Status: Completed. Read the sequeal. Thanks to everyone who read, commented, and subscribed. <3

When It All Comes Down

"I'm not ***ing bailing you out of jail when the cops come."


***Alex's POV***

I felt bad for just leaving Vikki standing there, crying and in the middle of a breakdown, but I need to leave for a bit. I gotta clear my head and talk to someone who knows me probably better then I know myself: Jack.

The drive to Jack's only takes about 5 minutes, since he lives so close by. I got out of my car and walked up to the door, ringing the doorbell once. I rang it again after he didn't answer, then I heard a muffled voice. I raised my eyebrow as the door opened and there stood a tired looking Jack.

"I was asleeeep..." He moaned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. I walked in to his apartment and he shut the door. "Look, I need to talk to you about Vikki..."

"Oh god, did you get her pregnant? AM I GONNA BE AN UNCLE?!" I shook my head and stared at him blankly. "No Jack. She's not pregnant."

"Oh well, alright. What is it?" He slipped his glasses on and plopped down next to me on the couch, looking at me.

"We had to go out to dinner for Ronnie last night," Jack nodded. He knew who he was since I had told him all about him the night Vikki went to go have dinner with Ronnie. "And dinner was fine and everything. Then we went to her sister's place and she got completely shitfaced. Sam's boyfriend turns on some music and she started dancing on a table and takes her shirt off, another song comes on and she's grinding on Ronnie like a stripper, right in front of me." His eyes widened and I nodded.

"So I left. I stomped out of there and left. Then she just came back home, and she tells me that she made out with him, but if Sam's boyfriend hadn't found them in the bedroom, they would've had sex. So basically, she somewhat cheated on me."

"Wow." Was all Jack had to say. He scratched the back of his head and looked at me. "What'd you say to her?"

"I just yelled at her a little.....I didn't really say much. I told her she was making everything harder then it needs to be 'cause she was breaking down...then she assumed I was breaking up with her and she went ballistic." He furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"So, you just left her in the midst of a breakdown?" I shook my head.

"I calmed her down a little before I left, she's fine." I paused and gulped. "...I hope." Jack shook his head, leaning back into the couch and crossing his arms over his chest. "So, what're you gonna do? Break up with her?" I sighed, putting my head in my hands and closing my eyes.

"I honestly don't know...I just, I trusted her. I really put all of my trust into her. And the last time I did that, which was with Lisa, she cheated on me. It's like all that ever happens is that I get cheated on." I mumbled the last part, suddenly becoming angry. "Why can't I just have someone who's completely faithful to me? It's all I fucking ask for."

"Dude, she was drunk. She didn't know what she was doing...and you said she only made out with him, so technically she didn't fully cheat on you. Full blown cheating is like, fucking someone else."

"Yeah but she was going to if Sam's boyfriend hadn't stopped them." I snapped. Jack sighed.

"I know dude, but you can't go too harsh on her...she didn't go all the way, and she was drunk." I closed my eyes again and felt tears welling up in them. "It just see my fucking fiance grinding all over some other guy, and then learning she made out with him. It really hurts." Jack patted me on the back.

"I know, man. But I say don't break up with her. I can tell she really does love you and wants to be with you for the rest of her life. She's probably feeling like a complete pile of shit, and not because of her hangover." I smiled a little and nodded my head slightly.

"I think I'm gonna go over to Ronnie's though....." Jack's eyes suddenly looked nervous. "To do what...?" I smirked and stood up. "What do you think?" Jack shot up and started following me to the door. "Dude, no. Don't do something that's gonna get you into trouble."

"Look, it's not gonna get me in any trouble." I walked out and called over my shoulder, "Thanks for the talk!".

"ALEX!" He groaned. "Don't kill the kid!"

"I won't!" I grinned devilishly to myself as I got back in my car. I called Viktoria on my cell phone.

"Hello...?" She whispered.

