Status: Completed. Read the sequeal. Thanks to everyone who read, commented, and subscribed. <3

When It All Comes Down

"I need to tell you something."


I was cuddled up to someone. It wasn't Alex, he's not as skinny as this person. And it's not Ronnie, cause Ronnie has, you know, muscles. And whoever this was, does not.

My eyes opened and I saw Max looking down at me. He smiled once I looked up at him. "Morning doll." My heart sped up as everything flooded back into my mind and played out like a movie. I had sex with Max.

Out of all people, I had sex with Max.

What the fuck is wrong with me?!

"Why did we do this..." I groaned, putting my hands over my face to block out the sunlight peeking through the shades.

"Exactly what I was wondering. I had sex with someone who's engaged to someone, not like I care, but..." I smacked him upside the head and got up, retrieving my clothes off of the floor. As I was putting my shirt on, I suddenly started crying.

"Vikki, what's wrong? What happened? Why're you crying?" Max crawled over to me and put his arm around my shoulders, shushing me as I bawled like a baby.

"I-I cheated on Alex.....again...!" I sobbed. He continued to calm me down and whisper soothing things to me as I sobbed and cried. "Honey, calm down...everyone makes mistakes, it's alright." He whispered in my ear. I sniffled and shook my head, sending my black hair flying everywhere.

"No, I-I got really drunk not that long ago and made out with Ronnie, and Alex was pissed over that, a-a-and now I-I had sex with y-you! And h-he's not gonna wanna be with me anymore....and I'm gonna be alone, again..." I started crying even harder at the thought of Alex leaving me for good. But hey, I wouldn't blame him for doing it. I'd leave too.

"You and Alex will be able to get through this, babe. Just calm down." He kissed the side of my head and allowed me to cry for a few more minutes before I had finally stopped, only sniffling every once in a while now.

"Look, tell you what; you can take me down to your guys' place, tell him what happened, and he can beat the living shit out of me! Then he won't be as mad at you!" He said this like it was the most genius plan any human being had ever thought of, making me chuckle a bit.

"He's on tour right now." I sighed.

"Why didn't you go with him?" He asked, confused. I grumbled to myself. "Well, he didn't even tell me. But last week I called him, asked him why and he said that I was annoying him and smothering him and he needed some space from me for a while." Max's eyes widened at this.

"He sounds like a fucking ass. Vikki, I know I haven't even met the guy yet or anything, but you were better off with Ronnie. Way better off." I looked at him, amazed he even said such a thing.

"And this is the same guy that was secretly jealous of Ronnie dating me back...what, 4, 5 years ago? And he didn't want me with Ronnie? Now he's telling me I was better off with him?" Max smiled and looked down, his long black hair falling in his face.

"Yeah, I guess so.....but you knew I liked you, so shut up!" He exclaimed, pushing me playfully. I laughed and pushed him back. This turned into us just shoving each other back and forth for the next 5 minutes.

"Okay this is boring." Max stated. I giggled and nodded. We put on the rest of our clothes, then walked out to the kitchen where my shoes and purse were. I slipped on the shoes and put the purse on my shoulder before turning to Max, who was smiling sadly.

"I'm sorry for this.....but if it makes it any better, it was like, fucking awesome!" I rolled my eyes and he pulled me into a hug laughing. I hugged him back for a solid minute before we pulled away.

"Hey, lemme see your phone." I dug my cell out of my purse and handed it to him. He took it from me, and smiled a minute later. "You still have my number and I still have yours." He chuckled. I smiled and put my phone back in my purse before giving him another short hug. "Call me sometime, babe. This is the first time I've seen you in like, 3 and a half years, I don't wanna lose touch again." I nodded and he gave me a peck on the cheek before I left.

On the drive home, I thought about what I would say to Alex. How I would break the news of me cheating on him. How he would yell and scream and break up with me.

Those weren't exactly what I like to call, "happy thoughts".

I walked in our apartment and sat down at the dining table. I looked at my phone and hesitated when dialing his number. I eventually did get it dialed, and he actually picked up.

"Vikki?" He asked.

"Yeah..." He sighed before continuing.

"I'm so sorry for what I said to you last week. I just....look, I need to tell you something." He sounded nervous now.

"I need to tell you something too...but you go first." He sighed and I swore I heard him crying.

"Vikki, baby...I love you, OK? You know that right? I love you more than anything. You''re everything to me, Vikki, I don't know what I'd do without you..." I started fearing the worst. What the hell was he gonna tell me?

"Alex, tell me..." I whispered. He groaned and I heard a small sob. "Baby, you're gonna hate me...and leave me.....and I had no right to get mad at you for what you did with Ronnie..." The puzzle of what he was about to tell me was finally getting put together in my head, and I felt my heart break.

" didn't..." I felt my heart pounding in my chest, breaking with each beat.

"I've been cheating on you for the past year, Vikki."

I tried to comprehend what he just said and get it through my brain, but I couldn't. I was way too angry now. Who gives a fuck if I just cheated on him? That was one time!

"...The past YEAR? As in, you've been cheating on me for a year?!" I screamed.

"Baby I'm sor-"

♠ ♠ ♠
anybody see that one coming?