to freak out, but it was more difficult than I thought.

Dennis was out front, in his car. It was a 1975 Plymouth Duster, and it was freaking good looking. My car was…well, I don’t have a car. I walk to school. Dennis smirked at Arnie and I…I felt my cheeks warm up.

“Don’t have too much fun, lovebirds.” He teased and I rolled my eyes.
“Oh Dennis, don’t be silly.” Arnie stated and I giggled. Dennis drove away and we began our walk. It was cold out and I longed for my leather jacket. I was only wearing a thin, black sweater. I rubbed my arms for warmth, until I felt something placed on my shoulders. It was Arnie’s jacket. I looked at him and smiled.

“Thanks.” I muttered, kind of embarrassed.
“No problem.”

He then brushed his hand against mine, and took a hold of it. I leaned closer to him, and inhaled. He smelled so nice. Some kind of cologne and…I can’t even describe it. It was the best smell ever. My head was on his shoulder and his head leaned on mine.

Finally, about fifteen minutes later, we made it to Darnell’s. We walked in and Arnie placed his hands over my eyes. He guided me to one of the last stalls and took his hands from my eyes. I couldn’t believe it…

It was a Plymouth Fury…probably ’56 or ’57. Maybe even ’58. Despite it being very old and beat up, it was gorgeous.

“Wow, Arnie…” Was all I could breathe out.
“Do you like it?” He asked, looking hopeful.

“It’s amazing. Where did you manage to find a car like this?!” I questioned, smiling.
“I know a guy…”
I looked at the car all over. It was just so amazing.
“Can I see the inside?” I asked, hoping he’d let me.
“Of course!”
He came around to my side, and opened the door for me.
“Awhh thanks.” I was blushing and so was he. When I got in, he closed the door and got in from the other side.

Inside the car was worse, but still, if he got it fixed up, it would look amazing. I looked over to Arnie, who looked like he was in love. But the thing is, he was looking at me, not the car.

“Raven…can I…uhm…could I…” He started but I never let him finish. I pressed my lips against his and I let him have his first kiss.