Status: active...... but slow

Harder Than You Know

Monster Within

"Wait till you see what Zacky V's got in store for you, buddy." Brian smirked, untying the rope that held their captive, 'Tex.' "They don't call him Vengeance for nothing."

"Aren't I supposed to be tied onto a chair?" Tex questioned, rubbing his wrist. He would have lunged for Gates, but the Reverend was with him and he didn't want to deal with two forces.

"Nah, we're not like that. We're gonna give you a fair fight." Syn replied. "You'll have some time to prepare yourself for a beating. It'll take him about 20 more minutes to get here."

"Beating my ass." Tex snickered. "You don't know what I'm capable of."

How mistaken he was.

Shaking their heads, The Rev and Gates left the room, locking the door. They waited in a separate area, where they could see all that took place without being seen themselves. Any normal person would have felt horrible for what Tex would have to endure, but they weren't normal. They weren't exactly people, either. Anyway, what he had done to Ari wasn't just hurting someone who they regarded as family, but also could be considered aggressive assault and was downright rude.

"Tex.." Jimmy said. "What a name."

"For real."

Having different names and personas was a widely common thing here. Some people just weren't creative, though. They had a Big Al, a Big Joe, and a Big Lee. There was a Sam Black and a Sam White. Avenged Sevenfold thought their own names were quite clever, thank you.

"How'd he get it in the first place?" he asked, taking a seat on one of the chairs.

Brian, leaning against the window, glanced over at the waiting prisoner. "He's from Texas."

"Twenty bucks says Zack's gonna lose his patience and kill him off in a few minutes."

"Come on, Jim. I bet he'll wait a bit. This whole thing concerns Ari."

"He's an animal. We've all seen him."

"Yeah. Twice."

The two watched as Zacky tortured the poor guy. He barely broke a sweat.. and he was just getting started.

"You sick bastard." he spat, holding his victim by the shirt. "Tell me who you're working for, and I'll let you die quickly."

Tex snickered. "I ain't telling you shit. But I'll let you know He's gonna take your little Ari. He'll have his way with her--"

He was cut short by Zacky slamming his face onto the ground. "YOU LITTLE FUCKER--"

"I-I'm pretty sure she's nice and t-tight and her skin br-bruises so easily. P-perfect girl." Tex stammered, as he could barely feel his lips.

Zacky let out a savage growl and stepped on his adversary's mouth, breaking the jaw. The bloodied man screamed in pain, and his mouth fell open, limp and useless. He was seething in his rage at the whole situation and he felt himself slipping from reality.. He didn't even bother trying to stop himself.

"Forget it. I'll find out who's behind this myself. I don't need you. You're going to fucking regret going against us."

He abruptly left, a maniac look forming in his eyes. Brian and Jimmy just watched as Zacky grabbed a gun and stalked back to where his prey waited. He was the predator now. And his fun was just about to start.

Grabbing Tex by the shirt, Zacky dragged him outside through another exit and they walked on, Brian and Jimmy still watching from their own little room.

Jimmy received his twenty from Brian with a smirk. "Told you he'd lose it. Now his mindset's back a hundred years to when he was a ruthless killer."

"You say that so casually, Jim."

"Well, it's nothing new to us."

The almost broken Tex wondered where they were going. Zacky dragged him into a jungle like area and shoved him onto the ground. His whole body was killing him, and he wanted to die or something already.. But realized Zacky wasn't going to grant him that. And maybe he should have just told Zacky what he wanted to know before his jaw got smashed.. And maybe he shouldn't have mouthed off like that earlier.

But it's too late for regrets now, isn't it?

Zacky towered over the cowering body and grinned evilly. He was gone now. All sanity had left him when Tex had talked back and when he heard the satisfying crack of breaking a jaw. He forgot about Brian and Jimmy, who were waiting patiently for him. He forgot why this man was in front of him. He forgot Ari.

He only smelled blood. He only smelled the fear.

And it drove him mad. He stared into the other man's eyes with an evil glint.


And Tex was off and sprinting away. It hurt like crazy, but he didn't care. The sheer authority Zacky possessed was frightening in itself. What he got himself into, he didn't know. He didn't want to know.

Zacky gave his mark several minutes before he slowly started to search. The hunt was always the best part. But this would be too easy. He knew it would be. The sun was setting. At least that would make it a little more challenging.

He used his ears and nose. He was right behind his victim, though, the whole time and waited till it collapsed from exhaustion.

Tex almost screamed when he heard a psychopathic laugh. Was this the same man who was so adamant in protecting his precious slave girl? Could this be the same cool and calm figure in business?

This.. monster was someone else. It had to be.

No words were exchanged as Zacky pulled out his gun and aimed. He aimed for the head.. then the stomach.. then the knees..

