Status: Completed. Read the sequeal. Thanks to everyone who read, commented, and subscribed. <3

When It All Comes Down

"Feel free to call him Uncle Dummy from now on, sweetie."


"Didn't Alex tell you they were going on tour?"

"Didn't Alex tell you they were going on tour?"

"Didn't Alex tell you they were going on tour?"

I let that sentence repeat in my head a few times before it actually processed through my brain. "Uh...Vikki? You still there?" Matt asked after I didn't say anything for a minute straight.

"I'm here..." I mumbled. A wave of sadness washed over me. Why would Alex not tell me he was going on tour? Why would he not even tell me goodbye?

"...Did Alex not tell you?!" Matt exclaimed, suddenly furious. "No. No he did not. Hence why I'm in shock right now." I heard him groan and something slam. "Goddammit...that guy is something else....." He mumbled to himself.

"Why did he not tell me?" I whispered. I tried to swallow back my tears, but I was failing.

"I have no clue why he didn't tell you. This is just...wrong." He sighed. "Who doesn't tell their fucking fiance they're going on tour for the next fucking month?"

"Apparently Alex." I murmured. Matt sighed again and stayed silent for a few seconds. "Look, I can't call him right now since I'm at the airport and I'm late enough for my flight as is. But I'll beat his ass down once I land and find that fucker. Then I'll tell him to call you." I giggled slightly and smiled. "Thanks Matt."

"No problem, sweets." We said goodbye and hung up. I frowned to myself as I started up the car and headed home.

I walked in and went straight to the bedroom, feeling stupid that I just finally noticed all of Alex's shit gone. I looked in our closet and his clothes were gone, all his stuff in the bathroom was gone too. I guess I was too tired and it was too early for me to notice anything. Something could have caught on fire and I probably wouldn't have noticed it.

I shuffled back out to the main room and sat down on the couch, pulling out my cell phone once again. I dialed Sam's number, not caring that it was 6:30 in the morning, and waited for her to answer.

"What." She mumbled, obviously half awake.

"I just got back from the jail, and Alex wasn't there. Jack bailed him out, and now they're on a plane to Japan for their month long tour." I waited for her to reply.

"......WHAT?!" She suddenly yelled.

"What's goin' on...?" I head Nasty mumble in the background.

"Vikki went to bail Alex out of jail this morning but Jack already did it and now they're on a plane to Japan for a month long tour and Alex didn't tell Vikki!" She rambled, all in one breath. I heard a few noises and then Nasty's voice.

"It's too damn early for this shit."

"Well excuse me. This isn't my fucking fault." I snapped.

"Ok, I'm sorry. Talk to your sister, me tired." I rolled my eyes and heard Sam's voice again. "Look, I'll be over at like, 11. Let's just all go back to sleep." I agreed with her and we hung up. I stood up and walked back into the bedroom, collapsing on the bed and falling asleep once again.

And then, exactly 5 hours later, I woke up to my very hyper sister and niece jumping on my bed, nearly sending me flying out of it.

"SAMANTHA!" I groaned, burying my face in Alex's pillow as my body bounced up and down from Scar and Sam jumping.

"Wake up! We gotta talk about your dummy of a fiance." A few seconds later I felt little hands pushing my hair out of my face. I looked at Scarlett and laughed. "Is uncle Alex a dummy?" She asked.

"Yes, very much so. Feel free to call him Uncle Dummy from now on, sweetie." She grinned.

"Okay!" I laughed as Sam scooped her up and jumped off the bed. I stretched a bit before dragging my tired ass out of the bed once again and out into the kitchen. I poured Sam and I two tall glasses of orange juice, and I put Scar's juice in her Minnie Mouse sippy cup that I keep here for when she comes over.

"So, explain the whole deal to me." Sam said as we sat down at the island in my kitchen, Scar sitting on my lap and flipping through a random magazine that was on the counter.

"Well, I went to the jail and told the lady I wanted to bail him out. She told me Jack had already bailed him out, so I went back out to my car and tried to call Jack, but he didn't answer. Called Alex, he didn't answer. Called Zack and Rian and they didn't either, so I called their manager Matt and he answered, and he told me that they were all on a plane to Japan right now, and he was on his way to the airport for his flight there. Then he asked me, ""Didn't Alex tell you they were going on tour?". And I said no, and...yeah. It's a month long tour." Sam's mouth dropped in disbelief.

"Why the fu...dge didn't he tell you?!" I snorted at her cover up and she glared slightly. "No clue. Matt doesn't know why either. He said when he gets to Japan he's gonna beat Alex's...butt, and then have him call me." She scoffed.

"That's just...rude! And...rude!" I laughed as she said this.

"Where's Uncle Alex?" Scarlett asked curiously.

"Weren't you listening to anything I said, missy?" I teased. She blushed and shook her head, making me giggle. "Well, apparently uncle Alex left for tour. And didn't tell me!" She gasped.

"WHY NOT?!" I shook my head.

