‹ Prequel: Spirit
Sequel: Apparition
Status: Start Date: June 6. 2009. Finish Date: August 19, 2009



Chapter 19: Together
“Wake up, beautiful,” Nathan whispered in my ear. It tickled.
I couldn’t help giggling. “Back to school,” I mumbled then sighed.
“You know, we could’ve had a little more day’s of vacation if you hadn’t wanted to come home to see your family. We could’ve actually went to New Zealand as a real vacation.”
“Excuse me for missing my family, mister and wanting a perfect attendance on our last year of high school.”
“My last year of high school was last year,” he corrected.
“You dropped out,” I reminded him.
“For good reasons.”
I laughed and jumped out of bed. Back to the normal routine. I grabbed my clothes from my drawer and went to the bathroom to get ready. I took in a deep breath. This was my last year in high school. I was sure is was also going to be the best year of high school not only because it was my last year but because I was going to spend it with Nathan.
When I was finished I went downstairs to meet up with Nathan who was in the kitchen cooking. My younger brother and sister sat at the kitchen table as they chatted with Nathan.
“Are you two ready for school?” I asked them.
“Seventh grade is going to suck,” Nicolette muttered.
“Is first grade… scary?” Jonathon asked.
“You two are worrying about nothing,” I said and laughed.
“Seventh grade is going to be like sixth but more… advanced. Same goes for first. You just learn more. Right, Nathan?”
“Yeah, your sister is right. It’s just like extra fun!” He said too enthusiastically.
“You can’t fool me with that,” Nicolette said and chuckled.
There was a knock at the door and I went over to see who it was.
“Natalia!” Jayant said in surprise and attacked me with a big bear hug. “How long have you been back?”
“I came back a week ago,” I said and laughed.
“I should come over more,” he thought to himself.
“Nat!” Harlie gasped and gave me a hug.
“Hi, Harlie,” I said and laughed.
“I’m so happy to see you! We have so much to talk about!”
“We always do! We love our updates.”
We walked back to the kitchen and when Jayant saw Nathan he roared, “Nate!”
“Jay!” He roared back. “Long time no see!”
“Yeah,” Jayant agreed and chuckled.
“Hello, my kids!” My mom exclaimed as she walked into the kitchen. “Oh, Nathan,” she sighed. “You’re making me look like a bad mother; not cooking breakfast for my own kids,” she laughed.
“It’s alright, Nina,” he said like it was nothing. “I don’t mind.”
Ever since I came home, Nathan and my parents were on a first name basis. My parents knew they were able to trust Nathan so they allowed him to call them by their names. Even my father which I was most surprised by. It was weird because my parents never let Lawren call them by their first name. It was like Nathan was already part of the family.
“Hello, Harlie!” My mom greeted.
“Hi, Nina,” she responded and smiled.
“What smells good?” My dad asked as he walked into the kitchen.
“Cinnamon crepes,” Nathan announced as he set down a plate-full of crepes onto the dining room table. “Condiments.” He set down a small bowl of strawberries, blueberries, peaches, a can of whipped cream, and a bowl of melted chocolate.
“Another one of Nathans delicious meals,” my dad said happily.
I sat in my seat as I smiled. The Wellington’s never had a family meal in years. A family meal with my parents to be exact. At this time they’d already be at work.
It made me elated to watch my family sit around our little table talking and laughing.
“So,” Jayant said, getting all of our attention. “Harlie and I have picked out a date for our wedding and we’re planning to have it sometime around next summer in late July, a couple days after we come back from our family vacation in Australia.” He looked down at Harlie and smiled a smile that said “I love you and that won’t never ever change”. It gave me goosebumps.
“I thought you two were having a baby,” Nicolette said, bummed.
“You’ve finally picked out a date!” My mom said, excited. “We have to prepare everything! I’ve been waiting for the moment for you two to pick out a date. I have all these idea’s just waiting to be unleashed!”
Harlie and Jayant laughed.
“Harlie, you and me are going to talk wedding dresses when I get home from work.”
“The wedding is in a year not next month,” Harlie said and laughed.
“Speaking of work,” my dad said looked down at his watch. “I’m going to be late!” He jumped out of his chair followed by my mother who too was late for work. They kissed us all and ran out the door. Well, it was good while it lasted. The whole ten minutes of it.
Jayant looked over to Nathan and I. “Shouldn’t you two be leaving as well?” He asked.
Nathan looked over at the clock and jumped out of his chair. I did the same and swung my bag around my shoulder that was hanging at the back of my chair.
“Jonathon, Nicol, don’t worry. Middle school and elementary school will be fine,” I said to the both of them.
Jonathon nodded his head and grinned at me. Nicol just waved her hand in the air and plugged in her earphones.
“See you later,” Nathan and I said to Jayant and Harlie.
We ran out the door and got into Nathan’s car to drive off to our first day of senior year.
♠ ♠ ♠
The Catalyst & The Incarnate: Phantom: Chapter 19: Together.