Status: inactive :( I'm honestly stuck with writer's block on this one

The Beauty, The Brains, and The Belly: The Life of A Teenage Geek

Chapter 1: First Day of Senior Year

“Dylan, get out of the bathroom. I need to get ready.” I screamed at the bathroom door.
“Who cares if you’re beautiful no one notices you anyway!” Dylan screamed out of the bathroom.
“Dylan if you don’t get out of there, we’re going to be late.”
“Well, I won’t; but you, that’s another story,” Dylan stated sarcastically. I stormed into the bathroom without saying another word because I wasn’t going to let Dylan or anybody ruin my first day of senior year. My shower was cold like normal because my idiotic boy used all the hot water, which was apparent by all the steam. I tried not to let Dylan’s words bother me as I got ready but deep down I knew he was right. As I walked to the breakfast table, I thought I looked cute; but from the look on my bro’s face I knew he thought I looked like a geek. I looked down at my spaghetti strap empire waisted peasant blouse and jeans and I couldn’t understand him. I sat down at my typical spot; the same spot I had sat at since we had moved into this house, and at the head of the table, sat my loving dad, Bud McDobbs, as usual reading the daily paper and drinking a cup of coffee.
“Good Morning, pumpkin. Did you sleep well?”
“Good Morning. Not really, I guess I was just anxious. ”
“I would be too if I knew that I was starting another school year in the shadows of the most popular kid in school and was just another geek.” teased Dylan.
“You two cut it out!” warned Mary.
(Flash back)
Mary is my step-mom. She and my dad had been married since I was ten years old and had tried to take over the mom role immediately. My mom died when I was nine years old of a brain aneurism and in my opinion, my dad got married way too quickly. He said I need a mother; which is why he got remarried so soon.
“Now eat up before your breakfast gets cold.”
“First, let’s pray,” dad added. As my dad prayed I could tell how he felt by the way his voice sounded.
“So do you have ever thing y’all need for your first day, kido?” Mary asked.
“Yes, Mom” Dylan replied. Dylan was Mary’s son from a previous relationship but he didn’t know his real dad.
“What about you Em?” Dad inquired.
“Sure, but I will probably need to get some stuff this evening after I find out what I’ll need.” I replied.
The rest of breakfast was eaten in peace and after that it was time to leave for school.
“Hurry up, or I’ll leave your butt!” Dylan yelled up the stairs while I was finishing getting ready. I had just enough time to step into my flip-flops and meet Dylan at the bottom of the stairs before he screamed his last warning. Dad had already left to go to work and Mary met us and the door to wish us a good day. As we pulled up at school I could see again how popular my step-brother really is.
“Hey Dude, how was your summer?” asked Dylan’s bud, Jack Martin, as we got out of the car.
“Not bad, Jack,” Dylan replied.
I got out of the car without saying a word and unnoticed as my bro would probably point out later just to annoy me. As I walked to homeroom, I remembered all the years I had attended at this school. I had been attending Oakwood High since kindergarten. I have made several friends since then but none were in my class let alone my grade. I walked into Mrs. Manning’s class and debated where to sit. If I sat up front that would just add to the geekyness everyone already thought about me, but if I sat in the back they could pick on me without getting caught. I decided to sit up front despite the consequences. Mrs. Manning came in and hushed the class and proceeded to passing out our schedules and paperwork. Then, before I knew it the bell rang to go to first block. I profoundly looked down at my schedule and found that I had AP Calculus with Mr. Wyatt. I was relieved because I have had Mr. Wyatt for math since ninth grade. I walked into his class and sat in the front row which was no surprise to the other students who were gathering.
“Take your seats, Take your seats. Good Morning class, my name is Mr. Wyatt and I will be helping you explore the fun of AP Calculus for the next semester.” Mr. Wyatt then started passing out our syllabus and discussed the next semester with the class. While Mr. Wyatt addressed the other students, I daydreamed. I seemed to be doing more and more of that these days as I grew closer to college and the rest of my life. I wondered what college would be like? What I would do with the rest of my life? Would I get married; have children? My mind was whirling. Suddenly, the bell rang to leave.
“Ok class, your syllabus has a list of your needed supplies and tomorrow we will start Calculus.”
I scanned my schedule and it revealed I had Spanish next. I hadn’t had Mrs. Carlos before but I had heard she was mean. I got to class before most and sat down. When the late bell rang Mrs. Carlos started unexpectedly, “Bueno Días, students. Sit down and let’s discuss your syllabus which is already on your desk and our time in español.” She talked about how the year would go and then we were given our first assignment.
“Class, your first assignment is to write a paper about your summer and then tomorrow when you have your Spanish dictionary we will see how well you can translate it into Spanish.” I started to think about my summer and I realized that my summer was pointless. I spent most of it doing college research, reading at the library, and a family vacation to Branson, Missouri. My paper would be nice and boring, so I really hoped we wouldn’t have to read them aloud in class. We spent the rest of the class time writing our paper but I finished half way through the class and read the rest of the period. I was glad to hear the bell ring because I had finished my book and was getting bored out of my mind. So my schedule said that I had Mr. Dozier for History. I had him last year so I know his class would be a breeze. Mr. Dozier’s class started off very similar to the rest and then I had to write another paper on my summer vacation which thanks to my Spanish report took al of ten minutes. With no book, to read, my daydreams ran wild. My fantasies drifted towards my future with a husband and children. My husband would be strong, loving, tall, tan, and with blonde hair and green eyes. I imagined have at least two kids or as many as my husband and I would decide. I was brought back to reality when Mr. Dozier announced that it was time for lunch. Lunch was as disgusting as I remembered so I decided to check out the school library instead. I found several books I liked but decided on The Giver by Lois Lowry. The librarian was very nice and we chatted about our summers until the bell rang. Last class of the day was Ms. Carrolton for Family Dynamics. The class was the same as the previous and before I knew it it was 3:05 and time to leave. After I visited my new locker, I walked out to my brother’s car to go home. As I approached the car I was in for a rude awakening. There in Dylan’s car sat him and his girlfriend-for-the-week making out. Deciding it wasn’t worth a fight with Dylan to disturb, I sat at the picnic table a couple of feet away and read. Sometime later I heard a couple of car doors slam, a car start and drive away, and then Dylan sarcastically yelled, “Come on loser, we’re going to be late. Mom and Bud will be mad and then there goes my social life.” I jumped into the car and we silently rode home. When we got home it was time for supper.
“So how was school?” Mary asked sympathetically.
“Fine,” Dylan and I commented. We ate the rest of dinner in peace because I guess Mary decided we really didn’t want to talk. After dinner, I spent the rest of the night in my room reading and watching TV.