
I've Got It For You Girl

Waking up in his arms was always a good time for her. The nights before were always a fun time even if it made her days tiring and she felt sore. Sitting up in the bed, Phoebe ran her hand through her shoulder length dark brown hair. Glancing at the digital clock on the bedside table, she realized that she still had an hour before she had to get dressed and make her way downtown for the business meeting she was catering for. Sure she had employees setting up the event, but that didn't mean anything to her, this was her job on the line if things didn't go well today.

“Lay back down.”

Looking towards the lump of sheets that hid his body, Phoebe smiled and shook her head. “I can't. I need to get downtown soon.”

“They don't need you like I do,” he whispered from behind her. “I bet I can make you forget all about them.”

“You really think your that good, huh?”

“You wouldn't come back for more if I wasn't.”

Turning so she could look at his face, she bit her lip to keep from laughing at the grin he had plastered upon his face. Watching him as he made his way over to her, she smiled as he kissed her lips. “I really have to go, Dustin.”

“Stay,” he told her as he kissed up her neck, one hand on the side of her face, the other was on her bare back moving down as he leaned closer and closer to her as he gently pushed her back onto the bed. “You don't have to show up there until later. So stay here, with me. I can make you feel real good.”

“ gotta let me go at some point.”

“We could stay like this, ya know?” he smiled at her before leaning down and kissing her throat. Seeing the look he was giving her made him roll off of her. “Am I gonna see you later?”

“Do you remember when we first started this?” Phoebe asked.

“Yeah, after you came to visit Quicker when that dipshit ex of yours broke up with you or something.”

“And I met you at the club after the Kings won against some other team and admit it, you couldn't take your eyes off of me.”

“You also wouldn't give me the time of day.”

“It didn't stop you, now did it?”

“You intrigued me,” Dustin admitted as his hand traveled all over her stomach and landed right under her breast. “And I eventually got what I wanted, didn't I?”

“If you mean me in your bed, yes, but I really need to go. This is a big client.” Phoebe told him as she sat up again.

Reaching over to the bedside table she grabbed the black elastic hair tie and pulled her hair into a messy bun before making her way to the bathroom so she could shower. Before she closed the door. “Don't forget, this whole thing is just sex. Wasn't that part of the deal? No strings? No attachments, just sex?”

“I know,” Dustin sighed as he stayed in the bed as he ran his hand over his face. Hearing the shower start, he let out a loud sigh. “But sometimes things change and I'm thinking that deal was the worst thing I did.”

While she showered, Dustin got out of bed and pulled on a pair of boxers and pajama pants before making his way into the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee for Phoebe. He knew that she would want a cup before leaving, it was almost routine when one of them had to leave for something. Sometimes it was him with an early morning skate and other times it was her with the catering job. It had been six months since she had moved from Connecticut.

Phoebe was a childhood friend of Dustin's teammate Jonathan Quick. They grew up next door to one another and stayed great friends throughout their lives. Phoebe and Quick had even gone to their prom together. She was even in the bridal party for Quick's wedding and she had come out to visit him which wasn't the only reason she came out to Los Angeles, she was transferring jobs and her new location was Los Angeles. The first time he saw her was after they won a game against the Anaheim Ducks. The two teams were highway rivals and when they got the win, it made going out that night that much sweeter.

That was where he met her, he remembered it like it was just last week. She had been wearing jeans and green blouse. Her eyes lit up the moment she saw her friend heading towards her. When Dustin saw them embrace, he had only ever admitted it to himself, but he had been jealous of Quick in that moment. He hadn't been jealous when Quick got married back home while he was divorcing his wife. Their marriage had fallen apart and Dustin was just making everything final. Sure he had been upset about his marriage to Nicole not working out, but where one door closes another one opens. At least that was what his teammate Sean O'Donnell had said to him. Sean would be the one he would believe. Sean was older and more experienced, but he also was on his second marriage. But he was happy. That was what Dustin wanted and he never thought it would happen so fast. Less than a year and he was already thinking of ways to make Phoebe change her mind about their deal.

Hearing the clicking of heels on the wooden floors, Dustin looked in the direction of the sound and couldn't help but grin at what he saw. Phoebe was wearing his home jersey and a pair of heels. “Well look at you.”

“I figured I could be a little late for once,” Phoebe told him as she walked towards him. “I guess last night just wasn't enough for me.”

