Status: In Progress

Unrequited Love

Thought Process

Sitting on the bed of the hotel suite, Charlotte curled herself up into a ball trying to physically will away the headache she had.

The last thing she ever expected to experience while coming to visit Godric was a suicide-bomber. It was shortly after she approached Godric that a young man walked into the main room and announced his presence. She knew something was off about him, but never would she think that he’d set off a bomb.

Godric had shielded her, saving her life, and sent her to the hotel she was currently situated in now after making sure she was all together in one piece.

Then she realized all her belongings had been burned. The duffel bag she had came with was no doubt a pile of char right about now. She'd have to convince Godric to come shopping with her later. He was never really fond of it, but she'd probably drag him along anyways.

Charlotte raised her head when she heard the door of the hotel suite click. She quickly got up, making her head spin for a moment, and rushed into the main lounge to see Godric walk in.

She made a move to approach him but stopped short when she saw Eric step into the room right behind Godric.

“Godric,” she whispered, knowing that he could hear no matter what the level of her voice was.

“Are you feeling any better?” he asked, not even looking up at her but instead walking into the next room. Charlotte followed Godric with her eyes hoping that maybe he would turn around and acknowledge her; he didn’t. When he was out of her line of vision she took a few steps in his direction. Instead of walking into the next room Charlotte walked into Eric. A strange sense of déjà vu fell over her and she was reminded of the party earlier.

“Yes?” she asked in a tone that was far from polite; she had just been involved in a bombing, she would probably have to deal with Godric being insanely moody and now this tree of a vampire was irritating her. She really didn’t have to be polite at this point.

Eric only stared at her in silence, and it was the silence more so than the staring that really just annoyed Charlotte to no end.

“What do you want?” she asked again, pronouncing each word slowly.

He continued staring, his gaze intensifying even more if that was possible.

“Are you mentally retarded? Is that what this whole staring thing is? For fuck’s sake it’s strange even for a vampire.”

As intended, Charlotte got a reaction that was something other than staring from Eric. His fangs came out with a resounding ‘click’, and he was an inch, maybe even less, away from her face. If she had actually taken him seriously, she probably would have been intimidated maybe even scared, but right now she was more agitated than anything else.

“For a human, you are very sure of yourself.”

At this, Charlotte raised an eyebrow.

“How so?”

“You insult me in confidence and expect that I will not retaliate.”

“Godric is in the next room over; you’re not going to do anything.”

Eric then pulled himself away from her, smirking all the while. Not even a second later, Godric walked back into the room. He looked at Eric then glanced at Charlotte, “You can leave now Eric. We’re done for tonight.”

Eric winked at Charlotte before nodding at his maker and leaving the room.

Godric sighed while situating himself on a love seat in the lounge. Charlotte remained standing up.

“You never answered my question.”

Charlotte fought the urge to roll her eyes, “I’m spectacular. Thank you for your concern.”

Godric caught her eye and she almost felt guilty for her sarcastic comment.

“Come here.”

She hesitated, debating whether or not she wanted to be nice to him at the moment. She wanted to walk away with an attitude and maybe slam a door or two, but instead she found herself snuggled up on the love seat beside him. Godric rested his head above hers and breathed deeply.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” he asked again, raking a hand through her hair.

“I’m fine.”

“I protected you as best as I could, luckily for the both of us you only suffered from a few bruises.”

Charlotte heard him, but wasn’t exactly listening. Because of the physical contact between the two his thoughts were flitting across her mind.

“You know you can’t leave just yet, not like that.”

Godric stiffened for a moment not saying anything. A tense moment passed but he relaxed as soon as he heard Charlotte’s shallow breathing. She had fallen asleep.

“I know, but I have to.”