Status: Completed. Read the sequeal. Thanks to everyone who read, commented, and subscribed. <3

When It All Comes Down

"You were the worst ***ing thing to ever happen to me, Gaskarth."


***Alex's POV***

Laying in bed with a pounding headache and a churning stomach while listening to your fiance in the other room cry on the phone to her sister about how you knocked up the girl you've been cheating on your fiance with isn't really the best way to start the day.

Trust me, I'd know.

"Sam, everything's falling apart, and it's only going to get worse with time...once that baby comes, we're done for. I know it." Vikki cried to Samantha on the phone. I put my face in my hands and swallowed my own tears back. As I continued to listen to Vikki, the lump in my throat grew larger and larger, my eyes burning from the tears.

I slowly got up and out of bed. Bad idea, because the next thing that happened was me falling to my knees and puking into the trash can placed next to the bed. Obviously Vikki knew I was awake. Probably from the "BLEGGGHHH HUHHGGHHH AHHHGHHH" noises I was making.

I felt her delicate little hand rub small circles on my back, attempting to comfort me. When I finally finished throwing up, she helped me into the bathroom to get me some mouthwash and a cold wash cloth to clean my face off with.

"Thank you baby." My voice was hoarse when I spoke as she handed me the small paper cup of mouthwash. I spit it out and wiped my mouth off with a tissue, noticing that Vikki was rubbing at her eyes and face trying to hide the fact she had been crying.

"I heard everything, Vikki." I whispered. Her head snapped up and I frowned. I pulled her into my arms, but she backed away. "I can't even be near you, Alex...." I felt a pang of hurt in my heart as she started crying again. "Vikki, please-"

"No." I was shocked at how quickly her voice went from being quiet and broken to being strong and stern. "Alex, you fucked everything up. This...we can't fix this now. This broke the final straw, it cut the last thread, it....." She bit her lip. "Ruined everything." I blinked. "My child ruined everything?" I asked.

"No, your child did absolutely nothing wrong. You did." Her words were angry, laced with venom. But she was right. "1 year, Alex. 1 full fucking year. Behind my back. Me not knowing or suspecting a thing." I tried to say something, but she held her hand up. "Do you even have one fucking clue of how much of a dumbass I look like? Because of YOU?" I backed up from her as she started walking towards me. I know I sound like a wuss, but she's fucking scaring the living shit out of me right now.

"You've broken my heart. I put all my trust into you, all my love into you, I put my EVERYTHING INTO YOU! AND THIS IS WHAT I FUCKING GET BACK?! I GET CHEATED ON FOR A YEAR?!?" She was in my face, screaming at me.

"Vikki....." She pushed me harshly into the wall, my back hitting it and making a loud "thump".

"You're the biggest fucking scum bag I've ever met. I have no fucking sympathy for you, I have no love for you, I have nothing for you. You were the worst fucking thing to ever happen to me, Gaskarth." I shook my head, my eyes welling up with tears.

"Baby, don't say t-" Her hand smacked me, a stinging, burning feeling on my cheek.

"I'm not your "baby". I'm not your "honey". I'm not your "sweetie", your "babe", I'm not your anything anymore." She pushed me one last time before pointing to the closet. "Get your fucking bags and pack up your shit before I burn it all." She spat.

I watched her walk over to the dresser and open the top part of her jewelry box, grabbing the engagement ring, a heart-shaped diamond necklace and matching earrings, and the promise ring I had given her 2 years ago. She threw them all at me at the same time. I shut my eyes tightly, attempting to keep the tears in.

"Fuck. You. I hate you. I fucking never want to see your face EVER again. Do me a favor and go back to Baltimore, and stay the fuck away from MY home. You're too much of a fucking pussy to live in Vegas anyways." She walked out of the bedroom, and a few seconds later I heard the door slam. I let my eyes open, looking at the room before sliding down the wall and having myself a good, long cry.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well...Vikki's not happy.
Sorry for the week long wait again for suc a short chapter. ;/ But thank you to the 3 people who commented! It was more than I thought I was gonna get after how long I made you all wait.

Alright, so, here's the deal:

I'm gonna try and write the final chapter right now. Hopefully I get it done by tonight, cause then I'll post it tomorrow...morning, probably. My time, anyways.

But obviously there will be a sequel. ;) And I'm gonna try my damn hardest to update it EVERY SINGLE FREAKIN' DAY.




No seriously I mean it.