"I DUNNO!" I replied in the same tone she was using.

"How long's uncle Alex gonna be gone?" I sighed.

"A month. 30 days. 4 weeks. And I don't know how many hours that is." She giggled and I smiled.

"What're ya gonna do?" She asked cutely.

"Beat his booty when he gets back, that's what I'm gonna do!" She giggled. "And you can help me!" I poked her tummy and she squealed. "OK!!" She replied excitedly. Sam and I laughed at the crazy little girl.

Suddenly the door bell rang, and I raised my eyebrow. I set Scar on the floor and got out of my chair, running over to the door and opening it, revealing Regan.

"Regan?" She smiled a little.

"Hey...I came here to apologize...for being a bitch to you about Alex. I was just upset that you and my brother weren't getting married anymore, 'cause I was really excited for when he got out, I thought you and him were gonna get back together and call the engagement back on. I really wanted you to be my sister in law...but, I guess that's not happening now." She laughed slightly at the end and I smiled at her.

"Regannn....awwwwww!" I cooed, engulfing her in a hug. She hugged me back tightly. "Reg, we're practically sisters already!" She nodded as we pulled away. "Yeah, that's true...I just thought you and Ronnie were perfect for each other. I was mad that you guys weren't getting back together." I smiled at her and kissed her cheek.

"Well, thank you for apologizing. I appreciate it." I gave her another quick hug before I let her in. She gave Sam a hug and picked up Scarlett, who was babbling happily to her.

"She know about me and Ronnie that night...? I whispered to Sam. She shook her head and I nodded slightly.

"We better fucking keep it that way, Sam. Cause if we don't, she'll go fucking bonkers." I mumbled. She smirked at me and I rolled my eyes, but smirked back.


***That night, 8pm***

Sam, Regan, Scar, and I walked back into my apartment lugging all of our shopping bags, exhausted from our girls day out. We all went to the mall, got manicures and pedicures, shopped, ate, saw a movie, shopped some more, ate some dinner, drove around a bit, and then we went back to my place.

"Ugh." Sam groaned, falling onto the couch.

"Ugh is right." I laughed, setting Scarlett down. I helped her find her bags and get all of her stuff that she got today out. I jumped when my phone started ringing, making Regan laugh.

"Shush!" She giggled and I answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey Vikki, it's Matt." I smiled.

"Hey, did you make it to Japan?"

"No. I got on the wrong flight and now I'm in-Yes I made it to Japan!" I laughed and he did also. "But anyways, I yelled at Alex a bunch when I met up with the band, and they yelled at him too once they found out he didn't tell you. But uh.....he says he doesn't wanna talk to you. Nor call you." I blinked.

"And why is that?" I got up and mouthed to the girls I was going outside.

"He won't give me a reason." I felt anger bubbling up inside of me. What the hell? Why doesn't he want to talk to me?

"Put him on the phone, Matt."

"But I just said he-"

"PUT. HIM. ON. THE. PHONE." I shouted.

"Yes mam'm." He mumbled. I heard some background noise, then Alex and Matt.

"Dude, I don't wanna talk to her!"

"Too bad, she wants to talk to you!"


"What the hell man, you don't wanna fucking talk to your fiance?!"

"Go away!" I heard a door slam.

"ALEX, OPEN UP! Goddammit...Vikki, hold on, I gotta set the phone down." He set it down and I heard something slam and more yelling.

"TALK TO YOUR FUCKING FIANCE, YOU FUCKING PRICK!" Matt screamed. Everything got quiet, including me. Matt never yells like that, or calls anyone names unless he's really, really pissed off at someone.

"Hello..." I heard Alex mumble.

"Care to explain why you didn't fucking tell me you were leaving for tour for a month, and how you don't want to talk to me?!" I screeched.

"Nope. I really don't wanna explain it." My mouth dropped as he snapped at me.

"Alex, what the fuck is your problem?!"

"My problem's you!" My breath caught in my throat as he said this, and I felt the tears spring to my eyes. "You're fucking constantly keeping me away from my band and friends, you don't want me going out, you want me to be fucking miserable, it seems! I can't fucking go to the gas station without being interrogated! "Where are you?" "Why'd you go there?" "What're you doing?" "When will you be back?" You're fucking suffocating me, Viktoria! I can't TAKE it anymore, I need some time away from you. That's why I didn't tell you about the tour, or say anything to you, ok?! Because I need some space! I need to just be on my own, with my band, doing what I love for a while, without being watched like a fucking hawk and smothered all the time!"

I was full on crying by the time he finished his little rant to me, I felt like shit. I felt like all I was doing was annoying him all the time, that I wasn't doing anything right ever.

"Okay. I'm sorry. Have fun on tour..." My voice cracked big time at the end and I started sobbing, but I clicked "end call" before he could say anything. I turned my phone off and sat on the porch, crying.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not gonna lie, writing what Alex said to Vikki made me sad and tear up a little. I feel bad for her. :(

Thanks for commenting and reading, guys. <333