Regrets Remembered, Once Forgotten


I knew, subconsciously, that God was out to get me. There was no other person with a motive. Why else would all this happen? Yes, but that's just a "why." I need to know "how" to get out of this place. Hmmm.

I could use cunning ways, long-time planning, and sneaky moves. All which I don't have. I wasn't a secret ninja, there was no back-flipping my way out of this.

Looking at Yalley, I snapped out of my trance to remember just one way I could escape; why not run?

Yalley looked at me and cocked her head. She reminded me of a parrot of some sort. Parrot's always say something annoying and what she said next fit the description. "I know what you're thinking. You're trying to run."

A shiver ran down my spine, involuntarily, because of her mind reading.. She couldn't really do anything to me, though... except force myself to jump off a cliff.

I glanced around the kitchen only to see no escape to my avail. Yalley's face showed one emotion the whole time; boredom. Bored of what, I don't wish to know. Maybe she'll kill me to amuse herself. I didn't want to see this theory put to test.

She may have been my best friend before, but friendship ends when they try to kill you. The horrifying truth is out there, and I'm the only one that knows.

It doesn't matter! I got to stop spacing out.

The feeling of ice water rushed down my body, my vision started to blur. "Too late to run! Let's get this over with. But wait... if I kill you, who would play with me?"

She ponders over the thought in her mind. Her voice echoes continuously in my mind. My pale fingers twiddle and my hair falls over my creepy eyes. She moves around my fingers, just moments before thoughts rush through my head, none of which are mine.

Kill her. Why should I? She killed you. Hmmm. True but on accident! Stop lying to yourself. It's not a lie! She loves me. Loved, my dear, loved. What do you know! I know the truth while you accept the lies. Liar! Ah, but I am you and I always tell the truth.

I gasp but nothing escapes my closed lips, my body still controlled by the presence of the only one I loved like family. The confusing banter continued but ended quickly.

The chills and all the other unnatural feelings in my body left.

Yalley appeared in front of me, growled," You weren't supposed to hear that!"

I stood there, wondering what the voices were and where they came from. "You-You're-- What was that?"

The consequences never crossed my mind, but I'm paying for it now. The sharp sting already approaching, the red hand mark starting to appear, my face pushed to the right.

"Shut. Up." She growled venomously.

The black "Best Friends" bracelet glittered in the sunlight as she pointed a finger at my face.

"I was-I-only wondering." I breathed out, confusion starting to appear in my mind. I can't touch her but she can touch me.

Yalley let her hand fall to her side. "None of your stinkin' business, you no good friend."

She turned on her heel and left the room. Where she went, I did not know. I don't plan on learning and just thank the gods that I survived with my life from my murderous best friend.
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I wrote this story when I was younger so it's pretty pathetic. That's why my "Waiting Room" story is more descriptive and longer in chapters. Because I'm writing it with my newly found experience. :D. The plot in this one makes it end more quickly. I already have all the chapters saved but I'm editing them to sound better. Not that anyone is really reading this story. I don't even have ten views! Oh, well. No time for my ranting.

- Alexx