I Won't See You Tonight


I love sleep. My life has a tendancy to fall apart when I'm awake.

I shut my eyes, focusing more on what was underneath my eyelids than anything else. Pure darkness. I thought about which was more frightening, never being able to open your eyes again, or never being able to close them. That's all I ever think about, I don't have dreams, nor do I have nightmares. I don't think.

The breeze brushed against my bare skin, I listened to each step I took as my feet pounded against the concrete. The bushes and leaves led my way, as I walked without knowing where they took me. Pieces of hair blocked my face, sliding in between the cracks of my closed eyes.

I felt a sharp pain in my side, but decided it'd be better to just ignore it. But as the pain got more and more intense, I stopped walking and fell onto my knees. "Dear god."

I opened my eyes to exotic green eyes staring down at me in lust, I almost felt disgusted for the man. I didn't know his name, nor have I ever seen him in my life.

"God isn't with us now," He grunted, as the shock of pain made it's way to my insides once more. I cried with pain and anger, as I balled my hands into a fist and squeezed the sheets that were underneath my shooken body. I was bare, and covered in sweat and saliva.

"Please, I beg of you," I cried. My voice was raspy from the yelling and bawling I did before, and I knew after tonight I may not be able to use it for a while.

"I love it when they beg.. Oh, jesus christ Ashlyn," I rolled my eyes, knowing no matter what type of drug he slipped in my drink, I would remember my name, and that wasn't it.

"Get off of me you disgusting bloke," I grabbed a fist full of his hair and tried to force his body away from mine, but as big as this man was, I knew I was helpless.

"M-Millie," I cried out.

He stopped for a minute to look down at me, "Mille doesn't care about you right now, she's in her own little game. Now shut the fuck up or you nor her will get that goddamn money."

I listened to his orders as my grip on his lush hair loosened. I let him do whatever he wanted to do, whether I liked it or not. It was all for my sister, whatever she wants I get it for her, as long as she does her part. I couldn't bare her being pissed at me. I just couldn't.

"That's it, good girl," He stopped for a minute, before falling onto his side next to me. I turned on my side, my back facing him ready for him to toy with me once more. But I was shocked when I heard a muffled snore decrease the silence.

I looked over at him. His eyes were shut and his chest huffed up and down at a slow pace.

I was tired, and knew I was desperate for rest. But instead, I got up and searched around his apartment. I grinned when I found his wallet laying on the coffee table in the living room, I found what I needed when I found about a dozen fifty dollar bills in the side slot. I found his I.D. behind it, his face was printed on the card next to his name. Zachary James Baker.

I shoved the wallet in my jeans I had put on while I was searching. Millie would be proud of me.

I quietly went over to the front door, opening it slow and reluctant. The door creeked and echoed the room. Fuck!

I looked over towards the room he was asleep in, and sighed in relief when I heard no commotion. I slid past the door and was stunned by how freezing the night air was.

My bare feet thudded against the pavement, I passed a sign with the words written in carmine and bold, No hookers, or druggies. Well written.

I continued at my pace, but I wasn't sure where the hell I was going. I didn't exactly have a home of my own, Millie and I would usually sleep on the beach under the trees. But now, I wasn't sure where Millie was, and that always meant trouble for me.

I needed Millie for survival, afterall, she was my older sister. Only by four years; making her eighteen and me fourteen.

I wasn't exactly lucky growing up as a child, with a drunken father and a confused mother, it was way too hectic. I know it sounds cliche, but that's how I became a walking disaster.

I knew walking out of the house for the last time with Millie, I would have to do things that I didn't want to. And Millie warned me, she nailed it into my head until I couldn't take it anymore. I know that if I don't do what I'm told, Millie would look down at me and tell me, "I told you so." Those are the four words I dread, and want to avoid. Especially coming from Millie's mouth.

I was suprised at how quiet the streets were tonight, especially how late it was, I wasn't exactly sure what time it was, but I knew it was late. And that's always when they come out.

Who? You ask. It's simple; murderers, the perverts. Not just the usual that fuck you and throw you out, but personally keep you as their pets and torture you until death.

I wasn't exactly sure where we lived, but I knew all the circumstances, and it wasn't very pretty.
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