One shot to the foot.

He was writhing in pain and his screams would have been unbearable to hear to a normal person. Zacky felt his excitement grow.

One shot to the knees.

He was almost numb from the pain. The blood.. the agonizing feeling.. He kept on moving, though, and tried to somehow get away. He wasn't getting anywhere. Zacky lost his perception of the world. It was now him and his victim only. The world did not exist.

One shot to the shoulder.

It was useless now. But he couldn't stay still. That was impossible. Blood everywhere, screams in the air.. Zacky's laugh was somehow heard amidst all the chaos. It rang clearly and sharply. It would send a chill to whoever heard.

The gun was thrown at against his face.

He was about to pass out now.. Just a few minutes until the end.. Oh, God, he was coming closer. The monster was nearing him.

A knife was pressed into his neck. Stab, twist, stab. Repeat.

And he was gone. He suffocated in his own blood and left the world. His soul was damned. His body would never be found. No one would know of anything.

Zacky breathed deeply, still high on the adrenalin of the kill. How long had it been since he had enjoyed himself like this?

From behind him, Zacky heard a scream. He whipped around. Ari collapsed.


"What were you thinking, Michelle?! How could you bring her in like that??" Brian said in an aggravated tone back in the building.

"I-I didn't.. I didn't know, Bri.. None of you were answering your phones and Ari.. she missed him so much, Brian... She wouldn't stop crying and.. I'm.. I'm sorry.." Michelle stuttered. She, too, was still shaken by what she had witnessed.

In a separate room, Leanna was receiving the same retribution from Jimmy. Although he was a bit more understanding than Brian was. Zacky was cleaning himself up, and Ari laid motionless on the couch.

Brian saw that his girlfriend needed comfort, not punishment, and sighed, sitting down next to her and bringing her close to him. He gave himself a few moments to calm down before planting a kiss on her hair. "I'm sorry, baby." he mumbled. "I shouldn't have yelled.. I would have done the same thing if I were you.."

Before Michelle could reply, Ari stirred before opening her eyes. She rushed over to the couch and inspected the dazed girl. "Are you okay, Ari?"

"I.. Michelle.."

"Hey, it's alright." Brian told her. "You'll be fine."

Ari got up slowly and looked around. She couldn't remember what had happened before. Where was Zacky? Why was she in here?

She chose not to question anything, though, and remained silent.

It was when Zacky walked in, though, when the memories came back to her in full force. The blood, the look in Zacky's eyes.. The body. Her eyes widened and she started to shake.

Zacky tried to take a step closer to her, but stopped when she yelled, "GO AWAY!"

"A-Ari.. Darling--"

"D-don't call me that.."

"Ari, he's not going to hurt you." Brian said gently as Jimmy and Leanna came in.

"He will.. He will.."

What have I done?
♠ ♠ ♠
That was so sloppy. HAHAHA. Hey, guys YoullNeverFeelAfraid is responsible for the new title of the story LMAO. It's finally named after 10 chapters :D

Sorry about the poor quality. I wanted to get this chapter out ASAP 'cause I hated writing it. I'm not meant to write this. I'M MEANT TO WRITE HAPPY LITTLE STORIES.

Rath So.. This is what happened. He scared her, uh oh. OH THE DRAMA.

Ultraviolet Light Zacky used to be a ruthless serial killer. Oh whoops spoiler. Not really, I already mentioned it in the chapter. But yeah.. He's pretty scary to me, too. I got this whole hunting thing off a story I read in English class XD

The Suffering (: I love you and your comments~ Zacky's not so sweet. HE HAS A DARK SIDE. But he didn't mean it D: No one's perfect. But Ari thinks he is. Well not anymore. Oh my god, she's gonna be traumatized. And in the next chapter, Zacky's gonna be all depressed ):

YoullNeverFeelAfraid HAHA. Thank you for your title ideas! As you can see, I've put one to use. Drunk Zacky will come again later. You just gotta wait. Things are serious right now. Very very serious.

rachel_roulette OM NOM NOM COOKIE. THANKS. Oh noo everything's going downhill for Zacky!! HMM HMM

Slinky YES. You predicted right. Things did not turn out quite well. For some reason most people thought this would be a fluffy chapter with him being a sweetheart! But that's boring! DIVERSITY is good.

violetriddle Wow. I ate 1 million in a couple days. Thank you they were delicious. And your kitties sound adorable. I love kitties. But not cats. Sorry. I like dogs though :D

Lu_'Fiction'_Christ AND ANOTHER CLIFF HANGER FOR YOU, YOU SPECIAL THING YOU. Your timing is impeccable my friend. LOL. Okay. I'll make the next chapter fluffy. Or I'll try to. yaaay