Status: Complete♥

You've Changed Me.



I slapped my phone shut when I noticed the battery died. Probably from the three hours I was talking to Janeta.

I ran my hand through my tangled hair and laid down on the cold rooftop. I wiped away the last of the tears with my left hand while my right hand put away my phone back in my pocket. I gazed up at the scattered stars. There weren't many out tonight, just a few dots here and there. But no matter where I'm at, I'm still under the same sky. I heard a car come down the street and screech to a stop. A car door slammed shut, then another then I heard talking. Curious, I propped myself up on one elbow and I felt myself awe struck when I noticed Ruet's car in front of my house. There was a loud knock, then the creak of my front door. I crawled to the edge of the rooftop and looked down. I pushed my hair out of my face to get a better view.

"Hello Grace, is Elliot here?" Ruet asked, shifting from one foot to another and Grayson standing behind him. My mother told him something, then I heard my name being called. I stood up at the edge of the roof and jumped down from our two story house and ended up landing next to Grayson, perfectly.

"Holy shit!" Grayson exclaimed, jumping about five feet in the air. I looked at the front door and my mother was holding back a laugh.

"Elliot, you're going to break a leg someday." she told me. I shrugged, not caring. My mother closed the door and when she did Ruet pulled me into the tightest hug I ever got.

"Elliot." He whispered in my ear. I wrapped my arms around his waist, that's when he pulled away. "Elliot," He pushed my hair away form my face. Why is it always in my face? "can't you ask your mother if you can stay with me." He looked down at me, his eyes glossy from the small porch light.

"N-n-o. I-i-isn't G-grays-son-"

"The more the merrier, love." I blushed and looked down at my feet. I heard Grayson laugh.

"I wouldn't mind another roommate. Besides, Ruet isn't that bad. He's nice every once in a while." He chuckled. Ruet pushed his shoulder back lightly, glaring at him. I laughed softly.

"I would l-love too actually... B-but m-my mother already said no..." I sighed, scratching my stomach lightly.

"Well then," Ruet started.

"We just have to convince her, now do we?" I heard the smirk in Grayson's voice. I nodded. Ruet grabbed my hand, and I grabbed Grayson's hand. Ruet knocked on my front door, and this time my father opened it. He raised an eyebrow.

"Hello sir, I'm Ruet and if you don't mind, I would like to talk to you and Grace." My dad's attention went from Ruet, to me, and back again.

"Sure thing." He stepped aside and Ruet walked into my house. He walked up to my mother in the kitchen, who was typing away at her laptop.

"Grace?" She looked up at Ruet and smiled. "I would like to talk about this with you." Her face faltered, but only for a split second. I don't think they noticed.

"Talk about what, Ruet?" She asked nicely. I gulped. My father joined my mother at the table, sitting across from her.

"I would like Elliot to stay with me."

My mother shook her head and I squeezed his hand tightly. Grayson squeezed my hand.

"I'm sorry Ruet, but I don't want to burden you and-" My mother looked at me, smiling. "Elliot is already signed up for the high school over there in Aspen."

"With all do respect Grace, Elliot really wants to stay her in Oxford." I nodded, agreeing to his statement. "And I can take him in, no problem. I got a job, and my grandparents pay the rent on the apartment so there's no worry. They're quite wealthy." I looked up at him, confused. Then why do they live next door in such a cramped house?

"Grace, just let Elliot choose." My father sighed, frustrated. I looked at him, and he smiled at me. I grinned.

"Can I, mommy?" I asked, eagerly. Ruet and Grayson laughed, probably from calling my mother 'mommy'. But hey, I know how to convince my mom.

She sighed. "Okay, okay." I squealed and tore from Ruet's and Grayson's grip and hugged my mom. Smiling and laughing, I thanked her. "Alright, alright. I'll just call the school's tomorrow then..." I kissed her temple and hugged Ruet, and then Grayson. I heard a chair scrape across the floor.

"Okay boys, it's already midnight. You guys gotta get going. Elliot, walk them out?" I nodded, still grinning and leading them out to the curb.

"It wasn't that bad, now was it?" Grayson asked, ruffling my hair. I rolled my eyes at him. I always thought Grayson was a bully or something, but he's cool.

"Grayson, go in the car. I need to tell Elliot something." Grayson nodded, winked at me and went inside Ruet's car. Nervous, I blushed and kicked the dirt under me. Ruet chuckled. "You're adorable, you know." I looked up at him.

"T-thanks f-f-for taking me in Ruet. It means a lot." I told him, smiling. He leaned down and hugged me.

"No problem. Well, there is one." He pulled away, and I just looked at him, confused. But he was smiling. "I don't know if you'll say yes or not," he scratched the back of his head and looked at his car, "because if you don't it'll be awkward." He laughed and looked down at me. "Will you be my boyfriend, Elliot?" He asked me.

A symphony of butterflies erupted in my stomach that made me feel nauseous.

"Y-yes. I-I'd love to be your b-b-oyf-friend." I felt my face grow warm at an alarming pace and looked down at my shoes. Before I knew it, I was lifted off the ground and pulled into a quick kiss.

"Goodnight, Elliot." Ruet said sounding all sing-song like. I nodded.

A good night indeed.
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(im to lazy and tired to post who.) (Sorry for errors.)