Regrets Remembered, Once Forgotten


I exhaled a breath I was holding in and cautiously walked from the hallway to the bathroom. My eyes darting around, not once stopping to settle on one object for too long. Turning on the ice cold water, I looked out the small window located near the top of the wall. It wasn't that large but only one thought left me unsettled.

It was open.

Horrified beyond belief by it, I got a wooden stool nearby, and rapidly closed and locked it. My legs starting burning horribly but my fear drove me. I didn't want to risk anything. When coming down, my eyes caught something outside, though. I saw a white haze pass by the window.

I turned off the water slowly and let it sink down the drain. I didn't wait for the tub to empty, though. My adrenaline rush of fear was still driving me. No matter the pain, it wouldn't compare to what could happen if I just sat there.

Sprinting around the house was an easy task to do when a killer ex-best friend was out to get me. Just thinking about it made my mind forget about my legs and feet.

I locked all the windows and double-checked to see if the doors were locked also. There was no other openings so nothing to worry about. Paranoid thoughts didn't creep up on me this time.

So far, so good.

The curtains were all closed for the sole purpose of not being able to see in. If someone - or something - was out there, it wouldn't know where to look for me. Now, no ghosts whatsoever could come in, at least blindly.

I realized then that I couldn't stay inside forever. There had to be plans. Food for instance was a must. I was human, even though Yalley is not, and I need it. Checking the kitchen, I noticed the cupboards were mostly bare with crumbs and crumpled boxes littered about. The fridge, when opened, only displayed bright white as if to mock me of my despair.

The problem was quickly solved when I realized I could order groceries by phone. There's a grocery delivery service in the town nearby. The delivery guy might be peeved by the distance from here to the town, but hey at least he's getting payed for it.

So now I could survive, then.

Now, despite the past events I realized I needed a cup of coffee. As horrible as it seems, the caffeine would wake me up. So much stress was bad for me and I need something to keep me up. I just needed to be careful when turning around. I made the coffee from the scarce supplies around the small room and was about to turn around, but I quickly set it down. Didn't want another encounter with her happening.

This time I turned around wary of anything out of the ordinary. The kitchen looked about the same with the fridge in the corner and an island jutting out of the wall. The cupboards were still aligning the walls. If I thought about it.. everything seemed a bit blurrier. As if something was dirtying my vision.

"Well, isn't this a bucket of Deja Vu! Oh, and by the way, I'm a ghost. And as cliche as it sounds I can float through walls, you know. Come on, you humans had it dead on in the stories!"