Status: Completed. Read the sequeal. Thanks to everyone who read, commented, and subscribed. <3

When It All Comes Down

"What the hell is wrong with her?!"


My phone was ringing off the hook, but I could care less right now. I was too busy burning was was left of Alex's shit. You may think that sounds a little psycho, and you may think that I have mental issues, but, once again; I could care less.

"Stupid motherfucker." I muttered as I looked through a note book filled with lyrics and songs. I smirked as I threw it into the fire place, watching the flames engulf it and burn it to ash. I continued doing this to all of his stuff until I was sure I had gotten every single last item of his burned. All that was left was a pile of ashes, and a few bits and pieces of his belongings.

Someone knocked on the door just as I was getting up. "Who is it?!"

"Your sister!" I yelled back that it was unlocked and she practically ran in. "Alex just called me to tell me that he told you he was cheating on you for a year and that you hung up on him and you're ignoring his calls and you were ignoring my calls too so that's why I...WHY IN THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE A FIRE GOING?! It's 90 degrees outside!" Sam screeched, throwing her arms in the air.

"I burned what was left of his shit. And pictures of us. I'm erasing him from my life." I answered simply, taking my engagement ring off and heading towards the bathroom.

"What're you doing with your ring?!" She followed me into the bathroom and gasped as I lifted up the toilet seat. "Vikki you can't do that!!!"She tried to get the ring out of my hand, but I pushed her away and dropped it in the toilet, then flushed it. "NO!" She dunked her hand in the toilet and grabbed the ring before it was flushed away into a sewer.

"You just......." We both stared at her dripping wet arm for a solid minute, before she screamed in disgust. "OH MY DEAR FUCKING GOD GET ME A BOTTLE OF LYSOL AND BOILING HOT WATER! EW EW EW EWWWWWW!!" She started flinging her arm around and continued screaming. I rolled my eyes and handed her an old towel and bottle of Lysol. "Have at it."

"Oh my god what was I thinking?!" She asked herself as she ran the water in the sink as hot as it would go and began scrubbing her arm. "Ewwwwwwwwwww!" I laughed at Sammy as she continued to say "Ew" and scrub her arm, which she did for at least 10 minutes before she was convinced she had gotten her arm completely clean.

"I'm surprised you didn't scrub your skin off." I snorted.

"Whatever. Now what the hell? A year?!" She exclaimed. I shrugged and nodded. "Apparently. I don't care anymore, though." I sat down on the couch and she sat down next to me.

"Obviously you do, Vikki. If you didn't, you wouldn't have burned all his shit." She laughed slightly. I sighed and looked at her. "How could he do this to me though...? A year?!" She gave me a tight hug as I started crying."Who the fuck does that?!" I choked out.

"Douchebags, that's who." She answered. I continued to cry, and crying turned into sobbing, sobbing turned into wailing, and wailing turned into me going into complete hysterics.

"Vikki, calm down!" I pushed her away from me and screamed. "WHY THE FUCK WASN'T I COULD ENOUGH FOR HIM!? I DON'T GET IT!" I screamed again. I was on the floor, curled up into a little ball crying my eyes out.

"Alright, I'm calling Ronnie and Nasty." I shook my head furiously and sobbed loudly. "I don't wanna see Ronnie! I wanna see Alex! So i can beat his fucking face in!!" I crawled after her as she walked away with her cell phone. "SAAAAMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYY!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I'm sure my neighbors must love me now.

"You and Ronnie need to get your asses over here, she's gone mental on me!" I screamed angrily and stood up on my feet, stumbling into the bedroom where she was.

"I'M NOT MENTAL!!!" I screeched. She rolled her eyes. "Just get down here before she kills me." She hung up and I lunged at her, making us tumble to the floor. "I'M NOT FUCKING MENTAL!" Her eyes went wide and she pushed me off of her roughly.

"Viktoria, what the fuck has gotten into you?! Calm the hell down!" I shook my head and screamed at the top of my lungs again. "STOP SCREAMING!" She yelled.

"NO RONNIE, YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!" I swung my fist at her and she dodged it, looking at me like I had lost it.

"Why the hell did you just call me Ronnie?!" I sobbed and swung a fist at her again, but she dodged it, again. "GET THE FUCK....GO! I DON'T NEED YOU! I CAN LIVE WITHOUT YOU, RONALD I DON'T NEED YOU TO LIVE!!" She stared at me, this time a look of fear in her eyes. I pushed past her and back out into the family room, swinging the door open and stumbling outside and down the road.

"VIKTORIA! YOU'RE GONNA GET HIT BY A FUCKING CAR!" I heard someone scream. I continued running/stumbling down the road in only my bra and panties, barefoot.

"What the hell is wrong with her?!" I heard a door slam, but I continued running down the road. I suddenly fell down onto the sidewalk and looked around, confused as to where I was.

"Vikki, what in the hell...? What's wrong with you?!" I looked up to see Ronnie running towards me.

"No go away! I don't...need you..anymore!" I stumbled back to my feet and started running again, but he grabbed me by the arms and tried to hold me still, along with Nasty. "LET ME GO!!! I DON'T NEED YOU ANYMORE!!"


"RONNIE, GO AWAY! YOU LOVE THE DRUGS MORE THAN ME!! I WAS NEVER GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU, JUST LEAVE! I'M DONE WITH YOU!!...YOU DON'T....I'M NOT YOURS!...GO!" Ronnie looked at me with an angry expression, then a sad one.

"Vikki, what're you talking about?!" I ripped myself from Ronnie and Nasty's grip and started walking towards my home. "I don't don't want me" I saw Sammy standing on my porch with her arms crossed.

"Sam..." I burst into tears and ran towards her, tripping and falling onto the lawn as I was doing so. She sprinted towards me and engulfed me in a hug, allowing me to wrap my arms around her neck.

"He doesn't love me anymore......nobody does..." I cried.

"Honey, we all love you! Why do you think nobody loves you anymore?" She asked me gently.


"Okay, let's get you inside." Ronnie started helping me up, but I slapped his hands away. "No, you're the one who makes me like this.......go away....." I sobbed. He looked hurt, but nonetheless backed off.

Sam and Nasty helped me back into my house, Ronnie trailing behind. They helped me sit down on the couch, Sam giving me a blanket to wrap myself in. I wrapped the blanket around my underwear-clad body and looked at Ronnie, who looked sad. I laid down on the couch, snuggling the blanket.

"What did I do to you?" He asked quietly, since Sam and Nasty were in the kitchen.

"Everything." I answered back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so let's clear up any confusion this chapter may bring!

First thing's first; thought it may SEEM like it, Viktoria does NOT have any sort of mental illness. She's not bipolar, schizophrenic, depressed, none of those.

The reason she because Alex cheating on her made memories of Ronnie and hers relationship come back. She started having a flashback to the night when her and Ronnie got into their last big fight, and that was the night she left him. So when she said to Sam, "NO RONNIE, YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!", and "GET THE FUCK....GO! I DON'T NEED YOU! I CAN LIVE WITHOUT YOU, RONALD I DON'T NEED YOU TO LIVE!!", she was thinking she was back to that day, and the flashbacks and memories were fucking with her mind too much, it made her think Sam was Ronnie for a minute.

So basically, because of all the flashbacks she was having of the night she left Ronnie, she thought for a little while there that she was in that night again.

Now did that even make any sense?