Status: Complete♥

You've Changed Me.



I swept my hair from my face, getting frustrated with it. It’s already a few inches past my shoulders.

I was alone in the apartment since Ruet and Grayson left for a party thirty minutes ago. I was about to go to the bathroom to cut my hair when there was a knock on the door. I went to get it and smiled up at Renee.

“H-hey Renee.” I greeted.

“Hey kiddo.” She said, coming inside. I felt a warm breeze before I shut the door. “Where Rudolph and Gary?” She asked, taking a seat on the couch.

“Th-they went to a party.” I told her. “Do you want anything to drink.” I walked over to the kitchen but Renee said she wasn’t thirsty or hungry. “Sorry to be a bother, but what are you doing today? Maine is so boring.” She whined. I chuckled.

“I was going to cut my hair actually.” She squealed and the look on her face was an overly excited one.

“Can I cut your hair!?” She asked me, jumping out of her seat and giving me a tight hug.. “Can I, can I can I? Please!” She begged.

I nodded. “Y-yes if you let me b-breathe!” I managed to get out. She apologized and walked me to the bathroom, grabbing a pair of scissors along the way and Ruet’s comb. We stood in front of the mirror and Renee let the water run and wet her hands before combing my hair with her wet fingers.

“How has my cousin been treating you? Grayson and him aren’t pressuring you to do something, right?” She asked, taking the small comb and untangling my hair.

“No. R-ruet’s been great to me actually.” I told her, wincing every time she pulled out a knot.

“Has he now?” She giggled, taking the pair of scissors and running the comb through my hair before I heard the first snip.

“Y-yeah.” I responded as I felt the hair from my back be cut carefully. “What are you doing?” I asked her when she pulled my hair back.

“I’ve been picturing you with this haircut since I first saw you hun. You’re going to look sexy,, not gunna lie.” Renee gushed and I blushed. “You know, you’ve really changed Ruet Elliot.” She told me, focusing on my hair.

“I don’t notice anything…” Renee chuckled at that.

“It’s cause you haven’t known him all your life, baby.” She said. I felt a lock of hair fall and Renee combed my hair out again. “Turn around.” I did what she instructed and she smiled at me. “You’re a cute kid. I can see why Ruet is changing.” She chuckled. She wet her fingers again and ran them through my hair, combing them out. She tugged at the knots. I raised an eyebrow, she sighed but she never frowned at me. “I remember he used to be real tough on everyone, even Grayson. When auntie and uncle died, he was shut down for a good month since it happened around Christmas.” She told me. “Everytime I talked on the phone with Grayson, he was real worried. And let me tell you this, Grayson had enough problems.” Renee cut the hair along my eyebrows, but let the rest be long. I felt it frame my face. “Anyway, now all Ruet does is talk about you.” I couldn’t help but blush at that.

“R-really?” I asked nervously.

She laughed before answering, combing the stray hairs out. “Yeah, ‘He’s a really amazing guy’ and ‘I’m glad to call him mine’.” She mocked in a deep voice. I giggled. Renee snipped at the hair on the side of my face. She brushed my shoulder with her hand. “He really is lucky to have you Elliot.” She said, moving my hair to the side and cutting something there, repeating it on the opposite side. “Almost done now.” She sang, and I chuckled. Renee ran the small comb through my hair before she determined that she was finish. I turned around and admired my new hair style. I turned back around and hugged her.

“Thanks!” I exclaimed. “I love it!” She laughed as I heard the front door open. Renee went to greet them as I swept the mess up with my hands and threw away the clumps of hair in the trash.

“Elliot!” I heard my name being called.

“Coming!’ I shouted, rinsing and drying my hands off before I went into the living room.

“Tada!” Renee said, point her arms towards me.

Ruet dropped his keys, and Grayson and him looked at me in disbelief. I frowned.

I don’t look that bad

“Ruet, you’re drooling.” Renee giggled and waved her hands in front of Ruet’s and Grayson’s face.

Ruet walked up to me and cupped my face in his hands. “You look gorgeous, babe.” He whispered and pecked my lips. I heard Grayson sigh. Ruet pulled him away and shot him a nasty glare.

Renee glared at Ruet and I just looked utterly confused.

“Care to explain?” Renee started, looking between a pissed looking Ruet and a Grayson who didn’t seemed face.

“No.” Ruet snapped at her. I winced at his tone, and he pulled me in closer. Grayson made a disgusted face.

“Too bad.” Renee told him sternly. “Elliot, here.” She dug into her pocket and pulled out a pair of keys. “Stay at my place ‘till I came and get you, okay?” I inched towards her, but Ruet pulled me back.

“He isn’t going anywhere.” He barked at his cousin. She didn’t seemed fazed, nor did Grayson. Renee shoved the keys into my hand and pushed me out the door while I heard Ruet tell Grayson to, ‘Back the fuck off.’. I heard the door slam behind me.

What just happened?
♠ ♠ ♠
Updating again tonight because I'm eager to write what happens next.

This story offically has Ten Stars
Thanks to every one commented, subscribed and the silent readers♥
I love you all.