Wearing matching grins, Dustin picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him while her arms wrapped around his neck. “You have any idea what you do to me when I see you in that jersey?”

“Why don't you show me?” she whispered into his ear before biting down on his earlobe.

“Don't you have to shove some food in some rich clients face?” he asked as he started walking towards the bedroom that they had spent the evening before.

“As long as I'm there before everything is finished then I'll be just fine.”

“You'll be something, but it won't be fine,” he grinned as he dropped her on the bed. Sliding out of the cotton pajama pants he had on as well as his boxers. “No promises on the time. I just can't seem to control myself when I'm around you.”

Phoebe didn't say anything, she just felt how ready Dustin was. Getting it up had never been a problem with them. What was the problem was there weren't supposed to be feelings involved. It was just supposed to be sex, really great sex, but sex without the feelings getting attached or want any sort of commitment. She hadn't been living in Los Angeles for a year yet, but she had been sneaking around with Dustin since her first visit when she came to tell her best friend about her location change. Did she feel bad about going behind her best friends back and sleeping with the captain of his team? Not in the least. What she did with who was no one's business besides her own.

Feeling the jersey being lifted off her body, Phoebe's lips connected with Dustin's. The feeling of his hands roaming all over her body and stopping in the places that would make her beg him not to stop. The heat between them was always an inferno, starting off as a blistering heat then scorching through their bodies. Whenever they were alone, the fire came alive and it there was no question between them about if they were going to have sex it was more of a how long will we last until one of us gets tired. That's how it had been for the last few months and its what put a smile on her face most days.

Although lately, she noticed a change not only in Dustin, but herself as well. It wasn't a bad change, but she didn't know if he noticed as well.

After finally getting out of bed, Phoebe took a quick shower and got dressed. Making sure her new heels weren't going to fall off when she was walking around, she leaned over to Dustin who had been watching her move about this room. Giving him a small kiss on the corner of his mouth, she smiled at him. “I had a great time last night and this morning.”

“I couldn't tell with how loud you were screaming,” he grinned as he caught her wrist and pulled her to him. “Come back over tonight.”

“I can't,” she lied. “I have plans. I'll call you, alright?”

“You know you want to come over.”

“Yeah, but I can't just but Jon on hold because your horny,” Phoebe said as she ran her hand through his short hair. “I'll see you later Dustin.”

Getting off of him, she made her way out of the house and to her car.

Driving downtown mid-morning was pure hell. There was a reason why she wanted to leave early, but she couldn't help the urge she had. Dustin was something special. That was one thing she didn't understand, how could someone like Dustin not be attached? Sure she knew he was divorced, she wouldn't have jumped into bed with him had he still been married. It wouldn't have mattered if he was separated or not, since that would be technically still married and she did have standards. After battling with L.A. traffic, she pulled into the parking spot reserved for employees. Checking to make sure there were no bite marks visible on her skin that she might have missed, she got out of her car and headed inside where the banquet was going on.

Entering through the backdoor of the kitchen, she noticed how busy it was, but no panic anywhere. That's what she liked to see. Making her way out of the kitchen she met up with the one she had placed in charge of the event, Christina. If the smile on that girls face was any indication of how things were going, then she really had nothing to worry about and that made her happy. Making sure Christina knew she was there if there were any questions she had, Phoebe made her was to her private office.

Closing the door behind her, she opened her cell phone and saw she had three missed calls from Dustin. He probably knew that she lied to him. It hadn't been her intention to mislead him, but she needed time to think about things. With how she was feeling and how things were changing, it just seemed to be happening so fast. At least that was what she thought. There could be a chance that she was imagining it, but that was unlikely. Her last relationship had gone at a slow pace and she was happy about that since she didn't have a great track record when it came to guys. Even after a year, her best friend had yet to meet the guy, but it didn't matter, since the relationship came to a screeching halt. It was one of the reasons she decided to take the job that was over a thousand miles away.

Putting her phone on the desk, she went over the upcoming schedules. She needed to get into business mode. Her personal life would have to be put on pause for the time being. Running her fingers through her hair that was pulled into a ponytail, Phoebe took it down. She didn't need it up, she wasn't in the kitchen, she was in the office concentrating on business matters and not how sexy Dustin looked when he grabbed her as she was leaving for work.

