Status: Completed. Read the sequeal. Thanks to everyone who read, commented, and subscribed. <3

When It All Comes Down

"You're only happy when I'm wasted!"


Alex and I's happiness only lasted a few hours. We were on the couch, watching TV like an old married couple when his cell rang. He looked down at it and his eyes widened.

"I'll be right back." He grabbed his phone and made his way out of the house in a hurry. Nervousness started bubbling in the pit of my stomach, and I started to think the worst. When he came back in, things probably wouldn't be as calm and happy as they are now.

I grabbed the pillow and hugged it to myself, trying to block out any thoughts and just focus on the television. A couple minutes passed, then 10 minutes had passed, then 15, then 20. I slowly stood to my feet and walked towards the front door. I opened it and expected to see Alex gone, but he was sitting on the porch, head in his hands and cell phone next to him.

"Who was that?" I asked quietly. He jumped a little, I guess he didn't hear me when I opened the door. He turned around and I saw tears coming down his cheeks. "Alex, what's wrong?"

He motioned for me to sit down next to him and I did. I let him wrap his arm around my shoulder and pull me close to him, knowing what he would tell me wouldn't be good. I let my arm go around his waist and my head rest on his shoulder. The sound of him trying to contain sobs and sniffling only made the worry in me grow.

He pressed kisses repeatedly to the top of my head, whispering that he loved me. I finally lifted my head after a few minutes and looked at him. "Who was it?" I questioned again.

"Lisa..." I looked down at the ground and felt my heart pounding in my chest. I already knew what he was going to tell me, he just confirmed it even more.

"She's pregnant, isn't she?" I whispered. My eyes stayed staring at the grass as a small sob escaped his lips, and he started repeating the words "I'm sorry" over and over again.

"Vikki, what am I gonna do?" He cried. Which was a rarity, for him. He hardly ever cries. "I don't want to be with her, I want nothing to do with her! Now she's pregnant with my kid! I just continue to fuck everything up!" His voice got louder with each sentence, and he stood up. "Fucking...fuck! I just ruined everything for good!" He screamed. He stomped his way back into the house and I scurried up to follow him.

"Alex, calm down, I'm not mad." I touched his arm but he walked away from me. I followed him into our bedroom, where he was grabbing his car keys and slipping on his shoes. "Alex, don't..."

"I need to go and think." He kissed me and then started walking away. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Alex, drinking isn't gonna solve this!"

"Just let me deal with this shit on my own!" He snapped. He ripped his arm from my grasp and walked out.

"Fucking hell....FUCK!" I screamed as I heard the door slam, then his car start. I grabbed my cell phone and dialed Jack's number.


"Jack, we have a slight problem." He laughed slightly. "When don't we?"

"No, this is a problem." I stressed the word "problem" and he became silent.

"...How big of a problem are we talking about?" I laughed sarcastically.

"Oh, only Alex getting a call from Lisa, her telling him she's pregnant with his child, and him going to the bar to get drunk."

"HUH?!?" Jack screamed. "He got Lisa pregnant?!"

"She just called him. We were on the couch, and he went outside on the porch to take the call. He didn't come back in, so I went out there and saw him crying on the porch, and he told me. Then he started screaming that he fucked everything up and shit, he came in the house, grabbed his keys and told me he "needed to think", and just left. We all fucking know what he's really gonna do, Jack."

"Shit...dammit, let me call him." I agreed and we hung up. A few seconds later I heard Alex's ring tone, and saw his phone sitting on the table.

"Oh, that's just fantastic!" I screamed to no one.


3:38am. That's what the clock in Jack's car read, as we drove from bar to bar trying to find Alex. Rian and Zack were driving around too, trying to find him.

"Alright, we've gone to pretty much every fucking bar around here. And so have Zack and Rian." Jack stated as we were driving.

"We've gotta keep looking..."

"Vikki we've looked all over fuckin' Vegas!" Jack exclaimed.

"I don't care, look again! Then look a third time, then a forth! He's fucking out here somewhere Jack, we're not just gonna say, "Well, can't find him. Oh well, he knows his way home"!" I screamed.

"Thing is, he probably doesn't know his way home." Jack grumbled to himself as he made a right turn down a dirt road. I rested my elbow on the glove box, my head resting in my hand. I fought back the tears, I was crying way too damn much lately.

"What the hell is that?" My head shot up and I looked at Jack. "What?" He turned the air conditioning off and rolled down our windows. I heard a faint, out of tune, drunken voice singing.

"You're only happy when I'm wasted!
I point the finger, but I just can't place it!
It feels like I'm falling in love,
when I'm falling to the bathroom floor! Oh oh oh oh!

I pointed to the person staggering down the dirt road were driving down in front of us. Jack slammed his brakes and we got out of the car. I started running towards Alex, he turned around just as I reached him. "Vikkiiii!"

"Oh dear god Alex." I breathed. My arms wrapped around his neck tightly and his went around my waist. I was relieved to have him safe and in my arms, as cheesy as that sounded.

"What'rrre youuu doin' heree?!" He slurred happily. I pulled away and cupped his face in my hands, trying to get him to focus on me. "Alex, you had us all fucking worried to death! We didn't know where the hell you were!!" I yelled in his face. He smiled drunkenly at me.

"Nawwww! You'sss were worriedd 'bout me!" He cooed. I rolled my eyes and hugged him tightly again, him doing the same to me. I honestly didn't give a shit if he was shit-faced right now, and probably didn't know what was going on, at least he wasn't dead.

"Alex, where's your car?" Jack asked. Alex pointed. "That wayyy!" I looked at Jack and he rolled his eyes. "That's descriptive."

"Alex, what bar did you go to?" I asked. He shook his head. "Di'nt go to a bar. Went to a party store and bought booooozeeeee. 'S over there." He slurred, pointing again.

"No wonder we couldn't find you." I sighed, helping him to Jack's car. We got in the back seat as Jack got in the drivers again. Alex kept vividly describing the party store to Jack.

"It'sss over there! Right there! They had a sssale on vodka!" He exclaimed. Jack rolled his eyes again and handed me the keys to his car. I dug around in Alex's jean pockets for his keys. "Baby, not in the back of Jack's car!" He winked at me.

"I'm trying to find your keys, dumbfuck." I mumbled, finally finding them in his back pocket and tossing them to Jack. "I'll drive his car home, you drive mine." I nodded and Jack went to Alex's car. I jumped in the front seat.

"Alex, lay down." Alex snorted and fell over in the back seat.

"Whattam I, a dog?" He slurred.

"Yes. That's how fucking Lisa got pregnant with your kid." I grumbled.

"Huhh? Whatdja ssay?" Alex asked. I sighed to myself and kept driving.

"Just go to sleep, 'Lex." I heard shuffling in the back and then a wet pair of lips sloppily kiss my cheek, the stench of alcohol making me almost gag.

"Night baby! Love you!" I heard a thump, and I looked in the mirror to see Alex sprawled out awkwardly in the back, already falling asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry for making you guys wait so long! I had major writer's block, the idea of this chapter literally just came to me, so I hurried up and got on here to write it.
Please don't hate me! I so sowwy! ;w:

Please comment, too. I know you all probably don't want to because of how long I made you wait...XD