Status: Complete♥

You've Changed Me.



I held Elliot's hand as we walked out of the school with Grayson.

"Elliot!" Needless to say, we all turned around. A tall blonde boy was running towards us. Well, Elliot. And he was fairly attractive, I got to admit. Not out loud of course.

"H-hello S-s-Scottie." Elliot mumbled. Is his face turning pink? I pulled Elliot closer to me, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind. I felt him tense. "T-t-this is my b-boyfriend, R-r-ruet." Scottie smiled at me and waved. I just looked at him, sending a glare. His face didn't falter, he just continued smiling at Elliot.

"I'm gunna go to the car." Grayson whispered. I nodded and handed him my keys.

"Did you get the notes from Math today? I was kind of preoccupied." Elliot nodded. He shrugged me off of him so he could get something from his backpack. He got out a thin blue spiral journal and handed it to Scottie. "I'll give this back tomorrow, okay? We have a test on Friday so I need to be prepared." He chuckled and I saw Elliot form a small smile.

I would be lying if I didn't feel a bit...jealous. I mean, someone would be jealous too if a hot blonde guy started talking to your boyfriend.

"Okay. S-see you tomorrow S-s-Scottie." Scottie smiled a gave Elliot a quick hug. Elliot hugged him back, but that hug was longer than it should be.

Excuse me?

I growled, and tapped Elliot on the shoulder.

"Elliot, let's go." Elliot pulled away from him, blushing. Scottie just smiled at Elliot.

"Thanks again." With that, Scottie skipped away, leaving Elliot with me. I grabbed Elliot's wrist and pulled him towards my car.

"That was unnecessary, Ruet." Elliot mumbled. I shrugged.

"He was flirting with you. So it was necessary." I stated, opening my car door and letting my boyfriend get inside.

The drive home was an awkward silence.
♠ ♠ ♠
TEEHEE. Ruet's getting jealous :O
Quick update. Now im off to cook. And cooking is gunna happen in the next chapter xD

Thanks to Hugs.from.holly. That Kid; Mysterious, Cheesecake Freak, MarvelousChild (NEW COMMENTER!?) and SnowxBree for commenting.