Status: Complete♥

You've Changed Me.



Music blared from the club as everyone was grinding upon each other. I took a swig of my drink while grinding on some random girl I might take home tonight. Might.

My left hand was wandering her small frame and her bleach blond hair stuck to her heart-shaped face. The music beats kept getting faster and faster, and soon I was so drunk that I could hardly even see that girls face. My head spun as the lights in the club began to blur and float around. I blinked and nibbled this girls ear.

"I'm gonna go, wanna follow?" I offered over the thumping music. I looked at the girl and winked. She blushed and shook her head 'no'. "Suit yourself." I mouthed to her. She shrugged as I kissed her forehead. I staggered out of the club without my best mate and headed home by myself.

I'm wasn't usually like this, but I've been needing to take a load off for a while. The booze effect hasn't worn off so I didn't know exactly where I was going, but I knew I made it home when I reached my apartment complex. Bless my father and mother for getting an apartment near the gate and on floor level. I shut the door quietly, not wanting any unnecessary name calling from the neighbors. Stupid uptight people...

I hit the carpet and groaned at the sudden fuzzy contact on my face. It still smells like the coffee mom used to make...

Oh lord, how I miss them.

Soon after, I fell asleep on the carpet. I let the fresh memories of a few months ago slip in my dreams. Before everything happened. Before I was alone.
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Next chapter I shale make it interesting so I get more subscribers xD