A Shot To Remember

A Shot To Remember.

Time froze as she struggled to keep her aching arm still within the pulsating crowd. Several of them wondered why she had stopped jumping to the tempo; wasn’t she the one who had tried to start a third mosh pit just two songs ago?

But now her attention was focused on other things, like praying her thumb was firmly anchored on the correct trigger. She couldn’t afford to miss the crucial moment.

She lifted her hand higher, trying to achieve just the right angle of the shot. Someone nearby realized what she was trying to do, but said nothing. Those objects weren’t allowed in the concert, naturally, but who among them had never wanted to do the same thing?

A flicker of silence crept through the air. The man commanding their complete attention glanced down at her and gave a gleaming smile, even as he saw the black circle leading down a short barrel to the object she held in one quivering hand.

A flash of light.

A scream.

A security guard nearby tried to wrestle the object away from her, but she clutched it close, protecting it with all the strength she had.

She had finally gotten the picture.