Blood Omen (Diary of a Vampire)

Fire Churning Inside Him

The bell rang again for the last time, telling those late students that they were late for night class. As I got to my classroom, I opened the door and saw no teacher at the board, just a bunch of students trying to rush me to get to my seat. I ran to my seat next to my best friend Amy.
“Your just in time, he hasn’t called class role and he left without looking at us yet” She said, smiling at me. The boy behind me groaned as he realized it was me in front of him.
“Well, who let the pure-blood out of its cave?” He snarled. I was tempted to get out of my seat and kill him there and then but the sight of too many witnesses made me repress it.
“You do know I have the diplomatic power to get you killed?” I said, turning around, smiling in vengeance.
“Part of being a pure-blood, you see” I said sarcastically, turning back around in my seat.
Just as I look towards the board, the teacher appeared at the door.

He looked at all of us, resting his eyes lastly on me.
“We need to get to cover” He said, with haste and fear in his voice. I looked out of the window and into the dark filled night and up to the moon. I then realized exactly what he meant.
“I have to stay” I gasped. This teacher though, was a substitute and obviously didn’t know who I was.
“No, we have to all go” he replied.
I stood up and took the small pocket knife out of my pocket. Since most of us were practically impenetrable, we were allowed to carry them. I slit my wrist and let my blood drop the floor.
Most of the students gripped the table to stop themselves from rushing to such tempting blood.
“La tua cantante” He whispered almost inaudibly, gasping at the same time.
“Kind of, Pure-blood sings to all” I said, closing up my wound. One of the younger kids couldn’t help him; he snarled and dropped to the puddle of my blood, to start lapping at it.

“No vampire can resist the smell of it, as it smells Human but as he get to it and drinks it, a poison flows through your blood instantaneously and starts to drive you towards immortal death” I explained as the boy started to writhe and scream on the floor as his body started to wither away as it should of humanly.
“While they die, should the mind resist the pain, the body will age before your eyes and age will kill him instead” Amy added, as all eyes moved back to the teacher.
“The hunters are coming” He said, “we have wasted enough time talking, get into stealth and all those who are vampires and have gifts head toward the principles office, if not, go to the basement immediately” well, I thought. That meant me, poisonous blood and a gift was a potent mix.
The class started to whisper and move more rapidly than before. I looked at Amy, who was at my side in an instant, growling.
“Let’s get to the principles office” I sighed. Running, I found that only 6 students out of all 706 were gifted, and out of the 706 students, I was the only pure blood there.

“As you know, the hunters are attempting to destroy our population for the first time in history. Their numbers are low, as are ours, but both sides are strong. But we will prevail” She almost yelled. The yelling and howling outside made me shiver as I remembered how my parents were killed.
“Aurora?” Amy called
“You need to take the lead of us” One of the others said, her name is Kate.
My mind was rushing a million miles an hour, felt like I was the one it was yelling at, telling my consciousness to hurry up and get cracking. But I just stood there, looking, watching the humans cock their shotguns, and wave their fiery torches around in the air.
“I think I’d have to” I said submissively, lifting my head higher. I turned around and let out a battle cry, the others followed me out into the clearing and as the crowd stopped, and looked at our sheer numbers, they laughed at us.
“They’re only children!” one of them cried out, laughing.
Kate lifted her hands out beside her.
“Scatter” I said, as Kate took her gift to the next level.

As Kate moved her hands to the side, the leader of the crowd lifted his hand up, shushing the rest of them.
“These aren’t just children, not normal vampires” he said.
Kate lifted herself up into the air, as my friend Lucifer, clapped his hands together; bringing out the flames in which covered his hands. I felt the eyes of the other students from the basement windows; this would be an easy victory.
Amy, still beside me; her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she concentrated.
Screaming from the front row of the crowd started to get louder, as the screams turned to shrieks of pain, the rest of us smiled and looked at the humans who dropped just from Amy herself. Her eyes returned to normal as a dark laugh echoed through out the clearing.

Kate screamed a battle cry as she directed lightning towards the hunters. They charged at us.
“Lucifer? Felicity?” I said. Lucifer and his twin sister Felicity ran out, screaming as well. Felicity’s whole body turned to Ice, as Lucifer’s turned to Fire. They smashed through them, and fought. I stayed behind as each and every one of them battled out. I held my hand up and the others retreated and stood behind me. I walked foreword towards the remaining people, still, wanting to fight us.

