Status: Complete♥

You've Changed Me.



After that encounter on Thursday, I've been cleaning my apartment spotless. And it is now Sunday, the day I have to pick up Elliot from his empty home.

"Man Ruet," Grayson coughed. I looked up from cleaning and saw him waving a hand over his face, and a small dust cloud. "How often do you clean your room?"

I laughed at him. I shoved the red cups on my nightstand into a small plastic bag. "Uh, this is the first time since I was ten." Grayson made a disgusted face and I laughed at him.

"Are you really with Elliot? Your small brain isn't lying to you?" He chuckled. I turned around and I chucked my pillow at him. "Hey! I'm just saying."

"Whatever. And yes I'm with him. And you know what? You could use him to get close with Janeta again." I told him, grabbing the random trash that was next to my bed.

"Yeah. Because Janeta is going to trust me again because I cheated on her." I could practically hear him roll his eyes. I shrugged.

"You never know, man. You never know." I heard him curse and I laughed.

"What time are we suppose to go pick up Elliot anyway?"

I tied the plastic bag up and tossed it in the trash bag in the middle of my, now clean, bedroom. I glanced at the clock.

9:00 p.m

I was supposed to go for him thirty minutes ago... Damn!

"Grayson, stay here and continue cleaning. I'm going to go pick up Elliot." I bolted out of the room and rolled my eyes when I heard Grayson groan.

I knocked on Elliot's front door and waited. I heard some yelling, laughing and mumbling. The door opened, revealing Janeta in a yellow sundress in the ending of Maine's winter. Weird girl.

"Hello Ruet." she smiled at me. That's a first. "Heard you're taking Elliot in since I can't." I nodded. "If I find out that you cheated on him, did something stupid because you were drunk or anything to make Elliot cry, I will seriously kill you." I gulped. Her voice was low and harsh. Kind of like the way she talked to me when i tried convincing her that Grayson didn't mean anything by kissing that other girl. I shrugged. Janeta smiled, then called Elliot.

This girl is Bi Polar.

I heard light footsteps and I almost laughed at how Elliot looked.

He's too adorable.

Elliot was in what looked like a navy muscle shirt (which revealed muscles I didn't know he had), gray sweats and wearing these thick rimmed red glasses that stuck out from under his black hair. He looked seriously cute.

I saw him look at me, and I sent him a smile. I think he cursed in another language and ran back upstairs. I looked at Janeta who was holding in a laugh. She said something I didn't understand and followed him. I just stood there.


I heard laughing and stomping footsteps.

This time Elliot was in basketball shorts, no glasses and carrying a small suitcase what Janeta was lugging a medium size one... That was apparently heavy. I laughed, taking it from her.

"Thanks. His sporting clothes are insane."

...sporting clothes...?

I looked to my boyfriend, who was blushing. I shrugged, grabbing the suitcase from Elliot and loading them into my car. He's parents already left and the furniture no longer there so I had to take him by tonight.

I closed the trunk while Elliot laced his hand in mine. I smiled.

"You ready?" Elliot nodded, shyly. I pecked his forehead and escorted him to the passenger side. Like a good boyfriend would, I opened the car door for him and helped him in. When I closed the door I swore he mumbled 'I could do it myself.'

This is so surreal. Elliot's living with me now.

I think I'm more excited than I should be.
♠ ♠ ♠
Quick update. It's..filler... LOL. And im gunna change the layout soon when I find the ime. Color themes are green, pink, white and black. Sounds good?

And so, I have some pretty cool ideas for this story because of That Kid; Mysterious.

Thanks to; That Kid; Mysterious, Dead.IAmTheRat, Cheesecake Freak, reemmeeyy(NEWCOMMENTER!), SnowxBree (Dx), hugs.from.holly for commenting. Cause this is the most comments and subbers I have ever gotten on a story. And readers. 84 comments, 123 readers(this amuses me, but not my most readers LOL.) and 46 subscribers(I went up three!).

And I'd like to thank the academy...

(If there are errors, don't report me. Commenting is fine.)