Status: Anarbor=Love haha

Passion for Publication

Make Your Own LoV.e

I woke up with a start, "Where the heck am I?" a grunt came from my side. Slade was fast asleep with his body sprawled across the bed and mostly uncovered except his right leg. 'Awwh how cute' A smile took over my lips. I stood up and the world spun, fast.

"Oh shit, babe." His groggy voice caught me off guard. He grabbed my wrist with a scraped up hand.

"What did you do?" I asked inspecting his hand.

He raised an eyebrow and retorted, " I don't think this is really anything to worry about, I mean, hello, your arms and legs look worse than this." I looked down at my own arms and saw blood stains on my skin along with deep gashes. The scene was slightly the same but my knees were torn all to pieces.

"What happened?" I asked still shocked about the cuts on my body. He sat up behind me and ran his fingers through my tangled, mess of hair.

"Well a car was speeding down the road-"

"I GOT HIT BY A CAR?!!" I exclaimed and leaned back on him, "Holy hellcakes! I got hit by a car." laughter exploded from us both.

"Nah, Almost, but no. I kind of tackled you out of the way." He grinned, "I tried to get between you and the ground, but you were in a skirt...not much that I could of done, Har."

"Oh wow," I collapsed back on the bed, now noticing the pain. "Thank you, Slade." Then I remembered it, the kiss. The 'I love you' he had shared with me. How afraid I was.

He slid his hand in mine, "No problem." His body language, his eyes, his lips were all yelling for me to kiss him. He leaned in a bit further, his eyes bright with the idea of love. Memorized, I let him close the distance. His lips were moving fast on mine. His fingers pulled the bottom of my shirt up and on my stomach. Realization of what we were doing hit me

I shot up out of his reach, "I'm moving!" I slammed my hand over my mouth. 'Oh, for fuck's sake. I'm a dumbass.'

"Why?" Shock written all over his features. I knew it would kill him and Addison but I couldn't deal with Tara anymore.

"I've decided that I'm going to college. Away. Away from Phoenix." I picked up my clothes and my phone. 'I might as well finish what I've started.' I shrugged my shoulders and walked over to the door.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? When are you leaving?" His brown puppy dog eyes bore into me. Tearing my heart into, little by little.

"That's why I came to the party. And I'm leaving now." I walked away leaving everything I'd felt for him, this house, and this town right there with him. I shut the door quietly and ran all the way home.


Addison's red sports car was in my drive way. I walked past the For Sale sign in my yard. 'I hope I won't regret this.'

I twisted the door and was greeted wit a cold blast from the air conditioner.

"Addison, what are you doing here?" I asked pushing the door closed and punching in the security code.

"I'm going with you." She appeared out of nowhere, with a huge grin on her face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Addison's Car
haha im going to try and get my stories out faster!
but in the mean time, please comment! aha
comment what ever you desire, loves! ahah
ph and subscribe! :))