Groaning, she placed her elbows on her desk and placed her head in her hands. Concentrating shouldn't have been this hard. It was like she was back in high school and she was bored in art class and couldn't wait to get out of there and head home for the weekend where she would leave her homework to the last possible second to do it. She knew that she wouldn't be able to get anything done until she talked to someone about this and the only one she could talk to would be Jonathan. She knew that he wouldn't be too happy with her, but at least she knew he was there for her and would give her the advice she needed, not just what she wanted to hear. Knowing they had the day off, Phoebe called Jonathan and asked him if she could stop by, that there was something she needed to talk about. There was no hesitation from his end and he told her that she could come over whenever that he would be home all day.

After getting the bare minimum done in her office, she realized that she couldn't just wait and think it over, no she had to go and talk to her best friend. Taking the back roads to the Quick home and when she got up to the gate, she punched in the code. After the fourth attempt she was finally let in. Parking behind his car, she got out and walked to the front of the house. Before she could knock on the door, Jonathan opened the door holding baby Madison. Stepping inside, she stepped out of her heels and took Madison from her father and walked over to the recliner where she knew Madison loved to be rocked.

“So Pheebs, tell me what's going on with you.”

“I've been horrible, Jon, and now I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing anymore.”

“How have you been horrible and to who?”

“I've been sleeping with someone on your team.”

“Pheebs, please not one of the married guys,” Jonathan said as he sat on the couch tugging on his short brown hair. “Who have you been fooling around with and for how long?”

“Dustin Brown.”

“Oh, geeze,” Jonathan said. “Why did it have to be him?”

“I didn't even notice him until he approached me that night in the club on my first visit to Los Angeles to let you know I'd be moving into the area for my relocation.”

“Why are you telling me now?” he asked.

“We made a deal and I think its falling apart and I'm not sure what to do now. I know I shouldn't have gotten involved with a hockey player, but I couldn't help myself.”

“What deal did you two make?” he asked watching as his childhood best friend holding his daughter and rocking back and forth to get her to fall asleep.

“No strings, no attachments, just sex.”

“And what has been broken on whose part?”

“I think we are both getting attached and that wasn't the plan.”

“So you wanted nothing but sex and you got involved with a hockey player and now you are falling for the hockey player. Am I right?”

“I think its a mutual feeling.” she told him with a sigh.

“That doesn't matter. Have you and Brownie told each other about the change?”

“C'mon, do you really think I'm the one that will tell him that sort of thing?”

“Pheebs, if you don't tell him, he might just forget it and move on and then I'm left with you in my guest room crying and broken. At least this way you'll know.”

“He's gonna laugh at me and reject me.”

“Brownie wouldn't do that.”

With a sigh, she kissed Madison's head and motioned for Jonathan to take his sleeping daughter from her arms. After watching Jonathan take her upstairs to her room, she called back a good-bye to him. She had to head over to Dustin's and get everything sorted out otherwise she would never be able to concentrate at work. It just wouldn't happen. The worry and the curiosity would just eat at her until she finally broke down and went to find out what was happening between them.

Parking on the street in the same spot she had the night before, she got out of her car and slammed the door shut before hitting the alarm button and making her way up the driveway and to the door. Knocking on the door, she was surprised that he answered the door right away. “Your back early.” The grin on his face made her smile. He moved out of her way so that she could come inside.

“I think that we need to talk about things.”

Walking towards the kitchen, she followed him. “Things? What things?”

“The deal we have.”

Turning to look at her, he was surprised she was bringing the deal up. Sure he wanted things changed on it, but he didn't think she did, that was why he hadn't said anything to her this morning before she left for work. “What about it?”

“Dustin, I-” she stopped and bit down on her lip. “I think we should get rid of it.”

“I thought it was going so well.”

“Please don't say it like that.” Phoebe said.

“Like what?”

“Like you knew why I want the change.”

“Because things changed.”

“You mean-”

“I don't want to date other girls, Phoebe. I've only got it for you.”

“Really?” she asked, surprise in her eyes.

“Yeah,” he said, a goofy smile plastered across his face. “I got it for you girl.”


“I know, I'm irresistible.”

With a laugh, Phoebe closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around his neck and placed her lips on his.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my first contest entry. I hope its alright.

Word count: 3,093