Status: active...... but slow

Harder Than You Know

Something Something

Ari yawned, wanting to go to bed, and watched as the guys and some of their close friends moved things around for another event taking place tonight. She could have stayed home. She should have stayed home. But Zacky had insisted that she tagged along, afraid to leave her alone. So she couldn't even wash up or get dressed or eat breakfast. And she was stuck on one of the couches, trying not to fall asleep. At least Val had offered to come along..

Her light brown hair was tied back in a loose ponytail and she was only wearing a pair of shorts and one of Zacky's shirts. But it didn't really matter since there weren't any strangers. She had met Zacky's other friends just once at a party but they didn't seem so bad. What was bothering her was the constant grumbling in her stomach and the fact it was, like, 8.

"Hey, pretty girl." Zacky murmured, taking a break and sitting down, pulling her close to him. "You're looking extra beautiful today."

Ari rolled her eyes and grumbled to herself making him laugh. He asked, "How do you feel?"

"Okay, I guess." she shrugged. "I dunno, really."

Zacky frowned, not liking the answer. She seemed so weak nowadays and he hated it... But then again she hadn't eaten yet.. And it was early.

"How about some food?"


He laughed before nodding and saying, "Sit tight, darling. I'll be back."

Ari watched him walk away, eager to eat. Val was with Matt doing god-knows-what and she had the feeling she wouldn't be seeing her blonde friend for a while. But oh, well. At least she could eat.

She looked around and saw that everyone else was taking a quick break. She left for a few moments to go to the bathroom and when she emerged later on... Everyone was gone.

They must have gone out for a walk or something..

Shrugging, Ari sauntered back to the couch to wait for Zacky. He'd play with her. She just had to give him a couple more minutes before she got her food and her fun. Perhaps she could take a short nap.. Just close her eyes..


Her eyes snapped open.

Oh, you're awake.. Excellent, darling, excellent..

Frowning and forgetting her shock momentarily, she mumbled, "Only Zacky can call me that."

But Zacky's not here, is he? And you're all alone.. Hm.. Wanna play?


She shrank back into the seat and looked around wildly, trying to find out where the voice was coming from.

You can't see me, Aria. I can see you, though, and I'd like to say you're absolutely stunning.

"Zacky.." she whispered. "Zacky.."

He's not coming.. He's getting his precious baby something to eat remember? It's me.. and you..


Stop? Why would I? This is much fun, dearie.

"Z-Zacky's gonna--"

Zacky won't be here, Aria, remember? Everyone's gone and I'm the only one..

"H-He's gonna g-get mad a-at you--"

The voice grew impatient. He's not coming, dearie. Zacky's not coming.

"A-and he-he'll make sure I'm alright--"


"And him.. A-and Matt and Johnny and Jimmy and Br-Brian--"

She let out a scream when the couch was lifted and flung against the room. Aria hit her head on the floor, but hadn't passed out and kept on mumbling. "Th-they're going t-to get you--"

It was as if someone was coming closer to her. There were hands around her neck and she was about to be dragged and it was a terrifying thing and she couldn't breathe.. Things were getting hazy.. but then.. But then..

Suddenly, the presence in the room disappeared and she felt the couch being moved.

Someone scooped her up and Ari saw that Zacky was desperately trying to get her to say something.

"Ari? Ari?? Fuck, Ari, what the hell happened? Are those bruises on your neck?!"

Choked by her sudden sobbing, Ari couldn't respond and clutched onto Zacky for dear life, as her head finally cleared and she began to understand what was going on around her.

"Z-Zacky--" her own gasps for breath cut her off and Zacky rubbed her back, trying to soothe her.

"Get her home, Zacky. We'll take care of things for tonight." Matt said to Zacky. Zacky nodded and got up, and after telling the others goodbye he headed out to the car.

He set her on the passenger seat and was about to let go, when she suddenly cried, "NO! DON'T! St-stay.. D-don't.."

"Darling, breathe. I'm not leaving. I need to drive us home--"

"H-he'll get me, Zacky." she sobbed. "He's g-going to get me and y-you won't be here.."

After contemplating over what to do for a few seconds, Zacky texted Johnny and asked him to drive. In a few minutes, he and Ari were in the back of the car with Johnny at the wheel.

The only things that could be heard were Ari's sniffling and whimpering. Zacky tried again and again to get her to calm down, but the only thing he could do was hold her.


Someone touched her. Someone touched her. Someone touched her.

Zacky tore through the building after leaving Ari to the girls' care and searched for anything that could be a clue. The guys tried to calm him down but he wasn't having it.

He was infuriated. The first time was quite a shock, and he let it go to take care of Ari. The first time was enough.

Someone touched her.

The bruises on her neck would be a reminder to him for the next few days of how stupid he had been to leave like that. He didn't get mad at the guys. He couldn't blame them as much as they apologized. This was all his fault.

Someone touched her.

Jimmy and Brian had gone out to try to see what was going on. Matt and Johnny helped Zacky search the building, although after the first hour, they were sure there was nothing of use.

Persuading Zacky to stop would be the hard part.

Someone touched her.

A few miles away, someone was on the run. He didn't think Zacky would come back so soon. He was so close.. He was so close in paying back his debt. If he had just taken the girl.. If he had just...


Oh. Shit.

Someone touched her.

"Zacky, we found someone."

Zacky froze and continued to listen. Johnny and Matt watched curiously.

"Bring him to the jail." he muttered. "I want him informed of what we're going to do to him. Scare him. Don't hurt him. I'll do that myself."

Someone touched her.

And he was ready to murder.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohho drama. Yup.

Slinky Hahaha, GOOD GUESS I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT. But she's not pregnant :P HAHA. He only fucked her once remember? XDDD LOL. That sounded so crude. Oh this was a fun comment.

Ultraviolet Light Yeah, I wish I could tell you. Unfortunately, I don't know what's up either. HAHAHA. We're all in this together, oh yeah, high school musical.

violetriddle LOL. You're comment was super funny. Yeah, I gave my friends the silent treatment but in the end I forgot I was mad. Oh, well. And YES. MORE COOKIEZ.

Rath Zacky's very worried right now. He's in 'high-strung-bitch-mood' so the others know to back the fuck off. He should be tending to Ari right now D:< That bastard.

rachel_roulette I HAD NO IDEA WHAT INCESSANTLY MEANT AND SO I LOOKED IT UP. I am now one word smarter, oh yeah, uh huh. Zacky can't be romantic for the next chapter, though D: He's too angry!

Avngd7XGirl SHIT happened to Ari. And I don't know if more things will happen to her. I haven't planned this whole thing out yet. Hm hm... >_>

Blah blah blah. I think it's so weird how I got so many comments on this story and so little on my slash one... And now it's reversed! But it's fine ;) The comments I get on my slash one are so adorable HAHAHA. (I love you guys who comment on here to death, too) Oh, Mibba, you slay me.