“I am not filled with mercy, Run, or die” I said coldly. One of them ran at me. I caught him by the neck and cracked it with ease.
“Ok, now you will die” I opened my palms and watched the humans, as every part of them bled; they touched their eyes, their mouth, their ears and their nose. Until, they looked up and exploded outwards, one after another. The leader stood, quivering, flickering his eyes back between all of us.
“please... i have children” He whispered.
I looked up.
“Then you shouldn’t have come” Amy said. I smiled darkly and concentrated on him alone. I made him suffer the most.
“YOU MONSTER!” He yelled at me. His eyes bled, so did the rest of his face. Amy stood there, as her eyes rolled into the back of her head, he screamed even more. He exploded, but his screams coul still be heard, echoing in the wind.

“It is done” I said, walking towards the window in which they were all gawking at me and the rest of us. No one cheered. They just looked at the bloody mess we left sitting on the
now red lawn. We would be feared through out the school. We are the freaks

All five of us sat alone for the next week, still stared at. Only the teachers talked to us.
“I’m sick of this shit!” Lucifer yelled outwards.
“So am I, but were different and they’re just jelous of us” Soothed Felicity, patting his back. Lucifer leaned on her shoulder.
“They’re scared” Kate whispered, eating the sandwich she had been looking at for 20 minutes.
“But, being different is good, we have the upper hand” Amy said, jumping upwards, looking down on me.
“Yeah, being the second strongest gift anyone has seen ever!” Kate laughed, full of garbled lettuce and bread.
They all looked at me, while I ate some pasta I had bought.
“You’re just lethal” Amy said, still smiling at me.
“Yeah, able to make people bleed and explode, that is so cool!” Lucifer gasped, also laughing. I looked around. Everyone around us was quiet, so it felt embarrassing that we were all happy.
“I had to get them to explode by training myself” I whispered.
“That’s the hard part though” Lucifer said, leaning his head down and off of his sister’s shoulder.
“I had to practice my gift extensively, I could only bring the fire on my palms” Lucifer explained. Kate whimpered as the boy she liked walked past her and scowled at her.
“Kate, its ok” Amy whispered.

The principle walked up to the group trembling, as if he were also scared.
“All the teachers want to talk to you’s now” He said.
We got up as one, and walked behind him towards the office.
I whispered to the group “Hold your breath” as I slipped my knife out and cut my wrist, leaving a train of poisonous blood to tempt anyone around who wasn’t holding his breath.
We walked into the staff room, and I smiled as the screaming started.

“We all know it’s not your fault that they wont speak to you” One of the human teachers said.
“But we can plan this out for you” One of my teachers said.
The principle got up from his chair.
“You will attend the day class, but supervised... very closely” He said slowly.
“But, daylight harms our skin!” Felicity yelled, shaking from the fear.
The principle shook his head.
“Yes, I know. But the only one who isn’t, is Aurora” He answered, his head still high. My friends head’s turned towards me.
“But we can’t have her blood though” Kate whispered.
“You can have mine though” The principle said again.
They all looked at each other sceptically. We all know he has a gift, but no one ever has found out what it is, kind of like everyone and my gift.
I backed away from my group, hiding myself from the people.
“As you know I have a gift, but it isn’t offensive. When our species drinks my blood, they become immune to any poison administered to them, but they also reap the benefit’s of it” He explained.
“Drop by tomorrow night just before sunrise and I’ll give it to you”.

Amy stayed over at my house the rest of the day so we could travel to the school. I just kept thinking during that day, with the thought of the Cullen’s lingering in my head.
“How long until sunup?” Amy asked curiously, placing the book in her hand down onto the bed, ha! It was Twilight, what a coincidence!
“An hour, meaning let’s go!” I yelled playfully, laughing.

The drive to the school wasn’t so bad, since us vampires don’t age, we put up with the rest of the school we need when we were turned. But I was born, meaning I grow up to a fit 16 year old, putting up with being a 16 year old my whole life sucks, then finding out your the last of your kind after your whole family was killed?! It’s confusing to me but then I forgot about it.
Amy shifted in her chair when we pulled into the school driveway and parked.
Everyone was already there, staring at the pink horizon in fear. I woke Amy up and we walked inside to the principle, with the others trailing behind us.

I started to wonder what kind of fear would circulate throughout the human population when they find out several vampires can walk in daylight! They could no longer deem it safe, but as I am there, the vampires in the night class will start to try to go into the sunlight, but kill themselves as they try. I giggled at the thought very quietly.

The principle walked in with several cups, and handed them one by one to all of us.
“I’m only giving this to you, Aurora, because then your senses would also heighten, you would be stronger, faster, and most of all, your gift will become more dangerous as yours are now” He explained.

