Status: Completed. Read the sequeal. Thanks to everyone who read, commented, and subscribed. <3

When It All Comes Down

"Uh, you're not gonna stop them?!"


"Alright, Ronnie, this is Alex. Alex, this is Ronnie." Ronnie stood up from his seat and they shook hands, saying "Hi" to each other. Ronnie sat back down, a fake smile plastered on his face along with his little sister's, who was sitting right next to him.

I introduced Alex to the rest of the guys, before introducing him to Regan. "And this is Regan, one of my best friends, and she owns the salon I co-own." He smiled at her and she forced one back. "Pleasure to meet you." She said.

"Same to you." He smiled. We sat down, me sitting next to Nasty and Alex sitting next to me, then Jacky next to him, then Derek next to, you get the idea.

"How long you think until Ronnie starts shit with Alex?" Nasty mumbled in my ear.

"2 hours. If that." I mumbled back, looking down at my menu. He snickered, then proceeded to do the same. After we all had ordered our drinks and food, we started talking.

"So Alex, what do you do?" Regan asked. I shot her a confused glance; she knew who he was and what he did, why was she asking?

"Well, I sing in a band called All Time Low. Pretty simple." He laughed slightly.

"What genre are you guys?" Ronnie asked.

"Pop punk, pop rock.....something along those lines, I guess." He nodded, and Regan and him smirked at me at the same time. I shot them a glare and took a sip of my Sake.

"How long have you two been engaged?" Ronnie asked. "Two months." I answered. He nodded.

"Congratulations, then." He forced another smile at us, but I could see the hatred in his eyes as he looked at Alex.

"Did you guys ever figure out when you want to have the wedding?" Nasty asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "We WANTED to have it this December, but that's not gonna give us enough time to get a venue, plan everything out and whatever. So we're thinking spring 2011." Sammy clapped her hands and let out a small squeal.

"Yay! I'll get to help plan a pretty spring wedding! I can see the springy, floral theme now..." I laughed at my crazy sister. She loved planning things like parties and weddings. Sometimes I think she should've been a party or wedding planner instead of a hairstylist.

Our food arrived, and we ate, still continuing to talk a bit here and there. After we were done eating, Sam and I argued on how to pay the 270 dollar bill. Sam, being the crazy bitch she is, wanted to just pay for it all herself, but I insisted I pay for part of it, and Regan paid for some of it too.

"Alright, who's leaving the tip? Excluding Ronnie." Sammy said right as Ronnie started pulling out his wallet. "Why don't you let me pay for anything?!"

"Ronnie, this dinner was for you. We're not gonna make you pay." I laughed, slapping a 50 dollar bill on the table. "Now let's go and trash Sammy and Nasty's place!" I grinned, grabbing my purse.

"Woo-hoo." Nasty said sarcastically.


***2 hours later***

"Let's play ssstrip pokerr! AND WE CAN SING POKER FACE!" I screamed.

"No." I pouted as everyone rejected my idea. "Psshh, you guys are lameeee-os!" I got off of the couch and stumbled my way over to the counter that held my one and only true love...booze.

Well, I guess I love Alex too...

I grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniels and began chugging it, loving the feeling of the alcohol burning my throat and stomach.

"Vikki." Alex growled as he ran over and yanked the bottle out of my hands. I whined and reached for it as he held it up above his head. "No Viktoria. You're cut off." He handed the bottle to Nasty and I scoffed.

"Cut off my ass!.....Ha....I said cut off my ass..." I giggled drunkenly at my choice of words before grabbing a half-full bottle of Grey Goose Vodka, drinking that straight from the bottle also.

"Alcoholic." Alex muttered under his breath, walking back over to the couch. I took a few more gulps of the liquid heaven before slamming the bottle down on the counter. "Alright let's play some fuckin' music!" I pointed to Nasty. He laughed and plugged his ipod to the stereo and played on of my all-time favorite songs, Motley Crue's "Girls Girls Girls". Cliche, yes, but I've loved that song ever since I was a little girl.

"Friday night and I need a fight,
My motorcycle and a switchblade knife!
Handful of grease in my hair feels right,
But what I need to make me tight are those-"

"GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS!" I sang along, jumping up onto a table and dancing like a stripper.

"Oh dear god." Alex mumbled, put his hands over his face. Halfway through the song, somehow my top came off and I was dancing in my heels, jeans, and black lace bra. Don't ask me how it happened...

