Status: Completed. Read the sequeal. Thanks to everyone who read, commented, and subscribed. <3

When It All Comes Down

"Are you gonna rape me?"


***1 week later***

This past week's been...interesting. It's had it's ups and downs. Mainly downs.

Allow me to bore you with all the details!

So, after the call with Alex, Sam had walked outside a few minutes after we had hung up and she saw me crying. She instantly started questioning me as to what happened and why I was crying, and she blew up once I told her all that Alex said. She took my phone and called him, yelling and screaming about how much of a douchbag he is, how he doesn't deserve a girl like me, how heartless he is, yada yada.

Then she gets Ronnie involved the next day. And you can imagine how well THAT went over...

"He said WHAT?!" Ronnie yelled, his features going from concerned to furious within a second. I was sitting on the couch, looking down at my feet while Sammy told Ronnie everything.

"So, not only did he leave for a tour without telling you, but he said......all of that to you?!" I nodded. "I'M FUCKING KILLING HIS ASS WHEN HE GETS BACK!" Ronnie boomed.

"Ronnie, you're not killing anyone!" Sam grabbed his arms and held him still.

"Who the hell says that to their fucking FIANCE? I know I never did!" I giggled a little to myself for the first time since the call, at Ronnie's tone.

Ronnie sat down beside me and pulled me into a hug. "Look, I know I'm...sorta an ass, for doing what I know....." I looked up at him, unamused. "But I really do care for you, and love you still, and I don't ever wanna see you hurt." He said truthfully. I cracked a smiled and returned the hug finally.

"Thanks, Ronnie." I whispered, Sam "aww"ing in the background.

"I may be an ass, but I'm your ass!" Ronnie exclaimed, but then his face fell to a confused expression as he realized his choice of words, making me laugh. "Wait a, I'm not....nevermind. You get the idea."

So after that...well, nothing else really exciting happened. Alex hasn't tried to call me at all, neither have any of the boys, except Matt. And he just calls to tell me how he keeps trying to get Alex to apologize to me, but Alex always says, "There's nothing to apologize for. What I said was the truth."

Oh, well thank you! I mean, that doesn't make me feel like a complete sack of shit. No, not at all. Makes me feel splendid, actually!

But, all sarcasm aside, I miss Alex. And I know what you're thinking-

"Vikki, how can you miss him? After all that crap he said to you!? He's being an ass!"

Well I miss him. So...hmmph.

Alright, so currently I'm at Starbucks. I'm ordering my grande strawberries and creme frappuccino with extra whipped creme. I'm standing there, waiting for it. I'm kinda like the only one in here, besides the old dude sitting at the table in the corner with his newspaper and coffee. I hear the bell ring, signaling someone's here.

"Welcome to Starbucks, how can I help you today?" The cashier asks whoever the hell just walked in cheerfully. Another employee handed me my drink, and I thanked them, walking over to the little station with the straws, napkins, sugar packets, stirrers, etc.

"Hi, um...I wanttt....." My head snapped up from getting my straw out of the wrapper. That voice. I knew that damn voice. I turned my head around and furrowed my eyebrow's at the guy's back. He had on a black leather jacket with "666" printed in red writing on the back. Long black hair that probably should be washed. Way too tight black skinny jeans. Busted up black converse-

Oh Jesus Christ, I think we all know who it is.

I silently cursed myself when I heard him say "Thanks" to the barista, meaning he was on his way over to where I am. I thought I was going to be sneaky, and walk the other way so he wouldn't see me. But low and behold, he was coming the way I was going.

"Oh shit, I'm sor-......" He looked at me and blinked. I did the exact same thing.

"Max what the hell happened to your eyebrows? And why're you wearing more makeup then me?" I groaned.

"Well....why do you....look the same? Huh?" I snickered at his comeback question. He caught me off guard by giving me a bone crushing hug.

"Can't breathe...air...." He let go and I dramatically gasped for breath, putting my hand on my chest.

"Oh stop." He grumbled, grabbing a straw. I smirked and waved my fingers, then began walking out of the shop.

"Hey!" I laughed as I heard Max running behind me. "God you're a fast walker." He panted once he caught up to me.

"Fatass." I smiled at him. He glared and sipped on his coffee. "So what should we do today, babe?" I groaned.

"Can't we just be like, "Oh hey, long time no talk! Wow, it's been forever! Yeah...well gotta go, see ya!"? Max shook his head as we continued walking. "Nope. We're gonna spend the whole day together now!" He exclaimed.

"Whoopee." I twirled my finger around and he grinned, placing a sloppy kiss on my cheek. "Ewwww. AIDS." I wiped my cheek off. He glared once again, but then took my hand and dragged me down the sidewalk.


***4 hours later***

Have you ever shopped with Max Green in a mall? No? You haven't? Well I suggest you don't, unless you like;

A: Getting weird looks all the time because of how he looks.

B: Getting pulled into everything single damn store in the mall.

And last but not least, C: Hearing, "Ooh! Look at this!", or, "Vikki you should get this!" or, "Let's go look at this!" every other minute.

"Let's go in here!" Max exclaimed, starting to pull me into a store we've already been in.

"Max we were already there!" He shook his head, his jet black hair going all over the place.

"No we weren't!" I mumbled to myself as he pulled me in there, again.

So after another half hour of this, we were finally leaving the mall.

Oh, and we didn't buy anything.


"Max we were in there for 2 and a half hours and we didn't buy shit!" I whined.

"We bought food!" He argued. I rolled my eyes. We were walking for a little while before I realized I didn't know where the fuck we were going.

"Where're we going?" He smiled and grabbed my hand. "My place." I raised my eyebrow at him and he smirked.

"Are you gonna rape me?" I asked. He smiled innocently and we continued walking. We finally got to his apartment, standing at his door. He unlocked it and lead me inside.

"Why're we here again?" I asked.

"You still engaged to Ronnie?" Was all he replied with.

"No, b-"

"That's all I needed to hear." He placed his lips on mine, making my eyes go wide.

"Max, the fuck!?" I pushed him off of me, making him smile. "You didn't let me finish. No, I'm not engaged to Ronnie, but I'm engaged to someone else." He furrowed his eyebrow-


"Who're you engaged to?" I sighed.

"His name's Alex Gaskarth." His eyes widened.

"You're engaged to HIM?! He's in some fucking poppy band!" I sighed. "Yes, he is."

"You need someone like me." He smirked, making me laugh. "Max, all we ever were was friends with benefits. Fuck buddies. Booty calls. Whatever you wanna call it! We were never officially together. Never will be either." He smirked at me again.

"Why don't we become friends with benefits again, then?" He put his hands on my hips and rested his forehead against mine. I bit my lip as he kissed the tip of my nose; I always did have a weakness for Max. Never knew why, just something about him made me cave in every single damn time...

"Let's have sex." He mumbled, pressing his lips to mine.

And once again, I caved.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's like I can't fucking resist bringing him into my stories! I just have to throw him into the mix to add more drama!
I should probably just stick to writing Maxy-poo stories.

I just can't resist that little Manson tranny freak. <3

Anywho, sorry for the shit update. 4 days of waiting and this is what I give you guys. Blegh, I know. I'll update again Saturday. Hopefully with a better chapter. (:

(And a background on Max and Vikki: When she first met the ETF boys with Ronnie, obviously, Ronnie was the one trying to get her. She wasn't interested in a relationship at the time, so they were friends for a while. Her and Max were just fuckbuddies. They were never actually together. And she stopped hanging out with Max once she got with Ronnie.)