Status: Inactive

Heart in the Sky


Trainer Joseph and May walked back to the village together, May’s head pounding from the violent crying. She held Trainer Joseph’s hand, he reminded her of her dad, who was currently on business in some remote part of the world with her mother. She pushed back a strand of hair irritably, somehow her braid had come out, and her hair was free. As she walked next to Trainer Joseph in companionable silence, May’s mind began to wander. She remembered the boy from across the river. His eyes were so sad, his voice was so dark, he looked so broken. All of a sudden May felt scared yet curious at the same time, wondering what was so horrible that could make him look the way he did.

Just before they reached the village, Trainer Joseph stopped, looking at May, “Take this.” He pulled a necklace out of his pocket, and placed it around her neck.

May examined it, a small silver bird with long tail feathers and glittering green jewels for eyes hung on the necklace, the feathers were sketched into the bird with minute detail. She looked up, about to thank him, but Trainer Joseph was gone. She looked through the woods at the village, she could not see him. She stood there for awhile, looking in the direction he must have gone, and then sighed deeply, heading towards the village, a small feeling of happiness creeping into her.

When May made arrived back at the village the streets were nearly empty, the people were all inside, eating dinner. It was very dark, the only thing that provided light were the candles shining in windows. The dim candle-light emanated out into the streets. May gazed through a small opening in the trees branches, the moon shone down brilliantly, illuminating a small circle of silver light on the sidewalk.

May stepped toward the light, and stood in the very middle, looking up, the moonlight illuminating her face. The stars were gorgeous, all clustered together, shining. May spotted one little star, it was apart from all the rest. She frowned, made a wish, and walked slowly along the streets.

She stopped in front of Ms. Rose’s window, who was tucking in her children, she kissed them each on the head. May felt her heart ache, and quickly moved on. She sighed, placing one foot after the other, tears dripped slowly down her face once again. She looked up, but the trees covered the sky. May felt a sudden feeling of being in a place where she did not belong. She looked down instead, still wishing to see the sky. Fireflies buzzed around her, she watched them, little white lights in the dark. They were delightful, seeming to chase each other and play little games. Despite herself May smiled, a firefly landed on her head, she laughed. The slower she moved the more fireflies surrounded her, until she was like a light. May laughed, the fireflies scattered, disappearing in a group down the street. She waved goodbye, and ran the rest of the way home.

When she got to the door she stood, unsure what to do, not positive she would get the best greeting. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door. Snow was asleep in a small chair. May smiled, she tiptoed toward Snow and watched her for a second, before moving over to the candle, the wax was nearly gone, she snuffed it out and continued to the Twin Trees. Hoisting herself up by the first branch, she climbed all the way up to the top. There she had built a wooden platform, she lay looking at the stars, and feeling the breeze on her face. It was truly enchanting.

“May I come up?” May started, Snow crawled onto the platform and lay next to her sister, “you know I’m really sorry about this morning.”

May sighed, still staring at the sky.

Snow turned onto her side, looking at May, “No I mean it, I’m really sorry.”

May smiled softly, “It’s Ok.”

“I’m glad.” Snow closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, lying down again, “It’s wonderful up here.”

“Yes.” May agreed, closing her eyes too.

“Your very special May.”

May’s eyes opened, she turned her head towards Snow.

“Don’t worry May” Snow smiled, “you don’t have to say anything, I know you don’t think your wonderful like I do…like no one else does.”

“I’m different,” May’s eyes glimmered in the moonlight.

“In a good way.” Snow held May’s hand

May sighed, “My mind just works differently from all of these people…their all so happy under the forest, but I feel so downsized and trapped underneath the trees. I don’t know what I want, but the whole reason I’m so different is because I can’t feel free, I can’t feel happy. Every time I see one of those birds fly off out of the forest, I wish I could do that too.”

“well May…we’re not originally from the forest you know…we just have to keep looking for where we belong, whether it be in the forest or not, stationary or not. You just have to be patient, you’ll find your place and purpose in the world as soon as your ready.”

May nodded weakly, wishing she had been more comforted by Snow’s words, but the unease in her stomach soon faded away as she sat under the stars, practically in the sky itself.

After a long silence, in which May and Snow admired the night sky, Snow spoke uncertainly “May?”


“Your very strong…thanks for being strong…you make me proud of you.”

May’s eyes moistened, “Thanks sis.” She managed to choke out, “Thanks for telling me that I’m wonderful, thanks for not only being my sister, but being my friend.”

“No problem sis.” Snow smiled.

May closed her eyes, they fell asleep, lying under the moon, hand in hand.