“All of you, this will happen” He said again.
“What will we become?” Felicity asked.
With a happy look on his face, he looked out of the window and into the horizon.
“The future” He whispered. He left the room as we drank from the cups. One of his secretaries walked in and said to all of us.
“I was told to tell you to sleep, and you would wake up. Attend class again next week, you start on Monday” She said, handing us papers that looked like timetables.
“Try not to scare the other students to much” She said, laughing quietly.

The pain set in as I came Home with Amy as well as Kate and the Twins. They, also gripping their heads as the blood reached their hearts.
One the pain had dimmed; I had us get into our beds, which were set up in the lounge room. Everyone except me could sleep.

What would become of me if I killed one of the students? They were more fragile than I was.
Finally, I drifted to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of sizzling in the Kitchen, with two girls giggling, and one boy shushing them.
“Ouch! It spat on me” Kate whispered.
“Then use a pot lid as a shield” Lucifer grumbled.
“This one’s mine! It’s golden” Felicity said.
“Shut up! Aurora’s still sleeping” Amy yelled silently.
“Looks like that blood you drank didn’t make your cooking skills any better” Felicity whispered.
I giggled and flipped the blanket off of me. I walked up behind them. Lucifer noticed me but didn’t tell them that I was there.
“Breakfast is served” Felicity said, turning around and facing me. She yelped loudly, jumping back and then laughing.
I saw Kate looking at me with a huge pot lid in front of her.
“Well, at least I don’t need to cook” I said, still laughing at Felicity.

I saw a plate filled with pancakes in Amy’s hand. She smiled.

“Do you mind putting some out for me? I want 6 piled up with ice cream on top, including maple syrup” I directed. Lucifer’s head swivelled towards me.
“you have Ice cream! You could have told me!” He said, running to the freezer.
I walked back into the Lounge room and turned the TV on. Vampire TV had taken over.
Still, human TV was better. So i flicked through the Shows i have on record.
“Oi! You’s can eat in here you know!” I yelled, turning my head towards the TV.
“You could have told me Ben 10 was on, I missed this episode” Kate said, with her mouth full. Everyone’s Eyes were fixed on the TV, except mine and Lucifer’s, who wasn’t eating, as he was grasping his stomach, and pain was written on his face.

I motioned with my hand to follow me outside; he nodded and walked towards the front door without getting looked at, at all.
I got up, but Felicity looked up at me from the floor.
“He’s in pain, I’ve got to talk to him” I whispered. She nodded and looked towards the TV. I walked out to see Lucifer sitting on the porch, head in hands.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, sitting next to him in the morning sunlight.
“The blood the principle gave me, feels like fire’s churning it in my stomach” He said, holding his knee’s and breathing heavily.
“My gift can control the blood stream in a body, but i can sway it to control how your heart beats too” I explained.
“Will that help? I mean, make the blood circulate quicker, since my arm is starting to burn out here” He said, jerking his arm slightly.
“Yeah, it will” I whispered. I held my head against his shoulder as I concentrated on his heartbeat. Until I found it, all I could hear with the quick thrumming of birds heartbeat next to me. I accidently killed it, but found it was much better to concentrate without it there.
I slowed his heartbeat down, listening to mine at the same time and getting it to match mine. Mine quickened, but I kept his steady.
“My arms not burning anymore” He chuckled. I lifted my gift off of him, and so did I lift my head from him.
“See? Gift for making people explode is cool right?” I said, moving hair from his face.

Dear Diary...

I printed the picture of all of my friends and me, I looked at it and stared at it for a while, not being able to comprehend how people like them, could find a person like me pleasant. Still staring, Oh shit! A person behind us is staring at me, Google eyed of course, but I can’t believe I haven’t seen him in the picture before I printed it off.
I’m starting to feel something for Lucifer, even though it might clash with what friendship I might have lingering between Felicity and I.
But hold your head Aurora, hold it upright, since the future is since not written, and none can change what you think you believe.
Hold a dream close enough to your heart, and pursue it hard enough and that dream will come true... well that’s what I’m thinking right now.
I might try and find that guy in the back of my picture, my belief I’m going to pursue.
But today I tried to help Lucifer, he wasn’t feeling as well as he should be, but at least I tried, I really do hope I didn’t give him a blood clot. HA!
Well, it’s off to school today, this is my last year this year and I want to excel to get a good job while I live. (As much as a dead person can).

Aurora-Louise Ricki Fracelli.
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Lol First chapters long LMAO