Status: inactive :( I'm honestly stuck with writer's block on this one

The Beauty, The Brains, and The Belly: The Life of A Teenage Geek

Chapter 6: The Picnic

“Where do you want to eat lunch?” Hunter whispered into my ear.
“Why not under the tree over there by the pond,” I responded. As we walked hand in hand over to the tree, I imagined how life could get any better. As I watched the baby ducks float across the pond, Hunter spread out the blanket and sat down.
“Come sit,” Hunter coaxed. We sat under that shade tree and just talked and ate our PB&Js. For dessert, I packed grapes and chocolate chip cookies. Hunter tried to show off by throwing grapes up and catching them in his mouth, but more grapes ended up on the blanket then in his mouth. After lunch, we layed on our backs and watched the clouds. As we watched for shapes in the clouds, I found myself lying with my head on Hunter’s chest. I felt him breathe in and out, and felt our breathing became in rhythm.