I danced for the rest of the song, and I noticed Ronnie eyeing me the entire time with a devilish little smirk on his face. I started laughing as Nasty turned on Lollipop by Lil Wayne.

"Oh god, really? This song?" Sam laughed. I grinned at Ronnie and started dancing again. During the middle of the song I walked over to him and straddled his lap, grinding on him and practically giving him a lap dance. I heard a door slam but I ignored it, feeling my heart pound as Ronnie's rough hands ran up and down my bare sides.

"Why don't you two just start having sex on my couch?!" Nasty exclaimed. Ronnie chuckled, before grabbing my hand and dragging me into a bedroom.

"Uh, you're not gonna stop them?!" I heard Nasty ask.

"She's a big girl. She should've learned how to control her drinking by now, not my fault this is happening." I rolled my eyes at my big sister and smirked as Ronnie grabbed my hips, pulling me close to him.

"You know, you really shouldn't be dancing like that and grinding all over me..." He whispered in my ear, his hands going to my lower back.

"Why?" I breathed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed myself closer to him.

"Cause it turns me the fuck on, that's why." He growled, slamming me into the wall. I moaned as he smashed his mouth to mine, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. His warm tongue slipped into my mouth and massaged mine, making my knees go weak. He tightened his grip around my waist and smiled a bit into the kiss. I gave up on trying to fight him for dominance, I let his tongue explore every crevice of my mouth.

We continued to make out for a few minutes before I pushed him back, towards the bed. I pushed him onto it and straddled his lap once again, practically ripping his shirt off. I gaped at his much more defined and toned stomach and arms, my heart still going crazy.

"Like what you see?" He chuckled. I bit my bottom lip and nodded, leaning down and kissing his tattooed neck. I slowly kissed down it, then up again, causing a few moans to escape from his mouth. "Baby..." I smiled against his neck and raised my head to meet his. "Hmmm?"

"I fucking love you." He moaned out, rolling us over and kissing down my chest. He kissed down to my stomach, right above the button of my jeans, and began to slowly take them off of me.

"What're you doing....." I breathed out. He smirked and slid my jeans down at a painfully slow pace.

"Showing you how much better I am then that stupid little pop-punk kid you have as your fiance." I moaned as he kissed up my inner thigh, reaching to grab my hips.

"Alright, stop whatever nasty things you two are doing!" I looked over at the now wide-open door, and Nasty with his hand over his eyes.

"Come on man, really?!" Ronnie whined, sitting up. Nasty peeked through one of his fingers before letting his hand fall to his side.

"Yes, really. Sammy wasn't going to stop her, but I sure as hell am. Now get up, Viktoria." Nasty yanked me up and off the bed as I threw a fit. "Nasty just leave us alone!"

"Nasty just leave us alone!" He mocked. "Do you even remember who Alex is? You know, YOUR FIANCE?" I pouted and he rolled his eyes. "Now pull your pants up and go find your shirt." I struggled as I tried to pull my jeans up all the way, tripping and stumbling a little bit. I successfully got them pulled up after a few minutes, and I followed Nasty out of the bedroom and back to the main room.

"Viktoria, what were you thinking?! You have Alex now! How could you do that to him?!" I ignored Sam as she continued to yell at me and scold me, my main goal being to find my shirt. I felt like I was about to pass out any minute now.

"Shushhh. Now." I slurred, finally finding my shirt. I slipped it on, and it was backwards. Oh well.

"Whatever. I can't even fucking deal with you right now." Sam stomped away from me and I pouted. "Come on love, let's get you into a different bedroom so you can sleep." Jacky said quietly next to me. He helped me into a DIFFERENT guest room, and also helped me get into bed.

"Thanks Jacky." I mumbled. "Loveeeee you." He chuckled and kissed the top of my head lovingly. Jacky was always like a big brother to me, in a way.

"Love you too. Goodnight." I mumbled a goodnight back as he turned of the light and left the bedroom, closing the door behind him. Sleep engulfed me within a matter of minute, my dreams filled with only Ronnie.
♠ ♠ ♠
I thought about doing that, but then I thought, "Hey! I should make Vikki have an alcohol problem and get really drunk, then almost have sex with Ronnie! That sounds like fun!"

So that's what I did. Hope you guys like! :D

Comments are so ever, greatly, tremendously, obviously appreciated to the fullest extent.