You Won't Ever Get Too Far

I Want to Exorcise the Demons From Your Past

I thought I would never see him again. I really, truly thought that.

The rain came down steadily while I sat on a bench in St. James' Park. I had managed to navigate through the Underground by myself. I figured if I got lost, I could simply Apparate back home. So, I didn't worry. Still, I was glad I managed it on my own.

Passing people might have been questioning my sanity, with their umbrellas, rushing by, while I just sat. The rain had began to soak through my clothes. My wet hair was sticking to my forehead.

It had been twelve weeks since I'd see Harry. I thought about him often. More than once a day and always before I went to sleep at night. I didn't understand why we had coffee that day or why he told me some of the things he did. I didn't know why he would've wanted me to feel better after the say I'd treated him all through school. Maybe he did know how sorry I was.

I hoped he was doing alright. I hoped he'd found that place to stay like he wanted...

I remembered the day that he saved me. That night, those early morning hours. The fears.

At least I knew he was alive today.

Green, vibrant green surrounded. The grey clods were stretching across the sky as far as I could see. Grey London.

"What are you doing?"

I turned around and almost didn't believe it. My angel's green eyes were staring at me. His hair was soaked and so were his clothes. He looked good.

"The same you are, I reckon," I replied, "Getting soaked. Enjoying the park."

"Yeah," Harry said, "It's not as crowded around when its pouring the rain."

"I went on the Tube by myself," I told him.

"For the first time?" he asked.


He nodded.

"Don't your glasses get all foggy and wet?" I asked.

"Nah," he replied, "Anti-water charm, thanks to Quidditch."

"That's nice I bet," I said awkwardly.

"It is," he said.

"What are you really doing out in the rain?" I asked, standing to get a better view of him.

"I was just walking in the park," he said, "I was going to go eat after." He eyed me, "You want to come to Piccadilly Circus and have dinner with me?"

"I've never been to Piccadilly Circus," I admitted.

"Fine time to go then," Harry looked toward the sky, "I mean, unless you don't want to..."

"I want to," I replied (a little too quickly), "I'll pay for it this time. Since you covered my coffee last."

"No way," he said, "Dinner and coffee are not equivalent." He crossed his arms, "We'll work this out when we get there."

Once again, I found myself going on the Tube with Harry Potter. I found myself out in London with Harry Potter. What was wrong with me? Three years ago, I probably would've rather eaten a giant slug... No, no...

My father had taught me to hate all people like him, who accepted non-pure-bloods. I never fully understood why it mattered. He fed me lies.

"You're soaked," Harry said, when we reached the inside of the Underground entrance.

"Yeah, so are you," I smiled.

We rode the Circle line to the Piccadilly line. Once we reached Piccadilly Circus, we got off. I was a little apprehensive about getting here. It was supposed to be a little dangerous. It was different from anywhere else in London. There were bright signs and it was really, really crowded.

"Strange," I said, "it's nothing like the Wizarding World, yet, it's kind of magical."

Harry nodded and grabbed my wrist.

"How do you know all these places?" I asked, "I was under the impression your Aunt and Uncle kept you in a broom cupboard."

"Well, only until I was twelve," Harry replied.His hand was lowering closer to my hand, "When I got to be fifteen, I was allowed out, so I rode buses and trains to all sorts of places. Usually just London though. I prayed I would get lost."

I let my hand slip up to his. "So you've been all about London, have you?"

"Yeah," he replied, "and I never get tired of it."

He kept his hand in mine as we walked.

We reached an Indian restaurant.

"Have you ever eaten Indian food?" he asked me.

"Yeah," I said, just a little defensively, "What kind of English-man do you think I am?"

"One who's never properly seen London," Harry replied, letting go of my hand and pushing the door opened.

I followed him inside. He ordered for me. I felt a bit stupid now. I'd always been the leader of my group. I always knew everything. Now, here was Harry Potter bossing me around. If my father knew...

"Are you still staying at the manor with you parents?" he asked me.

"Yes," I said, picking at my salad, "Did you ever get that apartment?"

"I did," he said, "Its near Oxford Street. A bit expensive but worth it. I'm starting my auror training soon, so it shouldn't be a problem."

"You're becoming an auror?" I asked.

"Definitely," Harry said, "I didn't defeat Voldemort for it to happen all over again."

I nodded, "That's great, I just..." I trailed off and decided not to finish because the food came. I shouldn't have continued anyway.

I just want you to be safe.

"There's a lot I'd like to know about you, Malfoy," Harry said between bites.

"Really?" I questioned, skeptically. The food was quite good.

"Yeah, but I don't want to get too personal," he said, "I'm unaware of your boundaries."

I shrugged, "Maybe we should get to know each other better."

"Maybe we should," he laughed a little, "What subject were you best in at Hogwarts?"

I smiled, "Potions and Charms."

"Ugh, ruddy Potions," Harry made a face, "I hated Potions."

"Then what were you best in, Potter?" I asked.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts," Harry said, "I wasn't bad at Transfiguration, once I got the hang of it."

"Should've known," I smirked, "Tell me something about you and I'll tell you something about me. Fair?"

"Fair," he sat back, "My middle name is James, after my father."

"I had an owl first through sixth year," I said, "Tiny little thing named Fortique. Made that up myself. Then... You-Know-Who stayed in my house and wouldn't let me have him fly free. It got death."

"I'm sorry," Harry said, and I could tell he really was, "I had an owl up until then too. Hedwig. I feel so guilty. When I fought the Battle Over Little Whinging...the Killing Curse hit him."

"I'm sorry," I murmured.

"Hedwig was a gift from Hagrid for my eleventh birthday," he said quietly, "Anyway...let's continue."

"My favorite color is actually red," I said.

Harry smiled, "Mines blue."

Our random facts continued for the next half hour. We talked about food, music, weather, ink, animals, and books. He told me his Patronus was a stag (as if I didn't know) and I told him I'd never cast a Patronus. He found it slightly amusing.

"Next time, we'll ask each other questions," I said, as we walked out.

"Next time?" he asked, smiling.

I nodded, "Friday at noon, same place we met today."

He grinned, "Alright, Malfoy."

We grabbed hands. It was different than a handshake, his hand lingered in mine and we stood kind of close. His hand felt so nice in mine...

He apparated first.

I went next, wondering why i couldn't wipe the stupid smile from my face.