Status: Completed. Read the sequeal. Thanks to everyone who read, commented, and subscribed. <3

When It All Comes Down

"I thought you told me I could trust you?"


My head was pounding. The sun was burning my eyes as they slowly opened. My stomach churned over and over again. I felt like I got run over by 10 trucks.

Gotta love hangovers.

"Oh....fucking hell....." I put my hand over my mouth and saw a bucket placed ever so kindly next to my bedside. I grabbed it and up came all the alcohol and sushi from last night. And let me tell you; Las Vegas rolls do NOT taste as good coming back up as they do going down.

So, as I was convinced I was dying and puking up all of my insides and whatnot, I heard the door creek open, and then felt someone holding my hair back and rubbing my back comfortingly. I recognized the soft hands as Sammy's. I hurled for another good 5 minutes before it finally stopped, leaving me with tears rolling down my cheeks and my breath coming out in large spurts.

"Here." She handed me a roll of paper towels and a cold wet washcloth. I wiped my mouth off and then wiped down my entire face with the cool, soothing wash cloth. She handed me a little Pixie cup of mouthwash, which I gladly took and swished around in my mouth for at least a minute before spitting it into the bucket. Then she handed me two Advil and a ice cold bottle of water.

"You really are the best big sister ever." I mumbled, popping the Advil and gulping down some of the water.

"Do you even remember what happened last night?" She asked in a stern, motherly voice. I groaned and rubbed my head, trying to think back to what happened last night. "And as to why you're sleeping at MY house, and not at yours with Alex?"

My eyes popped open and I felt the tears coming to them. "Oh, fuck..." Suddenly, the memories of last night came flooding to my brain and played out like a movie. Me grinding on Ronnie, me making out with Ronnie, Ronnie taking my pants off...

"Oh fuck fuck FUCK! FUCK!!!" I screamed, punching the pillows. Sam tried to shush me but failed, as I had already started sobbing and crying. "Fucking...goddammit...Alex is gonna break up with me....." I choked out.

"If it makes you feel better, you didn't have sex with Ronnie." Sammy stated. I looked at her and sniffled. "It doesn't matter...I still "semi-cheated" on him...I'm fucking horrible, Sam!" I punched the pillow again, letting more of my tears flow down my cheeks freely.

"Hey, calm down..." She wrapped her tattooed arms around me in a hug, allowing me to rest my even more pounding head on her shoulder. "Look, we all make mistakes. You were drunk, Vikki. You didn't know what you were doing, and yes, Alex is going to be hurt, he's probably not gonna talk to you for a few days, but he'll realize that you didn't mean it. He knows you love him and have always been faithful to him, Viktoria. He knows you would never cheat on him, willingly." I sniffled and my tears finally stopped, as well as the pounding headache that had started going away.

"I'm scared to go home, Sam. He's gonna yell at me." I whispered. She chuckled. "Well, I think he kind of has a right to, for what you did." I glared at her and she smiled. "But I know you two will work through this and everything will be peachy keen again."

"Promise?" I pouted. I held up my pinky and she grinned.

"Pinky promise!" We clasped our pinky fingers together and I giggled slightly, giving my big sister a big kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, Sammy."

"Anytime. Now get out of my house." I gasped and she started laughing. "Rude bitch." I fake-grumbled, shoving her off of me. I stuck my tongue out and slowly stood up, feeling a little dizzy.

"Oh, and Nasty got you an Egg McMuffin from McDonald's since he knows that's what you eat when your hungover. So you should probably thank him for that, and for stopping you from going all the way with Ronnie last night." I nodded my head and walked downstairs, seeing Nasty standing in the kitchen.

"Morning, hungover sunshine." He grinned, handing me my McMuffin. I grinned back and gave him a big hug and kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for stopping me from going all the way with Ronnie last night...and for this muffin thing." He laughed and patted my head.

"No problem." I smiled at him and then ran off with my breakfast sandwich. I went into the bathroom and frowned at my appearance; I had wiped off most of my makeup, but my hair was a mess and my eyes had slight dark circles under them.

I winced as I brushed out the knots in my hair, snagging one here and there. As I piled on the concealer under my eyes I started eating my sandwich, my stomach settling down once the food started making it's way there.

I finished up my makeup (and my breakfast) and began to straighten my hair with Sam's flatiron. "Sammy!"

"What?" She asked, popping her head in.

