Status: inactive :( I'm honestly stuck with writer's block on this one

The Beauty, The Brains, and The Belly: The Life of A Teenage Geek

Chapter 4: Night in Heaven

“What am I going to wear?” I thought to myself as I stared at my closet wondering what to wear on my date. As I flipped through my closet I just knew Hunter would know I was a geek by my wardrobe. I pondered running to town to buy something new but looked at the clock and knew I didn’t have time or the money. I jumped in the shower and blow died my hair and again was faced with the decision of what to wear. I looked at the clock and realized that I better get a move on getting ready because I had an hour before my dream date arrived. I decided on my good jeans, a cute hot pink sleeveless tunic with a white belt, and a pair of cute white ballerina flats. I then went to my vanity and commenced to curling my hair. As I finished with my makeup, I heard his car pull up in the driveway. I finished with a last coat of mascara and lip gloss, checked my hair, grabbed my jacket (white denim cropped), and headed downstairs.
“Hello Mr. McDobbs, I’m Hunter Davis.”
“Good Evening. So what are we going to be doing this evening?”
“I was thinking dinner and a movie, sir. What time should I have her home, sir?”
“No, later then 11.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Now do we need to have a man-to-man conversation or are you going to behave?”
“Daddy, Be Nice!” I interrupted defensively.”
“Oh, alright. Ya’ll run along and have fun, but have her back by 11.” Dad finished jokingly. As we walked out the door I felt as if Hunter was either regretting asking me out of breathing a sigh of relief to finally be out of my dad’s third degree. When guys came around, (Shout, guys NEVER come around) Dad acts like a drill sergeant more than the pastor of the local Baptist church. Well, I guess his time in the Army did get him sergeant like tendencies. As we drove to the restaurant we discussed friends, family, and relationships. I realized that he was pretty much experienced as everyone says but some things I had heard were far from the truth.
“So what are you thinking about?” Hunter asked.
“Rumors I’ve heard.”
“Like what?”
“Like you’ve slept with most of all the girls at school and the occasionally rumor of a knock up.”
“Do you believe them?”
“Some may be true, some may not.”
“What is true?”
“Yes, I’m a little experienced, but as far as I know no one calls me daddy. What about you?”
“Me, well…”
“Let me guess, first date?”
“How’d you guess?”
“You seem like the girl that is too nice to have any experience with guys. Also, you’re too shy around me to have had many men.”
“Now, don’t take me the wrong way your really sweet, but most guys look for experience.” Before the conversation could get anymore uncomfortable we made it to the restaurant.
“So what are you going to get?” Hunter asked finally breaking the silence that had followed us from the car.
“I’m thinking chicken cordon bleu,” I responded shyly.
“That sounds good, I’ll have that too. You still seem upset by the conversation in the car?”
“Well, you would be a little upset too if someone you liked told that you were not the type of him or any other guy!”
“I really didn’t mean it like that. Different is a good thing, but can you handle my experience?”
“I really don’t know but, I’m hoping you’ll give me the chance to try?”
“I’m hopping the same from you.” Dinner went on perfectly and soon the whole car ride conversation was behind us. After dinner, Hunter escorted me to the movies.
“What movie do you want to see?” Hunter whispered softly into my ear.
“Something good,” I replied playfully.
“What kind of movies do you like?”
“Well, probably nothing you would want to watch,”
“What about Twilight? Have you seen it?”
“No, but I would like to.”
“Well I guess we found a winner,” Hunter replied. As I sat in the theater and watches the movie with Hunter I couldn’t stop imagining Hunter and I in the movie. As the dim lights got brighter my spirit faded because I knew that meant that my night with Hunter was over. As we rode back to my house I imagined my future with Hunter. As we pulled up at my house I again didn’t want to get out of his car. Hunter then reached over a brushed his hand on mine and butterflies filled my stomach.
“We’re back,” Hunter whispered.
“I know,” I stated disappointingly.
“Why are you so blue?”
“I don’t want this night to end.”
“Well, there’s always tomorrow.” With that Hunter strolled around the car and opened my door. As he walked my to the door, I wanted to cling to his hand that I know held and never let go.
“I had a great time,” I whispered shyly.
“So did I,” Hunter responded, and then reached a brushed back my hair. I felt a shiver run down my spin as Hunter kissed me good night. With that he walked back to his car and drove away, but all I remember were clouds that floated me up to my room that night. As I walked in the door I was thankful to not find my dad sitting in his recliner waiting on me. As I skipped to my room I felt that nothing could touch me. That night I feel asleep with memories flooding my mind and Taylor Swift’s song “Our Song” blasting in my ears.