Status: Just started. We hope you like it!

Summer Lovin'

Chapter Eleven

"James, get your butt down here right now!" I groaned and rolled over, my eyes opening wide when I nearly fell off the bed. I sat up and looked around my room, taking the pitch black darkness around me to mean that either it was really late, or the sun had exploded and no one had bothered to inform me of that sad event.

"James!" I groaned again and stood up, stumbling out of my room to go down stairs and face the demon that is my mother. Now don't get me wrong, I love my mother...sometimes. But other times she was the devil in disguise ready to steal my soul and bound me to her service - or, rather, Aiden's service - for the resting of eternity.

I ran my fngers through my hair and yawned as I rounded the bottom of the stairs, coming face to face with the devil herself. I straightened and raised an eyebrow, tilting my head to the side. "Yes mother?"

She scowled, crossing her arms over her chest. The one thing I hated the most about my mother -beyond the fact that she worshipped Aiden and she spent all of the money on frivolous things and even the fact that she drank far beyond her limit - was my resemblance to her. I'm serious, if she was so old looking we would be twins and I hated that constant reminder of her.

"You left Aiden outside, alone, in the dark." I sighed and picked at my pants, scanning the room for Aiden. Of course he was no where to found, simply because that was his defense. He never witnessed her 'warnings' so he could claim ignorance of them.

I was brought back to attention when she clapped her hands in front of my face, making me jerk back in shock. "It wasn't like he was far from the house and really, I shouldn't have to watch him twenty four/seven. He's fifteen, not five. He should be able to take care of himself for the five minutes it takes to walk from my car to the house."

Oh that was definitely the wrong thing to say. Her face turned bright red and she started to growl like a dog, scaring the bejeebus out of me. Yes I said 'bejeebus' focus here! She took a step towards me and I took a step back in response, ready to run back upstairs at any point. "He's your little brother James, you're suppose to look out for him."

I rolled my eyes and hoped that she didn't see but of course she did. She's got scary mom powers. "You're so fucking irresponsible James! I can't believe that you're my child!"

Okay that was so not fair. "I'm irresponsible? Says the woman who cares more about buying things she doesn't need than feeding her children. Are you aware that the cabinets and fridge have been empty for the past three days while you were off galivanting somewhere completely unimportant?"

She puffed up like a bird and shook in her rage. I was so distracted by this display of anger that I didn't even notice her hand come flying towards me until it hit me right across the face. I stumbled back and pressed my hand against it, refusing to cry in front of her. "I'm a wonderful mother James. A WONDERFUL MOTHER! No you go upstairs and think about what you're done!"

I glared at her and stormed back upstairs, barely hearing her yell that I was grounded as I stormed into my room and slammed my door shut for the second time that night. Once I was safely in the privacy of my own room I let my tears flow down my face, the ones on the right side slightly soothing the burn of my cheeks.

Honestly I couldn't stand that woman, and I knew she thought the same of me. We lived in a constant haze of mutual hatred though as I said earlier there was still apart of me that loved her. Still, I couldn't wait for the day when I could leave this house and the people in it behind, starting my own life and living the way I wanted to.

It was only two years away. I could wait two years for freedom.
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Slighly harsher than I intended, but you know whatever. It works. Your turn Sweetstuff99. Have fun with it.