You Won't Ever Get Too Far


My savior, the boy who livedtwice. The green eyed angel who came after me, even though I had just nearly caused him death. It wasn't my idea to stalk Potter. I didn't want him dead. He was the only hope I had that my life wouldn't be entirely messed up and scary forever.

The reasons I'd told Crabbe and Goyle not to kill him were deeper than just You-Know-Who wanted him alive. I wanted him alive. I couldn't imagine him dead. It sort of hurt to even think it.

He'd swept me up from hellfire like an angel. I almost thought we would both die in there. No, we made it. I didn't even get the chance to thank him though. I wanted to thank him. I wanted to tell him, just in case...

The rest of the night, I was scared. I was so scared. I'd made up my mind that I didn't want You-Know-Who taking over. I didn't want to die though. I couldn't just start fighting death eaters.

You-Know-Who announced he wanted Potter to come to the forest. An hour seemed like a year, waiting...

I hid while I waited. Unwelcome anywhere. My parents were in the forest with the rest of the death eaters. I was alone in the corridors of Hogwarts. I couldn't go to the Great Hall. There was no excuse for me.

I waited...

I waited...

Then, I saw Harry. He looked so terrible, so sad. It didn't surprise me, but my sympathy for him did. The jealousy of him being the favorite student had died a few years ago. But I still never felt sorry for him really.

Our eyes met, but he left me there without even drawing his wand. He walked and pulled on his Invisibility Cloak. I knew he had one. I just knew it.

The next time I saw him, I thought he was dead. Everyone thought he was dead.

A world like this?

A world with no Harry Potter?

I cried silently, scared of what was next. My mother and father stood with You-Know-Who's forces.
Voldemort. The monster who killed my savior...

A miracle happened. Harry wasn't dead. My angel saved us all. I knew he would.

While everyone celebrated, I sat with my mother and father, at the edge of a table, feeling very out of place. Everyone was crying and hugging.

Harry Potter left the room with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. That was the last time I saw him... until now.
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Just the end of Deathly Hallows from Draco's point of view.