Status: Completed. Read the sequeal. Thanks to everyone who read, commented, and subscribed. <3

When It All Comes Down

"Alright, Ronnie, this is Alex..."


I could see the bright sunlight pouring in through the shades even with my eyes closed. I squinted them and buried my face in Alex's warm back, wrapping the covers around me even more. I thought back to last night and what had almost happened between Ronnie and I, and it scared me. I almost gave into him. I almost cheated on Alex, the guy who saved me after I had ended my relationship with Ronnie. I don't know how I could have possibly even thought for just a second it would be OK to cheat, that he would never find out.

Alex mumbled in his sleep, causing me to back up a bit as he rolled over facing me. I smiled as he slowly fluttered his eyes open, cracking a sleepy smile. I pecked his lips softly before nuzzling my face into his neck.

"Good morning, beautiful." I smiled as he whispered in my ear and then kissed it.

"Good morning." I lifted my head to meet his and he smirked. "What?" I furrowed my brows as he stiffled a giggle.

"Just go look in the mirror." My eyes widened and I bolted out of bed still with no clothes on, causing Alex to start laughing. I ran into the bathroom to see what he was talking about and groaned at my reflection; my makeup looked like it had melted off, eyeliner smudging all under my eyes making me look like a raccoon, what was left of my dark red lipstick was smeared, and the rest of my makeup had completely disappeared. I winced at my hair too, seeing it sticking up in every which way.

I walked back into the bedroom and glared as Alex laughed even harder. "Yeah, "beautiful" my ass."


***Later that day, 5:30pm***

"Your phone's ringing." Alex ran into the bathroom as I finished doing my hair, handing me my cell phone. I took the phone from him and answered it.


"WHAT IS THIS FUCKERY ABOUT RONNIE KNOWING WHO ALEX IS?!" I pulled the phone away from my ear and Alex raised his eyebrow.

"Um, Nasty, since when did you say "fuckery"?" I chuckled.

"Since now. Now answer the damn question!" I rolled my eyes and kept applying my eyeshadow.

"He saw my tattoo on my hip of Alex's name as I was reaching for something. The rest is history." Nasty groaned and I heard something thumping repeatedly.

"This" Thump. "Is." Thump. "Just." Thump. 'Fucking." Thump. "Fan-" Thump. "Fucking-" Thump. "-Tastic." Loud thump.

"Nason quit hitting your head on the table and chill. My lord, you'd think that I'd have just killed someone the way you're overreacting." Alex sat down on our bed and smirked at me from the bedroom.

"He wasn't supposed to know yet!" He hissed.

"Well he does, so get over it!" I hissed back.

"Well that's just great. Now I have some wonderful news that you're going to be positively ecstatic about!" I scrunched my nose up at Nasty's sarcastic tone and prepared myself for the worst. "Okay, what is it?"

"Sam wants to go out to dinner with everyone tonight to celebrate Ronnie's getting-out-of-prison-ness, AGAIN. And she knows that Ronnie knows about Alex now, so she wants you to bring him." I groaned loudly and slammed the eyeshadow brush down on the counter. "Put my sister on the phone, Nason." He chuckled before yelling for Sam.

"Why am I in trouble?" She sounded confused.

"You want me to bring Alex to dinner, where Ronnie's going to be also? You want Ronnie and Alex in the same ROOM? Are you outta your fucking mind, man?!" I yelled.

"Well they're gonna have to meet sooner or later, might as well get that shit done now!" I mumbled to myself and sighed.

"What time is this bullshit?" I asked unenthusiastically.

"6:30. We're going to some new sushi restaurant that just opened. I already made reservations." I smiled at my sister's prepared-ness.

"Alright, see ya then." We hung up and I called for Alex. I smiled when he walked back in.

"Guess what we're doing tonight?" He shrugged and grinned.

"Having wild, hot, amazing sex?" I rolled my eyes.

"Nope. Going out to dinner with all my friends. For Ronnie. Meaning Ronnie's gonna be there." His grin instantly fell and he stared at me. "Are you fucking serious?"

"Don't blame me, it was Sam's idea." I held my hands up in defense.

"What time?" He asked simply. "6:30 is when we need to be there, so we need to get ready now." He mumbled to himself. "Great. Can't wait." I snickered as he left the room.

I sighed to myself and applied the rest of my makeup. When I was done I walked over to my closet and began deciding what to wear. I grabbed my cell phone out of my pocket and texted Sammy.

"Is this sushi place fancy or casual?" I pressed send and looked through all my clothes. A minute later I got a reply back.

"eh, just wear some jeans and a nice top. it's not like we have to fuckin break out our evening gowns." I laughed at her reply and after 10 minutes of debating on what to wear, I found an outfit. I heard Alex getting in the shower and I looked at the clock. I changed into my outfit and picked out some cute jewelry to wear with it. Well, as cute as plugs and a nose ring can get, anyways.

By the time Alex and I had finished getting ready, it was already 6:15. We were literally running out the door, as I was texting Sammy for the directions.

"Dumbass it's gonna take 30 minutes to get there! Anyways it's right by the closest mall." I groaned and told Alex where it was.

"Good we'll be late and won't have to be there for that long." I smirked. We finally got there, 15 minutes late, but got there nonetheless. Alex grabbed my hand and we walked into the restaurant. I spotted the top of Samantha's purple head and lead Alex over to the huge table.

"Vikki! You're late like usual!" I laughed as she hugged me. She gave Alex a hug too and I started feeling nervous as I saw Ronnie glaring at Alex.

"Alright, Ronnie, this is Alex..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the shitty filler, but it was needed. And sorry for the 5 day wait! I couldn't think of anything for this chapter until now. XD And I also wrote this while watching Cake Boss at the same time, sooo...yeah.

Comment please! Tell me what you think is gonna happen in the next chapter, which'll be up MAYBE tomorrow. If not then for sure on Wednesday. (:

EDIT: Forgot to add this! Her outfit: Image

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