Status: Going with the flow.

Misguided Ghosts

t w o

Useless provisions were hurled into the old suitcase with a bitter throw as I blasted Bring Me The Horizon on my stereo. Tears of anguish and pain again began to fill my bloodshot eyes, thick trails of mascara running down my sallow, ashen cheeks. “Why?” I repeated over and over again in a whimper as I zipped the minuscule suitcase. “Why my parents?” I sniffled and looked up at the ceiling, shaking my head. I took a few deep breaths, trying my best to pull myself together, which wasn't easy. Without my parents, my mind and heart was tearing apart at its very seams.

“Hazel?” I heard coming from behind me. I whirled around, hugging my suitcase to my chest. I dropped it to the ground as Miss Anne, the child social worker, walked slowly into my room. Actually, it's not even my room anymore. Due to the death of both my parents, I have to move to where ever my God parents live. Although, I'm not quite sure who my God parents are.

“Yes?” I murmured quietly, staring past the woman. Black and white memories began to flash through my tangled mess of a mind, memories of blissful summers and late night movies with Mom and road races in the evening with Dad. I snapped back into reality, catching Miss Anne's partial sentence.

“...appears that you have no God parents, it is not written in your parent's will.” I heard coming from Miss Anne's raspy voice. I snapped my head up at her, shooting her a quizzical look.

“What?” I asked quietly, pushing my limp and lifeless hair out of my color-drained face. I saw traces of sympathy and pity cross her old features, even if it was only for a mere middle second.

“I said, you have to go to a Foster home, because it appears that you have no God parents, it is not written in your parent's will.” She repeated, folding her skinny hands in front of her in a business-like fashion.

“N-no...this can't be right...” I yelped, panic taking over my mind. I ran a frustrated and shaking hand through my knotty hair, taking in another shaky breath. “I d-don't belong in a foster care! This has to be a mistake!” I added in with a stuttered cry.

“I'm very sorry, Miss Jayde. Please come along now.” She said in a monotone, walking out of the room. I stared after her, my mouth agape. My heart was thumping hard in my chest, threatening to blow up at any given moment.

I've honestly never visited a Foster home, but I've heard awful things about it; how the children aren't taken care of, the cruel staff members, and how finding a family is so hard that the chance of being adopted is scarcely slim. My empty heart began to ache, and the desperation and hopeless feeling of wanting my parents to come back amplified. “Miss Jayde, we must leave now, come along!” Miss Anne urged me forward, out of the room. Out of my home. My only home, where I lived happily all my life with my parents. I felt as if my heart drained out of my small body, the remnants staying on the floor of the room that was once mine.

“Goodbye,” I whispered, a lone tear escaping from the corner of my eyes, “I'll never forget you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of a filler, but required.
Thank-you so much for reading it, I appreciate it very much! (:
Comments would very much make my day, too. :D