"Vikki, what's the address to Radke's place." It wasn't even really a question, more like a command.

"W-Why do you want his address? Alex...don't do anything stupid."

"Just give me the address, Viktoria." I demanded.

"What're you gonna do?"

"I'm gonna fucking beat his ass, what the hell do you think I'm gonna do?!" She groaned to herself.

"Alex, no." I gripped the steering wheel tightly with my other hand. "Viktoria, give me the address." I spoke slowly, hoping she would get the message that I wasn't fucking around. She sighed before telling me the address.

"I'm not fucking bailing you out of jail when the cops come." She mumbled.

"Jack will." Was all I said before I hung up on her, speeding to this fucker's place. I pulled into the driveway before getting out and slamming my car door. I walked up to the door and banged on it. The doorknob turned and there stood Ronnie. He smirked once he saw me, and how angry I was. "Oh, Alex! Good to see you buddy!"

"Yeah, shut the fuck up dickhead." I growled, pushing him back. "What the fuck did you do with my fiance last night?" He smiled.

"Well Alex, I made out with my ex fiance. Would've fucked her and had her screaming my name like a slut, but someone walked in and stopped me." My fists balled up when he said the word "slut". "And I can guarantee you that she would've loved everything second of me fucking her. She always did when she was mine, anyways. I'm sure she fakes it with you."

"Would you like me to video tape it and show you how wrong you are?" I smiled sarcastically. He grinned.

"I don't need video to prove to me that I was better in bed then you are." I rolled my eyes and he smirked at me again. "I don't even know why she's with some little punk like you. You look like a fucking fag."

"Guess she likes fags more then washed up drug addicts then, huh? Since you know, I'm the one fucking her and getting ready to marry her now." Next thing I know, a fist connected with my cheekbone, making me stumble backwards.

"I'd watch your fucking mouth around me if I were you, kid." Ronnie growled. I smirked.

"What, am I getting to you? Uh huh, that's right, Viktoria's my fiance now. She's going to be "Mrs. Gaskarth". Not Mrs., "Pathetic druggie who sucked dick while he was in prison"." He threw another punch but I blocked his fist before it made contact with my face again. I pushed him back and punched him square in the nose, making him groan in pain.

"You little fucker." He shoved me out the door and onto the pavement, then tackled me and began punching me again. I rolled us over and punched him in the jaw, hearing something crack and him cry out in pain. I jumped up and kicked him in the ribs, but he grabbed my ankle and pulled me down, kicking me in the stomach. I gasped as the air was knocked out of me, and he started to punch me in the face repeatedly. I got a couple more punches before I kicked him off of me and began punching him again.

"ALEXANDER, STOP IT!" I snapped my head around to see Viktoria, Sam, and Nasty all getting out of a car. As I was turned around Ronnie punched me in the side of the head. "RONALD!" Sam screamed.

I punched him in the nose and continued to punch him in the face over and over again before I heard sirens. As I was punching, I was ripped off of him and thrown to the ground, then handcuffed.

"GODDAMMIT ALEX! NOW LOOK!" Viktoria screamed as the cops pulled me up to my feet and lead me to the police car. They shoved me in the back and closed the door. I saw Viktoria yelling at the one of the policemen, and I also saw Ronnie getting cleaned up by paramedics and talking to some cops.

Well, safe to say I'm fucked.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think we all expected Alex to go and beat down Ronnie, no?
So, tell me; whose side are you on? Alex's or Ronnie's? (I'm not doing any of that "Team Ronnie" or "Team Alex" shit. This is not a fucking movie about big dogs and sparkly vampires, people.)

Oh, and just a side note: I hate using the "F word". (Not fuck. The other one I used in this chapter.) But I had to for that little part. So that's just a disclaimer in case I get any sort of hate for using it.

Oh, and WOOOOHOOOO! for reaching 100 comments and almost 200 readers! :DDD Thank you guys, you have no idea how happy it makes me. :'D