Regrets Remembered, Once Forgotten

Rabbit's Foot

Before I could resist the force from pushing the extra step, it disappeared completely as if in the blink of an eye. The ice cold chill left and my vision cleared, my limbs no longer felt limp and I was able to move again.

As I tried to regain my breath, I looked around. It almost seemed like a fake scary movie. There was no white haze to be seen around, but there was a white note seen on the wooden ground.

I picked it up to see small gray smudges on the paper. "Not the last you've seen of me."

The note disintegrated and I cried at the thought of being threatened, much less already been attempted. For it to be just anyone, I'd be horrified. For it to be my best friend.. there are no words.

As I walked over to the edge carefully wary of any movement, I looked about the tree-house. I would've stayed longer if not my fear of being pushed over the edge by a certain person.

I swung my legs over the edge of the brown wood as I slowly descended at the pace of a slug. My fear of falling increased but when my feet touched the ground, it was all forgotten as I sprinted for home hoping I don't encounter Yalley's wrath again.

I walked in and locked the door behind me. As I stepped on the warm floor, I realized i was barefoot the whole time outside. It went unnoticed so now I have bruises and blisters on my feet. Since there was no haze to be seen, I walked to the bathroom to help them heal.

Just to add to my burning legs, I have ruined feet and a ghost that used to be my best friend trying to kill me.

Oh, yeah, I feel the luck.