"Can I borrow an outfit from you?" I pouted. She smiled and nodded, running off to her closet. As I finished doing my hair she came back with an outfit for me. "Thanks!" She giggled and nodded. I changed into the outfit and grabbed my clothes from last night. I slipped on my heels and grabbed my bag, making sure I had put everything in there before grabbing my sunglasses and slipping them on. I grabbed my bottle of water before walking out to the kitchen again.

"Time to go face the music." I sighed. Nasty and Sam smiled sympathetically at me.

"I'm gonna have to drive you there, since Alex took your car last night..." I nodded and gave Sam a hug goodbye before following Nasty out the door and to his car.

" do you think he's gonna be?" He asked once we were a few minutes into the drive. I sighed sadly and shook my head.

"I don't even know...I'm scared he's gonna break up with me." Nasty shook his head also.

"I don't think he will. He loves you too much, and he knows you were drunk and it was a mistake." I nodded my head slightly and picked at my nails. "I can only hope."

I felt myself getting more nervous when we pulled into the driveway of my house. "Good luck, Vikki." Nasty smiled at me.

"I'm gonna need it." I smiled weakly and gave him a quick hug before getting out of the car and letting him drive off to pick up Scarlet from Sam's mom.

I walked up to the door and slipped my key in, turning it and opening it. My breath caught in my throat as I saw Alex sitting on the couch watching TV, but his head turned when he heard the door open. I frowned when I saw how sad his eyes looked. He looked like he hadn't slept at all last night, because his eyes were tired, his face was scruffy, and his hair was a mess.

I set my purse down and kicked off my heels, feeling even more nervous as I heard the TV click off. "So, what'd you and Ronnie do last night?" He asked angrily, still sitting on the couch. "Fuck each others brains out?"

"I didn't have sex with him. Nasty stopped me before..." He glared at me.

"Nasty stopped you? So, if he hadn't stopped you you WOULD'VE had sex with him?" I felt the tears return to my eyes.

"Alex I was drunk, I had no fucking clue what I was doing..." He stood up.

"Yeah, you were drunk because you'e a fucking alcoholic! You can't ever control yourself when it comes to alcohol!" Well that hurt.

"I thought you told me I could trust you? That you wouldn't ever do anything to hurt me? What the hell happened to that, Viktoria?!" I looked down and started crying again. "Alex, I never would cheat on you intentionally. You know that..."

"What did you do with him?" He asked. I looked up at him and nearly cringed when I saw how angry he was.

"I made out with him, and like I said, Nasty came in and stopped us before it went to far. I swear, you can ask him and Sam. You can even ask Ronnie, that's all that happened!"

He sighed heavily and walked over to the counter, leaning against it. He had his arms crossed over his chest and he was staring at the ground, thinking.

"Alex, I love you. You know that I would never cheat on you, ever. You make me so happy..." I started to break down at the last part, and he finally looked at me. "I don't wanna lose another fiance, know how much you mean to me, and you know how miserable I would be without you in my life."

"Vikki you're making this harder than it needs to be." He mumbled, running his hands over his face.

"I'm making what harder then it needs to be?...God Alex, please don't leave me! Please Alex, don't break up with me, please! I swear, I...I'll quit drinking! I'll never ever drink again, and I'll stay away from Ronnie, and I'll do anything! Please don't leave me, Alex, PLEASE-"

"Vikki, calm down, I'm not breaking up with you!" He walked over and put his hands on my shoulders, holding me still. That's when I collapsed into his arms, going into another crying fit. He wrapped his arms around me to hold me up.

"A-Alex....I-I'm so s-sorry....I-I-I l-love you m-more than anyt-thing in this whole w-world-d...please d-don't leave me.....please!" He hushed me, but I kept crying into his chest, soaking his t-shirt.

"Calm down, baby..." I continued to cry and cling to him for dear life. "Please, calm down...I hate seeing you like this...only other time I saw you like this was when you opened up about Ronnie a couple months after we met."

I sniffled and tried to calm myself down, but started freaking out once Alex started pulling away. "Vikki, just.....I need some time to myself, OK? I gotta go and just...think." He pulled away completely before walking over to the door and slipping his shoes on, then walking out, leaving me there.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oooooh...poor Vikki. :( Do you think Alex is gonna break up with Vikki or not?
Oh, and the next chapter will be in Alex's POV.

Thanks for all the comments on the last chapter! Loved 'em all! <3

Her outfit borrowed from Sammy: