Status: Complete♥

You've Changed Me.



I stretched, actually glad to be back in school. The weeks had been boring aside from the whole Janeta drama.

Grayson dropped his head on the desk dramatically. I rolled my eyes.

“I’m sore.” he whined. I laughed at him. We were brawling yesterday and I, as always, won.

“Not my fault. I was expecting you to win." I told him, leaning back in my chair while Mrs. Satan blabbed on about something, the bell cutting her off.

"Thank you, Jesus!" I said very loudly, earning a glare from Mrs. Satan. I left before she gave me detention. I walked to my next class, ignoring the glances I usually got from guys and girls until I bumped into someone and I heard a loud THUD!

"Oh shit, I'm.." I was caught a bit off guard to see who was in front of me. It was a small boy that looked like he was 15 or so. His black hair fell over his face, and his cheeks turned a shade of pink that stood out on his ivory skin. He looked fairly attractive. "I'm sorry." I extended my hand to him, to help the boy up. But he just scrambled away and bolted off down the hall. I laughed and continued on my merry way.

He seemed familiar...who was he? I wracked my brain around while I sat in my seat in science, putting my feet on the black science table and listening to the stupid lecture on another thing in life I don't care about. I thought back to my weeks of suspension. Partying, drinking, smoking, graffiti, messing with Janeta and that other kid.

That other kid.

I pulled my feet off the science desk and leaned forward. "Oh!" I exclaimed. All eyes turned to me.

"You didn't know that, Mr. Lucio?" the teacher asked me. I looked at him and gave him a 'What?' look. The class laughed as he sighed and continued teaching whatever the hell I didn't bother paying attention to.

Janeta was hanging out with a small guy that looked similar to that guy I bumped into. Same hair and body structure. Oh. That was the kid. I'll ask him his name later. If I see him again.
♠ ♠ ♠
No updates this week cause I'm a very busy person. More updates soon xD Thanks for being patient. And as for Never Quite Enough, it's getting updated soon. I know I've been saying that a lot, but I mean it this time. I promise. Thanks for everyone who commented!;
hayley williams.
Luna Skyest